satthew satthew satthew

Posted by satthew on 2006/5/8 19:39:35
hey all, you might have noticed that this is satthew, the subject pretty much explains that, well anyway can't be bothered typing a long intro since I already done that and it didn't work out, so I'll just give you all the gist of what I typed in earlier. which is that I became a fan through Kingdom hearts, although hearing the simple and clean a few years ago wasn't enough to get me finding out more bout Utada Hikaru, Passion was the song that done it, and yes it is used as the theme song for Kingdom Hearts 2. Am also a fan of anime and Final Fantasy, both are pretty much my hobbies, also I play the guitar and take part in sports and working out. Well that's pretty much my life laid out there. Gonna go to Uni after this Summer to do software engineering, which will transform me into the full blown geek who always carries around a laptop and to make it worse i already wear glasses. Currently it's 3:36 am which is pretty late and it's a school night, so sigh I doubt am goona go to school tommorrow but it's alright since there's only two days left before am out of high school. Which also makes me probably the oldest one on the site, more sighs. Anyway am gonna stop the intro now, it's getting pretty long, and I bet there are already some who have stopped reading, so bubi for now and for those who have read this entire intro, thanks I guess.


P.S.just a little extra fact, am a BBC anyone here a BBC or a ABC. Hope I haven't confused anyone, if so apologies.

Re: satthew satthew satthew

Posted by Q on 2006/5/8 22:30:26
Hey! welcome!

... you are by far NOT the oldest one here.
... CBC...


Re: satthew satthew satthew

Posted by tombraiderjmm on 2006/5/9 0:43:29
Man, you're not old, I'm about to be 20 this year. X_x I'm pretty much dead already. xD But that's cool nice to meet ya, enjoy your stay. Man I want to learn the guitar so badly. So me and my friend are going to practice, yay! And glasses are cute on guys, LOL God! I've fallen for guys with glasses so many times, it's too hard to count. Okay enough of that. Welcome and enjoy your stay~!

Re: satthew satthew satthew

Posted by berryz on 2006/5/9 1:45:51
eh, your intro isnt that long. i read it all (im so proud of myself!). LOL, by the time your in uni youll probably look like Dexter!
yeah, anywayz welcome to, so many people become a Hikaru fan through KH, i think this should be turned into a KH forum.

Re: satthew satthew satthew

Posted by satthew on 2006/5/9 7:30:20
horray that's quite a relief to know, and just thought I add that I could go on for longer, my whims at typing pointless stories/blogs/nonsense is pretty good, even if I do say so myself, but it does take use up some time. Maybe I should post a topic full of it but that may annoy the admnins and Mods here so probably not lol...... anyway thanks for the welcome nice to know am not the oldest one here, just amongst the older generation, and that there are other BBCs/ABCs/CBCs (apologies for not noting CBCs in my intro).

Re: satthew satthew satthew

Posted by Bizzaro on 2006/5/9 7:34:26
Ahahaha dork.

And I am already in Uni but I am not old, just fabulous. Old is like 40. Are you 40?!?!?! (ewww.. creepy)

And dont worry, once you graduate college you'll make a lot more money than most of your peers - so much for being a dork! Unless you drop out, in which case you might make significantly less, live in your mothers basement, and try to pick up chicks that are way out of your league through the internet. Oh, the sad sad fate that awaits you...

My 399th post!

Re: satthew satthew satthew

Posted by satthew on 2006/5/9 7:37:20
oh forgot to add hope you like the new photos I uploaded on the site (yup I done my research on her, born in 1983, released 3 singles by 12 or something like that,lives in New York and still in Uni lol, I'll stop now), found in the misc. part since am not sure if they were used for magazines, newspaper, promo etc... so I thought brighten the misc area since it was really kind of irrelevant, well to me anyway but that'll probably prove me to be ignorant,if so more apologies.

Re: satthew satthew satthew

Posted by satthew on 2006/5/9 7:41:48

Bizzaro wrote:
Ahahaha dork.

And I am already in Uni but I am not old, just fabulous. Old is like 40. Are you 40?!?!?! (ewww.. creepy)

And dont worry, once you graduate college you'll make a lot more money than most of your peers - so much for being a dork! Unless you drop out, in which case you might make significantly less, live in your mothers basement, and try to pick up chicks that are way out of your league through the internet. Oh, the sad sad fate that awaits you...

My 399th post!

ouch thanks for that, I'll keep that in mind

Re: satthew satthew satthew

Posted by Bizzaro on 2006/5/9 7:44:26
Oh, I was just teasing.

Thanks for the photos!!

And I almost forgot - welcome, welcome!

Re: satthew satthew satthew

Posted by satthew on 2006/5/9 8:23:08

Bizzaro wrote:
Oh, I was just teasing.

Thanks for the photos!!

And I almost forgot - welcome, welcome!

this was just any excuse to post since now I've posted 9 which means I can use an avatar now yay. anyway no problem Bizzaro , just hope everyone likes them ok. I'll get some more since I've recieved such a nice welcome from the people here lol. anyway, out for now

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