Taekwondo Lessons

Posted by TiffyKitty on 2008/1/19 18:27:19
Yeah, ummm I've been interested in martial arts for some time now. I've just never had the guts to actually ask my parents about taking lessons (I really have a hard time talking to them about any type of lessons). I find myself more interested in taekwondo than jeet kune do/karate/etc. Not that they would make a huge difference to me, but yeah. I really don't know how to suddenly suggest the idea to my parents. Any advice? :/

I also have realized this is not one of my sudden impulsive moments, since I really AM interested.

I've been taking afterschool art classes every Wednesday for 3 years now, but I think I might drop that. I'm not learning much new and I can always take it for free at school once I'm in highschool. I told my mom about this idea, and said it would also help save money (it's around $30 a month, every wednesday of each week). She understands and said it might be a good idea. So I might not take it anymore next year.

Which means maybe I can take taekwondo lessons to sort of substitute for it? Even though it'll probably be a lot more expensive...I really don't know how to suggest this idea! My parents have never had anything against martial arts, and particularly my brother likes it and a bit for my dad. (he doesn't take lessons though)

It was really a disaster when I asked to take guitar lessons a while back, and it got into some huge lecture about satanic rock music...(Don't ask. -__________-) So I gave up on that. ):

PLEASE help if you can. Thankss.

Re: Taekwondo Lessons

Posted by Idle_mind on 2008/1/19 19:31:00
Maybe while watching a martial arts movie together, you ask your mom or dad "do you think anybody gets seriously injured doing martial arts as a sport? Like taekwondo in the olymipcs?

Re: Taekwondo Lessons

Posted by Unregistered on 2008/1/19 21:03:07
Kitty, consider again if you really want to study tae kwon do.

If you do, just ask your parents directly and honestly. Using a roundabout method to ask the same question just wastes time.

Re: Taekwondo Lessons

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2008/1/20 0:29:19
well if u really want to learn taekwondo then just quit the art class since ur not learning anything for the past 3 years lolz for taekwondo lesson ^^

just ask ur parents use ur bro to help out too if u could lolz

Re: Taekwondo Lessons

Posted by Roscoe on 2008/1/20 9:52:16
Who wouldn't want their kid to learn a musical instrument?

Anyway, I took karate for several years and enjoyed it. I had friends who took TKD, also. It's a lot of kicking, they really enjoyed it.

Re: Taekwondo Lessons

Posted by TiffyKitty on 2008/1/20 10:17:40
@ <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3: Yeah I'm pretty sure I won't take it anymore next year.

And I really like both karate/taekwondo, but I like kicking better so that's why I didn't choose karate. (:

Re: Taekwondo Lessons

Posted by Unregistered on 2008/1/20 16:00:05
here's an idea, your a girl and you need to be able to "defend" yourself properly. sell the "defend" angle to them, maybe they will go for it. i never took any kind off "official" defense classes but my dad was very adamant about me being able to fend for myself physically. therefore he taught me how to fight, and i mean fight. i've gotten suspended from school quite a few times for punching out peoples teeth' when they f**k with me.

Re: Taekwondo Lessons

Posted by S0ySauce on 2008/1/20 18:13:31
My friends know taekwondo, and they say it involves a lot of push ups. Don't know why since they do a lot more kicking, though.

I know it's not helpful at all but it was super impressive to see him twirl around and kick an apple in mid-air.

Re: Taekwondo Lessons

Posted by TiffyKitty on 2008/1/20 20:50:18
Yeah, most girls at my school think fighting is for guys only or they say it's "barbaric" and "unlady-like" but I disagree. :/ I've had a lot of my teachers get mad at me just because I hardly push someone. -________-

I've yet to search and find out if there even IS a taekwondo instructor somewhere in my town...Bummer if not. >________>;

I was thinking of maybe flat out asking my parents to take lessons for my birthday present? But I already asked for something else. I don't plan on "beating around the bush" and trying not to just say it to their face, but I just don't know when is a good time to ask.

Re: Taekwondo Lessons

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2008/1/20 21:18:32
i like both punching and kicking

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