kinki kids

Posted by jreuij on 2007/6/14 23:15:37
can somebody tell me who they are?
my friends are so into them or him, don't know actually...
are they good?
what's their kind of music?

Re: kinki kids

Posted by vicky on 2007/6/14 23:33:43
they r a popular group of 2...
2 vocalist named domoto tsuyoshi n domoto koichi..
dun b fool by their surname name but they arent blood brothers..
they hv been singin since 10~12yrs ago if im not wrg

Re: kinki kids

Posted by jreuij on 2007/6/14 23:43:10
oh, i see thanks...
wait, they're old???
when you say popular, popular meaning they got numerous hits?

Re: kinki kids

Posted by laijunjie14 on 2007/6/15 9:27:47
well they have been singing since 199x.

Re: kinki kids

Posted by Roscoe on 2007/6/15 16:36:42
I think I've heard their stuff before, but I didn't care much for it. Usually if I'm curious about a group, I'll turn on for a bit and request one of the group's songs. It's a pretty good jpop station, they have a great library. I mean, during the rush hours sometimes people will request a lot of crappy anime OP's, but the super happy fun jpop hour is great. I'm sure you could find Kiki Kids and listen to a few of their albums.

Re: kinki kids

Posted by jreuij on 2007/6/15 21:02:53
ok thanks...

i was just wondering if either they're good or just good looking...

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