
Posted by Whatsername on 2006/4/19 17:01:03
Hello! Well, you have another newbie on your hands. I won't be any trouble, though, I promise. ^_^ My name is Kourtni (pronounced the same as Courtney), I'm 16, and I live in the southeastern U.S. I've been a fan of Asian culture (and anime) for as long as I can remember but only a fan of J-music and Hikki for about 2 years. I discovered her through the lovely Kingdom Hearts and couldn't help but listen to all her music prior to KH. It's one of my goals in life to learn Japanese so I can understand all the great entertainment Japan has to offer (not to mention, I just think it's pretty). I know a few words and phrases here and there, but not enough to really account for much. Well, I'll shut up now. I'm sure I've said plenty! ^_^"

Re: Hello!

Posted by Oneechan on 2006/4/19 18:29:35
I learned about Hikki through Kingdom Hearts too! I would've been so clueless. I also learned about her by looking at a BIG poster in San Francisco. I didn't really know about her so I thought they were two different people. -_-;; Haha!

Welcome to UtadaNet!!! Have fun as much as I do! X3

Re: Hello!

Posted by Hikaru175 on 2006/4/19 18:57:48
Konnichiwa, Im a newbie to, my name is Juan Carlos, I live in Puerto Rico and Hiki has changed my life lol. Iv been a fan of hers since Kingdom Hearts (Arigato-Gozaimasu Kingdom Hearts!). I'm learning Japanese, because I like it very much, its very inspiering.

Re: Hello!

Posted by Bizzaro on 2006/4/19 20:29:29
The best way to learn a language is immersion - you guys should make it your goal to go to Japan this summer - than you can see Hikki in concert!!!

Re: Hello!

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/4/20 12:50:52
Cool glad to have both of you guys here. Post a bunch okay? And enjoy your stay here! xD

Re: Hello!

Posted by Whatsername on 2006/4/20 20:38:43

Bizzaro wrote:
The best way to learn a language is immersion - you guys should make it your goal to go to Japan this summer - than you can see Hikki in concert!!!

I've thought about that!!! But I'm a poor kid and it just doesn't seem that possible, but I'm still dying to go.

Re: Hello!

Posted by Bizzaro on 2006/4/21 17:33:14
If you are still in high school, you should check out YFU's scholarships - they have a lot of them to Japan. Look around the site and see!

Re: Hello!

Posted by Whatsername on 2006/4/21 19:16:12
Ummm, what exactly is YFU? And thank you!

Re: Hello!

Posted by Bizzaro on 2006/4/21 23:17:55
Oh sorry. They are a study abroad program for high school students that has a lot of scholarships available.


Re: Hello!

Posted by -kairi- on 2006/4/22 5:56:47
Hello!!! And welcome to this forum!!
I hope you enjoy your stay here and... post a lot!!!
See ya around the forum!!

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