Re: [Translate] Utada Hikaru Saves ____

Posted by soulhunter14 on 2008/6/18 4:14:00

albel-the-wicked wrote:

soulhunter14 wrote:

albel-the-wicked wrote:
well basicly it says that hikki saved emis butt
it is about the salecharts og prisoner of love and heart station that they sold it for 1.000.000 pieces and that prisoner of love (known for the drama serie last friends)
is sold for a 15.000.000 is downloaded from ineternet and that they earned a total of!) japanese yen because of hikaru^^ if i made a mistake somewere or i forgot about something please let anyone correct me my chinese isnt also that good but i manage^^.V
hope i helped you^^.V



u can read chinese albel?

well i am trying so far^^.V
i am working in an chinese restaurant as a partime job and well i learn a thing of 2 there

true? wow that's great did u translate that urself? or u have a friend to translate that?

Re: [Translate] Utada Hikaru Saves ____

Posted by Unregistered on 2008/6/18 1:21:13

soulhunter14 wrote:

albel-the-wicked wrote:
well basicly it says that hikki saved emis butt
it is about the salecharts og prisoner of love and heart station that they sold it for 1.000.000 pieces and that prisoner of love (known for the drama serie last friends)
is sold for a 15.000.000 is downloaded from ineternet and that they earned a total of!) japanese yen because of hikaru^^ if i made a mistake somewere or i forgot about something please let anyone correct me my chinese isnt also that good but i manage^^.V
hope i helped you^^.V



u can read chinese albel?

well i am trying so far^^.V
i am working in an chinese restaurant as a partime job and well i learn a thing of 2 there

Re: [Translate] Utada Hikaru Saves ____

Posted by soulhunter14 on 2008/6/18 0:02:09

albel-the-wicked wrote:
well basicly it says that hikki saved emis butt
it is about the salecharts og prisoner of love and heart station that they sold it for 1.000.000 pieces and that prisoner of love (known for the drama serie last friends)
is sold for a 15.000.000 is downloaded from ineternet and that they earned a total of!) japanese yen because of hikaru^^ if i made a mistake somewere or i forgot about something please let anyone correct me my chinese isnt also that good but i manage^^.V
hope i helped you^^.V



u can read chinese albel?

Re: [Translate] Utada Hikaru Saves ____

Posted by <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3 on 2008/6/16 0:11:08

albel-the-wicked wrote:
well basicly it says that hikki saved emis butt
it is about the salecharts og prisoner of love and heart station that they sold it for 1.000.000 pieces and that prisoner of love (known for the drama serie last friends)
is sold for a 15.000.000 is downloaded from ineternet and that they earned a total of!) japanese yen because of hikaru^^ if i made a mistake somewere or i forgot about something please let anyone correct me my chinese isnt also that good but i manage^^.V
hope i helped you^^.V



thx for the translations albel =) i only can read some of it not all

Re: [Translate] Utada Hikaru Saves ____

Posted by Erith on 2008/6/15 9:49:16
and also there's this guy who currently remains as mr M and is a producer. Apparently she enjoys working with him and won't leave EMI if he's still there.

Could there be something more to that?

Re: [Translate] Utada Hikaru Saves ____

Posted by Unregistered on 2008/6/15 8:57:56
well basicly it says that hikki saved emis butt
it is about the salecharts og prisoner of love and heart station that they sold it for 1.000.000 pieces and that prisoner of love (known for the drama serie last friends)
is sold for a 15.000.000 is downloaded from ineternet and that they earned a total of!) japanese yen because of hikaru^^ if i made a mistake somewere or i forgot about something please let anyone correct me my chinese isnt also that good but i manage^^.V
hope i helped you^^.V



[Translate] Utada Hikaru Saves ____

Posted by chihikari on 2008/6/15 8:43:45
Can someone please translate this, i foudn this in one of those Gossip sites, my chinese isnt really good... so ... yeh...
Please, it was posted on 2008 15th June

日本樂壇天后宇多田光於三月的新碟《Heart Station》銷量突破百萬,成為她的回勇之作,而她在收費下載歌曲的成績,更是驕人,有傳媒追捧她為唱片公司EMI的救世主。




不過,宇多田光卻成為了唱片公司的救星,她的大碟大賣,而五月推出的單曲、劇集《Last Friends》的主題曲《Prisoner Of Love》的銷量亦甚佳,她在新碟中的歌曲下載次數多達一千五百萬,合共帶來六十二億日圓(約四億六千萬港元)的銷售額,也為公司帶來豐厚的利潤,免除被其他公司收購的危機,因此說她是救世主也不為過。有說宇多田光與唱片公司的一名製作人M先生非常投契,兩人合作無間,宇多田光更謂只要有M先生,她便不會離開EMI,看來唱片公司除了要厚待宇多田光外,也不要待薄這位M先生。

《Last Friends》收視勁

另一方面,《Last Friends》剛於十二日播放第十集,收視高達二十點七個百分點,除了首次超過二十點收視外,成績更比木村拓哉主演的《Change》在同周播放的第五集為佳。《Last Friends》於十二日時因直播足球賽事而要延遲二十分鐘播放,不過無礙觀眾追看的熱情。劇中一直被錦戶亮虐打的長澤正美,終於在今集反擊,打了對方一巴掌,更是全晚最高收視所在。至於《Change》第五集的收視為十九點五,似乎無法再次回升,如今更被《Last Friends》追過,木村的收視神話確是不保了。

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