Utada Played in Old Navy

Posted by OnTheJohn on 2009/7/2 0:36:07
I was just walking around old navy when suddenly I heard the beginning of "Apple and Cinnamon" (my favorite song off the new cd) and at first I didn't recognize it because i'd never expect to hear her songs outside of my bedroom or car, then when I realized what song it was I got extremely excited. I ran and told my mom and my sister and all my friends on AIM that she was playing. I got so excited, in fact, that I took this picture:

BTW, Hi my name's John, I've been reading these forums for awhile now but I just never posted.

I've also loved Utada since she was randomly on the top albums chart on Rhapsody right after exodus came out. I own that cd and all her cds since. :)

(i'm a total fanboy)

Re: Utada Played in Old Navy

Posted by BokuWaDevil光 on 2009/7/2 0:40:43
LMAO. I love how exited you got in the picture.
I'm so gonna go to Ola Navy and wait for Utada to play. Even though there's a slim chance that my nearest Old Navy would play her just because yours did but I just wanna see lol

Re: Utada Played in Old Navy

Posted by Unregistered on 2009/7/2 0:47:46
Nice!! hahaha.... and welcome to the club....

Re: Utada Played in Old Navy

Posted by IceAngel on 2009/7/2 1:01:22
Hehe I love the excitement in the picture. How did the people in the shop react lol?

Re: Utada Played in Old Navy

Posted by OnTheJohn on 2009/7/2 1:17:56
they continued shopping like normal and didnt even notice. hahaha except my sister, she loved it!

Re: Utada Played in Old Navy

Posted by Pips_Paradise on 2009/7/2 1:18:54
Hi John I can see what you have had for Breakfast, Shame it was not CBTM then you could have waltzed with your Mum lol

Re: Utada Played in Old Navy

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2009/7/2 2:23:23
omg tats awesome! i wish malls near my place would play her songs! espically A&C!! omg my fav song on the album! >.<

love the pic too lolz ur very lucky

Re: Utada Played in Old Navy

Posted by hikkifanraul on 2009/7/2 6:26:23
nice. im so proud to have an Old Navy jacket lol.. and I'm a fan of Utada too... welcome dude XD

Re: Utada Played in Old Navy

Posted by Studebaker on 2009/7/2 13:36:07
One time I heard Simple and Clean at an IKEA, and I went apeshit too. lol

You look very cute, by the way. *cough*

Re: Utada Played in Old Navy

Posted by Shurikid on 2009/7/2 17:58:22

Studebaker wrote:
You look very cute, by the way. *cough*

I second that statement!
Although you also look a lot like my best friend's younger brother, which is weird.
It's cool that you heard A&C in Old Navy. I never would have because I don't shop at corporate chains, but that's kind of exciting anyway. I just hope it doesn't mean A&C is the next planned single. (Not another ballad, please, IDJ!) <.<;
This reminds me of when I heard CBTM on the radio back in March and I totally flipped. It was the first and last time, but boy was it magical. xD
If only the shoppers had taken notice! You should have hijacked the customer service line and been like, "IT'S UTADA, EVERYBODY!" You probably could have gotten three words out before security beat you down. ;]


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