who would win a fight?????????????

Posted by ericjr215 on 2006/12/21 11:42:38

Who would win in a fight?????/ Hikki!!!!!!!, ayumi hamanasty, Namie Amuro, or koda kumi

Ok i think hikki would win of course because shes from new york lol no but hikaru isnt like a girly girly type like the rest i bet she could kick some ARSE!!!! lol but i think koda kumi would beat namie and ayumi but then hikki would get her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what do you think?????????????????????????????????????????//////////
????????????????????????? HIKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Re: who would win a fight?????????????

Posted by Kangrui on 2006/12/21 20:05:33
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Re: who would win a fight?????????????

Posted by vicky on 2006/12/22 1:07:44
wad kind of fight is tis?

Re: who would win a fight?????????????

Posted by ericjr215 on 2006/12/22 15:39:31
ok rugerui or what ever ur name is calm down ok all i did was press the new topic button ok so take a freakin chill pill ad its a fist fight between the singers and the talented godess hikki!!!!!!

Re: who would win a fight?????????????

Posted by vicky on 2006/12/22 18:21:28
can i say none?

Re: who would win a fight?????????????

Posted by xeno_13 on 2007/1/4 11:12:25
well i dont noe but if urr tokin like arguing fight Hikki-chan will win hands down cuz she would just awe them with her extensive vocab and grammar both in eng n jap!

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