In the flesh 2010 London 11th Feb [New Date]
Posted by NGBear on 2010/2/3 9:23:25
Ticket web sent my friend a email saying that Utada will be performing in London for a second time on the 11th Feburary
Tickets will be on sale for the general public 9am on the 5th feburary
I will upload a screenshot of the email in a bit

Re: In the flesh 2010 London 11th Feb
Posted by pompon on 2010/2/3 9:50:35
Re: In the flesh 2010 London 11th Feb
Posted by NGBear on 2010/2/3 10:08:08
I would so go again
if only i had peopele to go with and didnt finish college late
Re: In the flesh 2010 London 11th Feb
Posted by manjowithane on 2010/2/3 11:22:23
The good thing about this, even though I can't go, is that maybe any problems they have on the 11th they will be able to sort out for the 12th :D
Re: In the flesh 2010 London 11th Feb [New Date]
Posted by a_kikoo on 2010/2/3 11:31:18
Wow thats great! especially for those who couldnt purshase their ticket because of overbooking. I wish they added more dates for America. I hope they record the show in London for a dvd...
Re: In the flesh 2010 London 11th Feb
Posted by Steve_C on 2010/2/3 11:33:50
Nice. Didn't see this coming at such short notice. There have to be some poor people who got absolutley gouged to pay for a ticket. This would be such a relief had I not managed to secure a ticket a few weeks back. Good to see that they took notice of the demand, though I wish they had done so sooner.
I don't feel the need to go to both dates or anything though. I just want the one time when i'll see her to be special. It'll be nice for other people who won't see her otherwise to get them. I do wonder whether any of the japanese and international fans will get more. If they are messing around coming to England just to see her, then maybe they'll want to double up and get the most out of it, so to speak.
I also find it interesting how they haven't stated a curfew on Thursday's show. I'm hoping they'll be the same. I don't want them to gimp the final show of the tour.
Re: In the flesh 2010 London 11th Feb
Posted by manjowithane on 2010/2/3 12:19:08
The curfew is on the venue, there is a 10pm curfew on all shows at O2 Academy Islington.
Hopefully if on the 11th they struggle to fit everything in they'll cut short Mike Rizzo's set for the 12th. Guinea pigs for the 11th mwahaha.
Re: In the flesh 2010 London 11th Feb
Posted by tempest_phoenix on 2010/2/3 12:53:02
This could be a really good sign that the much neglected Europeans are finally going to get TITO! Two dates to promote an album that hasn't even been released in the territory. YAY! Also, i'm so glad that those who were screwed over last time are getting another chance to see Hikki, it's very, very good news.
Re: In the flesh 2010 London 11th Feb [New Date]
Posted by Nao on 2010/2/3 13:26:23
Anyone who had there tickets cancelled due to overbooking, check your email... there is an exclusive presale for 24 hours.
If your ticket got cancelled you should have the email, which has a link in it to pre book from 9am Thursday morning.
Good luck everyone!
Re: In the flesh 2010 London 11th Feb [New Date]
Posted by jam on 2010/2/4 16:04:50
Mmm.. Shall I go twice or is it better just to go once and savour the experience? 難しい
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