About Hikki's disappear

Posted by barried on 2009/7/13 1:35:41
Hikki has been disappeared for about 2 months now, with no information and news at all except when she was sick. Is it possible that the news that she was sick was a fake news? Because she's definately will give information to her fans when she got recovered.
This just made me think that maybe she was joining some kind of reality show that took a lot of time and she was contracted to not spoil anything about the show.
And I just check this recently,

usually that show's contestants don't be allowed to spoil anything until the show is aired, the production took time about 2-3 months. And the timing is just perfect >_<

I just wondering by the way

Re: About Hikki's disappear

Posted by fhenymore on 2009/7/13 1:48:00
ahhmmm... i dont think so

Re: About Hikkis disappear

Posted by Hikki4life4ever on 2009/7/13 2:25:24
I know Utada is more about music than TV,

Re: About Hikki's disappear

Posted by paisith on 2009/7/13 2:25:31
That's hard to believe she will do like that.
Don't forgot 2 weeks ago she still work in Japan by the news and before this I've knew a little bit she was recovery in Japan too.And I think it's difficult for TV showing's team to follow up her cross a country.But if this suspicion is truth.I don't have any comments!

Re: About Hikki's disappear

Posted by Ryu-Sakura on 2009/7/13 2:33:50
i highly doubt shed be on the amazing race...

and i dont think shed put out false information, 'specially since it was in the middle of promotion, i believe she would want to be at the release of TITO

Re: About Hikki's disappear

Posted by Pips_Paradise on 2009/7/13 3:48:20
I can?t think of a reason why EMI Japan, Universal, U3 management, or Hikki herself would want to fake illness, especially because it would undoubtedly cause fans worry and stress.

I have been in Japan now for a week or so, I been trying to catch up on everything Hikki from family and friends etc, Hikki fans here, seem to thoroughly enjoy Hikki playing ?hard to get?, although I did notice a sort of polite frustration when news stories conflict, and Hikki made a point of attending the AKB48 concert with Mika, making sure the moment was captured in a photo call. I convinced to tell everybody ?I?m ok?.

I would like to think that soon fans will be able to hear the fruits of the reported studio session with Rafael Moreira, (unconfirmed), and with everything crossed, a revival of sorts with TITO.

The calm Japanese acceptance of famous media celebrities wayward eccentricities, is irritating and a pure cop-out, I have a suspicion that the millions of Hikki fans here are boiling over emotionally, just that they have a much longer fuse, and pack it down inside so later the frustration comes flooding out by the bucket load?

Hikki is 26, lots of time as a musician and song writer to develop?..

To Quote a past post from: seraphim, that examples a quote also from Hikki about her past periods of blog silence :

And if you want to see a long newsless time, check the blog translation site archive. You can see from 2004 April all the way to 2005 January, she had no blog posts whatsoever (and nothing Japanese released too! Exodus came out in the middle there with little to no fanfare as we all know) while her comeback post gave no explanation of why she was away for so long.Quote: http://hikki.blogspot.com/2005/01/long-time-no-see.htmlIt's been so long since I last updated that I'd been embarrassed to update here again. . . It's something like those appreciative words "it's delicious" or "thank you" that the husband of the married couple with poor communications for a long time is hesitant to tell his wife. . . that kind of stuff. (I'm still the same when trying to explain things)And I don't think the Hikki entourage is purposefully staying quiet. When you're working and in the business world, two months can go by REALLY quickly without you even realizing that two months have gone by. Sure, it seems long to us fans because we're WAITING, but when you're working and have so much on your plate, it can easily fly by without notice.

Hikki can be blissfully nonchalant??.

Re: About Hikki's disappear

Posted by SwallowTail on 2009/7/13 4:18:55
Hmmm nah i don't think so

Re: About Hikkis disappear

Posted by Studebaker on 2009/7/13 8:57:10
This is, like, the billionth topic expressing worry. Sheesh, if we're not bored, we're worried. Talk about dynamics here.

The Amazing Race theory gave me a laugh though.

Re: About Hikkis disappear

Posted by LoBFCanti on 2009/7/14 1:22:30

Studebaker wrote:
This is, like, the billionth topic expressing worry. Sheesh, if we're not bored, we're worried. Talk about dynamics here.

The Amazing Race theory gave me a laugh though.

Well I don't even have to post.I was gonna say the same thing.

Re: About Hikkis disappear

Posted by dral on 2009/7/15 7:38:31
Amazing Race?! I will love to watch her on it though.

honestly, i don't think anyone has any idea where is she. but i hope she don't appear out of nowhere and says she just married to xxx and went on her honeymoon. not that she's not capable of that...

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