Does Utada have an OFFICIAL Twitter?

Posted by Unregistered on 2009/9/24 13:32:52
I caved in and signed up for Twitter today. Does Hikki have an OFFICIAL - i.e. not fan-run - Twitter? For that matter, does UtadaNet have a Twitter? Goodness knows you all keep up with her faster than I do!

Re: Does Utada have an OFFICIAL Twitter?

Posted by BokuWaDevil光 on 2009/9/24 16:09:42
I don't think so, I remember her saying that Twitter is stupid and useless (She didn't say those words exactly but on those lines) But I she might have one, I could be wrong. Twitter is somewhat fun ain't it? lol

Re: Does Utada have an OFFICIAL Twitter?

Posted by FunkyStrawberries on 2009/9/24 19:38:32
I don't have a Twitter, nor do I like Twitter.
I might be disappointed if she got one, but then that would disappear and I would probably think it was exciting, and would most likely get a Twitter to be able to follow hers.
Does that make me some kind of hypocrite? D:

Re: Does Utada have an OFFICIAL Twitter?

Posted by BokuWaDevil光 on 2009/9/24 20:27:15

FunkyStrawberries wrote:
I don't have a Twitter, nor do I like Twitter.
I might be disappointed if she got one, but then that would disappear and I would probably think it was exciting, and would most likely get a Twitter to be able to follow hers.
Does that make me some kind of hypocrite? D:

A little yes, lol But I too used to think twitter was stupid and it used to make me paranoid because knowing that the whole world is gonna see what ever your doing it creepy. but my friend got me hooked and i only let me ppl see my tweet if i know them or if i wanna get to know them so its cool

Re: Does Utada have an OFFICIAL Twitter?

Posted by percypenn on 2009/9/24 20:32:36
hikaru mentioned in one interview that she does not have a twitter account and does not have plans in having one. maybe she finds it bothersome, besides she already has her official websites.

Re: Does Utada have an OFFICIAL Twitter?

Posted by ramenbox on 2009/9/24 22:40:11
I don't like Twitter too but it'd be interesting if she has one. At least fans can keep up with her easier, provided she Twits in English.

Yeah, having MySpace and her U3 blogs are already difficult enough for her to update them often. (but she has been quite active lately, ay?)

Re: Does Utada have an OFFICIAL Twitter?

Posted by a_kikoo on 2009/9/24 23:26:46

ramenbox wrote:
I don't like Twitter too but it'd be interesting if she has one. At least fans can keep up with her easier, provided she Twits in English.

Yeah, having MySpace and her U3 blogs are already difficult enough for her to update them often. (but she has been quite active lately, ay?)

She's been active in her blogs. I don't know if she goes on myspace herself. A lot of musicians have someone else take care of their myspace. I'm not a big fan of twitter. I know a lot of celebrities in the U.S. use it. So it'll be interesting if hikki used it herself. Though I doubt she will.

Re: Does Utada have an OFFICIAL Twitter?

Posted by Unregistered on 2009/9/25 4:01:15
Yeah, I kinda figured her blog was the only real official thing Utada does. But I just wanted to double-check just in case my memory was wrong.

Re: Does Utada have an OFFICIAL Twitter?

Posted by SwallowTail on 2009/9/25 4:15:30
I think she doesn't have twitter , and twitter can be uncontrollable. This what i've seen at U-Blog Twitter.

Sry but i have to move this thread to general Utada discussion since it is not a news

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