I met Utada after the concert

Posted by TengokuSan on 2010/2/3 16:17:29
While all of you are talking about how you stood in line for several hours and blah blah blah. I got there at 8:30PM and I was pretty close to the front.


It was good to see many Japanese people and annoying to see the wannabe Japanese white and black kids.

I don't drink alcohol but I drank and got a little drunk.
My friends said I was extra crazy and funny because I talked to everyone around me.
I'm usually shy but when the few rare times I drink I get drunk easily.
I drank barely 1/4 a glass of Long Island and I was already buzzed

During the concert when it was real quiet after she finished a song I yelled out, kekkon shite (I just realized this "utada" website doesn't take japanese characters :rolling eyes: means, "Will you marry me?" in English. She heard me and looked at me. She translated to the crowd what I said in Japanese and she jokingly responded, "Hmm, that's a really tough decision, I can't give you an answer right now".

I met her after the concert at her hotel and she autographed my poster!


I really enjoyed talking to this Japanese girl who lives near me. We spoke in Japanese and we both agree that wannabe Japanese kids who watch anime' and try so hard to act and look Japanese are highlly annoying.

Re: I met Utada after the concert

Posted by TurtleFu on 2010/2/3 16:44:16
Congratulations on meeting Utada, but...

Congratulations on being a HUGE a-hole. So only Japanese people can be fans of Utada, and any non-Japanese person who likes Japanese things is a "wannabe Japanese"?
I like pizza but that doesn't make me a "wannabe Italian".

Re: I met Utada after the concert

Posted by AlyMayhem on 2010/2/3 17:02:58
That's so funny because I was just talking to someone in English about people who think they're better then other people are highly annoying and are huge dirty bags.

You're a jerk, just so you know.

Bakayaro. I hope you can understand that since it's in romaji. I know it's a big concern of yours.

Re: I met Utada after the concert

Posted by 山本_passion on 2010/2/3 17:07:45
Ok even though i am japanese.. I think this is really offending. Geez you are a real jerk u know that? seriously bragging about this and that what you did. I have many friends who like Japanese and Asian things and they aren't Japanese but that doesn't mean they are wannabe japanese people. and dude this site does accept japanese characters. Just because someone is asian or not asian does not mean you are better than them.

Re: I met Utada after the concert

Posted by a_kikoo on 2010/2/3 17:18:54
First you brag about meeting Utada. I met her too but I didn't make a whole new thread about it.
Then you talk about "Japanese wannabes"??? I'm full Japanese also and I find this offending. Just because people like Japanese, that doesn't make them wannabes. Its their own decision if they want to look and act like them.

Re: I met Utada after the concert

Posted by dnutt on 2010/2/3 17:42:36
c'mon man, they do it because they're free to do so. people will do whatever makes them happy. don't dog them for that. are you gonna dog Utada for making R&B music in Japan? will you call her a wannabe American for doing so? what about all the breakdancers and rockabilly people in Japan? are they wannabe's too?

Re: I met Utada after the concert

Posted by omegax47 on 2010/2/3 17:54:56
OUCH! wow man people cant change what they like. I happen to like Jpop, anime, and am learning japanese but that does that make me a wannabe?

Re: I met Utada after the concert

Posted by buzzyrecky on 2010/2/3 18:17:08

Re: I met Utada after the concert

Posted by tokyokid on 2010/2/3 18:30:22
I met her after the concert at her hotel and she autographed my poster!

how did you know what hotel she was staying at?

Re: I met Utada after the concert

Posted by meekobiscuit on 2010/2/3 18:32:01

TengokuSan wrote:
While all of you are talking about how you stood in line for several hours and blah blah blah. I got there at 8:30PM and I was pretty close to the front.


It was good to see many Japanese people and annoying to see the wannabe Japanese white and black kids.

I don't drink alcohol but I drank and got a little drunk.
My friends said I was extra crazy and funny because I talked to everyone around me.
I'm usually shy but when the few rare times I drink I get drunk easily.
I drank barely 1/4 a glass of Long Island and I was already buzzed

During the concert when it was real quiet after she finished a song I yelled out, kekkon shite (I just realized this "utada" website doesn't take japanese characters :rolling eyes: means, "Will you marry me?" in English. She heard me and looked at me. She translated to the crowd what I said in Japanese and she jokingly responded, "Hmm, that's a really tough decision, I can't give you an answer right now".

I met her after the concert at her hotel and she autographed my poster!


I really enjoyed talking to this Japanese girl who lives near me. We spoke in Japanese and we both agree that wannabe Japanese kids who watch anime' and try so hard to act and look Japanese are highlly annoying.

I'm Japanese and I'm so disgusted by this maniac.

First of all, all you have to do to see that this jerk-off is conceited is look at his name, "TengokuSan". This means Mr. Heaven. TengokuSan, your attitude is anything but heavenly. Just from your name, you can tell that you're extremely narcissistic. No one cares about the fact that you're a lightweight and can't hold your liquor. I'm sure everyone around you was really annoyed with your loud drunken antics during the concert. Hikki was probably freaked out that you knew where she was staying. Are you a stalker? Are you going to go home and pleasure yourself to her picture?

I hope you like being judged by a complete stranger, because you seem to take such pleasure in doing so yourself.

This Post was from: http://www.utadanet.com/newbb/viewtopic.php?forum=22&topic_id=4400