"Boku Wa Kuma" and/or "The Flavor of Life" Piano Sheets >< 2nd Quest
Posted by valefor6879 on 2007/1/31 19:50:35
1st one didn't turn out well ._. ... no one had "Be My Last" OR "Keep Trying" X_x... so hopefully, at least one of these two would come up...
Re: "Boku Wa Kuma" and/or "The Flavor of Life" Piano Sheets >< 2nd Quest
Posted by IceAngel on 2007/1/31 23:46:22
I would do my own sheet music for Boku Wa Kuma but I only know the 1st 2 chords.....so if I figure out the rest, I'll try and do the sheet music. Thats IF i figure it out.
Re: "Boku Wa Kuma" and/or "The Flavor of Life" Piano Sheets >< 2nd Quest
Posted by vicky on 2007/2/1 5:42:26
so wad is ur main point?
Re: "Boku Wa Kuma" and/or "The Flavor of Life" Piano Sheets >< 2nd Quest
Posted by valefor6879 on 2007/2/7 21:36:51
To find these two music! :O And okie Icy, good luck ::wishes you luck:: >_< While you do that I'll figure out how to work my dang vid. cam. >_>
Re: "Boku Wa Kuma" and/or "The Flavor of Life" Piano Sheets >< 2nd Quest
Posted by laijunjie14 on 2007/2/8 10:52:00
damn utadanet females are all piano prodigies...
Re: "Boku Wa Kuma" and/or "The Flavor of Life" Piano Sheets >< 2nd Quest
Posted by valefor6879 on 2007/2/26 21:07:42
Nothing ;-;... this is hard.
Re: "Boku Wa Kuma" and/or "The Flavor of Life" Piano Sheets >< 2nd Quest
Posted by vicky on 2007/2/27 5:49:59
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