Re: Muse

Posted by UltimateUtadaUpriseU3 on 2005/6/22 0:40:43
that's cool alothugh utada is the way to gothat's cool alothugh utada is the way to go

Re: Muse

Posted by Conan on 2004/5/28 4:22:39
The opening riff to Plug in Baby is possibly one of the best EVER!!!


Posted by Lord Snow on 2004/5/27 21:45:57
Alright, I started getting interested in this group when in this IRC channel I pop by in, some guy advertised what he was listening to: Muse - Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

Now, that's an interesteing title wouldnt you say? i got curious and picked up that song and actually, quite liked it. So I started looking for more. Soon I had all of their albums that I could find and listened to them constantly and simply couldn't stop. The totally kickass opening riff to Plug-In Baby was brought to my attention by Conan (hey look, i'ts playing RIGHT NOW XD) and things just went on and on from there.

The acoustic version of Plug-In Baby that Conan sent me wasn't too shabby at all and I loved all of their music. I also couldn't stop listening to Unintended...which was a really depressing song depending on how you interpret it but I couldn't seem to get enough of it and a new musical obsession for me was born.

In a way...I guess I was lucky. By the time I was all done finding the song after being interested, I went back to the channel and the NEXT song that he advertised was: Dimmu Borgir - Tormentor of Christian Souls....

Go figure eh? XD

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