The Guardian Chronicles

Posted by Kiynteyh on 2008/9/7 5:43:26
i've started writing my own story and decided to steal soralistic's idea and stayed up all night to create a site dedicated to The Guardian Chronicles... i'll be posting my story there as i write it.. i'd really love for you guys to check it out if u get the time... comments and constructive critisism would be appriciated d(^-^)b is another link to the site that seems to work better cuz i've been having trouble getting the other link to load... not sure if its just me but just incase...

Re: The Guardian Chronicles

Posted by Roscoe on 2008/9/7 5:56:04
Not too shabby!

Re: The Guardian Chronicles

Posted by Kiynteyh on 2008/9/7 6:20:47
domo arigato

Re: The Guardian Chronicles

Posted by neXus on 2008/9/7 16:46:28
Can't wait for the next chapter!

Being Constructive: Use spellcheck

Re: The Guardian Chronicles

Posted by Kiynteyh on 2008/9/8 17:37:34
that reminds me... i never got to revise the story after i typed it up... i fell asleep i'll get right on that

also i'll be adding more to the first chapter shortly

Re: The Guardian Chronicles

Posted by SwallowTail on 2008/9/8 19:33:31
I read it.. hmm will the main char have accompany in her journey. I hope there is a big epic pict, when she on a huge battle againts the tyrany. That will be cool ^o^.

Re: The Guardian Chronicles

Posted by Kiynteyh on 2008/9/9 16:35:30
at first the story kinda reflects on Kye's personal problems and how the 2 boys (which are Calvin and Devin if u didnt figure it out from the prologe) help her along with her friend Lindsey learn to accept things for what they are but also teach them that they can take destiny into their own hands.... later in the story, things get switched up abit when Cal and Dev reveal everything to Kye about the whole Guardian of Destiny thing and that they arent from her dimension and need her help to defeat this dark lord thats overtaking their realm.... so what appears to be a normal story at first takes a really drastic change and what not.. the ending is a bit of a shocker too.. atleast its gonna be

Re: The Guardian Chronicles

Posted by SwallowTail on 2008/9/10 1:08:43

Kiynteyh wrote:
at first the story kinda reflects on Kye's personal problems and how the 2 boys (which are Calvin and Devin if u didnt figure it out from the prologe) help her along with her friend Lindsey learn to accept things for what they are but also teach them that they can take destiny into their own hands.... later in the story, things get switched up abit when Cal and Dev reveal everything to Kye about the whole Guardian of Destiny thing and that they arent from her dimension and need her help to defeat this dark lord thats overtaking their realm.... so what appears to be a normal story at first takes a really drastic change and what not.. the ending is a bit of a shocker too.. atleast its gonna be

waaaaaa u spoil the ending T-T, that's no cool when u said the ending will be shock. Coz on my mind lot of negative ending right now and it will be pipipipipipipipipipipipipipipipi nahhh I wont tell it. ^o^

Re: The Guardian Chronicles

Posted by Kiynteyh on 2008/9/12 17:26:10
lol im sry XD but just because its a shocker doesnt mean its gonna be a bad ending

Re: The Guardian Chronicles

Posted by SwallowTail on 2008/9/12 20:15:55
I see well I'm glad 2 hear it, actually I like fiction story... u know, I can imagine if the story become an anime like that ^o^. My imagination fly over the universe.

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