Re: The Hikki boobs fan club - Dont hate us~

Posted by Q on 2009/8/27 5:39:36
This thread has been continuously been off topic and the source of much flaming. For me, the behavior here more so than the topic is unbecoming of the community. It is also clear that this topic has offended some people. I am in agreement with locking this topic.
This topic will remain locked.

Re: The Hikki boobs fan club - Dont hate us~

Posted by SwallowTail on 2009/8/24 19:36:25
I'm trying to be patience and watching this thread closely

Yet you guys talk make Utada like an object, no more less than bone and flesh , and disrespecting Utada. Not respect her as a talented singer. Thus i have to lock this thread. If you any of you guys not agree with my decision, i suggest you guys PM admins and i will take my responsibility as a mod if i made a mistake.

I am hoping your understanding


Re: The Hikki boobs fan club - Dont hate us~

Posted by Amaterasu on 2009/8/24 16:32:07
I found a sexier image still.

Get ready. In a tub, waiting to be unclothed - only wearing a sheer shiny ribbon.

"No panties on, Oops did I turn you on?"

Re: The Hikki boobs fan club - Dont hate us~

Posted by Amaterasu on 2009/8/24 15:37:42
And here I was, just enjoying this thread.

Gosh folks, put away the flamers! Calm the frack down! G-Dawg you're roasting her alive here. This shit belongs in 1600 with the witch hunts. Let's not go there. Yeah, her words are harsh - but it's easily seen that they're made in jest. The sarcasm is quite obvious to me.

Now, this is something that I usually don't indulge in - because I personally find this behaviour unbecoming for this gentleman *twiddles mustache*, but in the spirit of dispelling this I will roll with you all in the muck.

Here are some images that I'll culled up.


I really find it refreshing that a celebrity like Hikaru doesn't slap on the makeup (let's exclude Exodus photo shoots, shall we?) and skank it out when she is clearly able to. Maybe it is because I'm an outdated kind of guy, but as much as I enjoy T & A, I find it much more attractive when a woman covers up. It's being more decent, more moral and reserved. Somehow, that really turns my crank. I wish more women were like that today. But anyway -

Let's put away the pitchforks and let's have some fun. I mean, even uptight Amaterasu contributed. And that's sayin' a lot, Mr. Frodo.

Re: The Hikki boobs fan club - Dont hate us~

Posted by Pips_Paradise on 2009/8/24 15:17:55

ghostdog wrote:

Pips_Paradise wrote:

ghostdog wrote:

Sure LoBFCanti, who am I to spoil other members fun I will withdraw from this thread???

Yes, please do us all a favor and get lost. Almost all your posts on this site are long-winded and mean, why?
I can say a lot of things about you and some of your insane ramblings but I don't so why don't you lay off the other members here and start playing nice.

I will say this though, you seem to have some serious anger issues.
Smoke some weed or something...
This is a fun thread, there is no reason whatsoever to be insulting other people.
If you don't like Utada's breasts because you are homosexual or whatever the reason then simply don't post here and leave the rest of us alone and at peace.
Nobody likes a killjoy.

Listen to your self you winging old fart, the only pratt with anger issues is you, so why don?t you do us all a favour and crawl back to U blog?..opps!!! they have had enough of you too??.

Edit: I am female you ignorant pig, hasn?t it occurred to you that some members might be sensitive to these matters, no you haven?t you just start butting in like a moron, this was done and dusted until you opened your big mouth?.like the trouble maker you are, every time you turn up you manage to upset people?. This was nothing more than a mild protest?.Ghostdog you are such a loser

Eat a dick.

That says it all!!!!!

The only women you ever get near is one you?ve drugged you nonce

Re: The Hikki boobs fan club - Dont hate us~

Posted by Unregistered on 2009/8/24 15:10:55

Pips_Paradise wrote:

ghostdog wrote:

Sure LoBFCanti, who am I to spoil other members fun I will withdraw from this thread???

Yes, please do us all a favor and get lost. Almost all your posts on this site are long-winded and mean, why?
I can say a lot of things about you and some of your insane ramblings but I don't so why don't you lay off the other members here and start playing nice.

I will say this though, you seem to have some serious anger issues.
Smoke some weed or something...
This is a fun thread, there is no reason whatsoever to be insulting other people.
If you don't like Utada's breasts because you are homosexual or whatever the reason then simply don't post here and leave the rest of us alone and at peace.
Nobody likes a killjoy.

Listen to your self you winging old fart, the only pratt with anger issues is you, so why don?t you do us all a favour and crawl back to U blog?..opps!!! they have had enough of you too??.

Edit: I am female you ignorant pig, hasn?t it occurred to you that some members might be sensitive to these matters, no you haven?t you just start butting in like a moron, this was done and dusted until you opened your big mouth?.like the trouble maker you are, every time you turn up you manage to upset people?. This was nothing more than a mild protest?.Ghostdog you are such a loser

Eat a dick.

Re: The Hikki boobs fan club - Dont hate us~

Posted by LoBFCanti on 2009/8/24 15:01:16
Ok #1:Philipa just steer clear of the thread til this is cleared up that you were in fact JOKING.

#2:ghostdog...pips is a girl!

#3:Pips is easily misunderstood in most cases;Sarcasm does
not translate well over the internet.Her sense of humor is rather harsh but she really doesn't mean anything by it.She herself has stated this many times before.


This belongs in the Hikki's tush fan club.Like there is one.

Re: The Hikki boobs fan club - Dont hate us~

Posted by illastrate on 2009/8/24 14:48:54

yvliew wrote:

illastrate wrote:
Man, alot of great pics...but what about some booty shots as well?

Post if you have any.

Ok, here it goes:

That's just a teaser. More to come.

Re: The Hikki boobs fan club - Dont hate us~

Posted by A5UKA on 2009/8/24 14:23:04

Pips_Paradise wrote:

ghostdog wrote:

Sure LoBFCanti, who am I to spoil other members fun I will withdraw from this thread???

Yes, please do us all a favor and get lost. Almost all your posts on this site are long-winded and mean, why?
I can say a lot of things about you and some of your insane ramblings but I don't so why don't you lay off the other members here and start playing nice.

I will say this though, you seem to have some serious anger issues.
Smoke some weed or something...
This is a fun thread, there is no reason whatsoever to be insulting other people.
If you don't like Utada's breasts because you are homosexual or whatever the reason then simply don't post here and leave the rest of us alone and at peace.
Nobody likes a killjoy.

Listen to your self you winging old fart, the only pratt with anger issues is you, so why don?t you do us all a favour and crawl back to U blog?..opps!!! they have had enough of you too??.

jeez calm down guys >_< , if your gonna argue then do it somewhere else, this thread if for hikkis boobs and ONLY for hikki's boobs hahahahahhaa

Support the hikki boobs fan club !!!

Re: The Hikki boobs fan club - Dont hate us~

Posted by Pips_Paradise on 2009/8/24 14:18:51

ghostdog wrote:

Sure LoBFCanti, who am I to spoil other members fun I will withdraw from this thread???

Yes, please do us all a favor and get lost. Almost all your posts on this site are long-winded and mean, why?
I can say a lot of things about you and some of your insane ramblings but I don't so why don't you lay off the other members here and start playing nice.

I will say this though, you seem to have some serious anger issues.
Smoke some weed or something...
This is a fun thread, there is no reason whatsoever to be insulting other people.
If you don't like Utada's breasts because you are homosexual or whatever the reason then simply don't post here and leave the rest of us alone and at peace.
Nobody likes a killjoy.

Listen to your self you winging old fart, the only pratt with anger issues is you, so why don?t you do us all a favour and crawl back to U blog?..opps!!! they have had enough of you too??.

Edit: I am female you ignorant pig, hasn?t it occurred to you that some members might be sensitive to these matters, no you haven?t you just start butting in like a moron, this was done and dusted until you opened your big mouth?.like the trouble maker you are, every time you turn up you manage to upset people?. This was nothing more than a mild protest?.Ghostdog you are such a loser

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