Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ......

Posted by Pips_Paradise on 2011/5/18 6:58:08
It might sound simple, however to put into words an ultimate moment is rather abstract, is it the tingle down the spine??, bit ?naughty and shockingly beautiful?, the sharp intake of breath that throws one into compete disarray??......

I love this question ...

what is the difference between Fan and fascination, obsession if you like

....Share the second that Hikki?s music became part of your soul....?I will be fan until I die?....seriously we reminisce, ?I heard Hikki took me back to that milli-second that I could see myself and what I was wearing, how I felt listening to the music, even everything around me, can we share these intimate moments" ...maybe ? maybe not?...

I describe this moment as "unrestrained joy and pleasure".

To role into one breath the blissful energy that extolled a pleasure into every moment of my life......

For one ex-utadanet beatles fan....(gone but not forgotten).....In his words, "I am the walrus" John Lennon put into lylics his love for Yoko as the joy of a "simultaneous orgasm, I find ecstasy in living, the mere sense of living is joy".....


Sorry I am still trying to search for mine ...

Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ......

Posted by hoffa55 on 2011/5/18 20:03:54
It was so long ago, and my memory isn't the best these days, but I do remember coming
to these forums shortly afterwards (or what they were before the 3 or 4 rebuilds, lol)

I think just the fact that her music makes me smile, that's probably what set me down
the road of a Hikki fan. My friend that was studying Japanese introduced me after a girl
from Japan introduced him, and we discovered M-Flo, Crystal Kay, and BoA that same month.

A great series of discoveries for sure. I don't even remember how old I was, but it changed my
views on music for sure. I thought I was already encompassing a wide range of music, but after
searching out more foreign music (starting with Utada) I found out more about the world and the
cultures through it.

Once I deployed to Iraq (after seeing Hikki in NYC at her first showcase, and meeting her dad)
I talk to shop owners in Iraq and got droves of Indian, and Arab music to enjoy. So I like to think
she helped me open my tastes to other cultures music ;)

And I enjoy her music today even more than ever!

Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ......

Posted by BlondeStevieX on 2011/5/19 7:22:30
Well I wouldn't say her music became part of my soul. That's kinda I dunno seems strange.

I guess I started liking Utada when Kingdom Hearts II came out and I would restart new game just to listen to Sanctuary. Then when My internet came back on, I looked it up found out Utada sang it, and just started listening to more of her music. And there you go I had a new favorite artist.

But I wouldn't say her music gives me weird special feelings, No music does, Im not build that way. I enjoy songs yes but change my life? No, Like Ellie Goulding says in one of her songs, You can't change the world with a song.
But I can see why Utada's music has been so huge, their not pointless songs about random crap, they actully have a good meaning to them.

But overall, yeah I was a fan when I pressed start on KH2 lol

Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ......

Posted by wickywoo on 2011/5/19 7:37:28
my first moment falling In love with Hikki was hearing her in a commercial for the first kingdom hearts, then when i found her on youtube, and listened to traveling I swore I'd be a fan for life and have enjoyed her music ever since

Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ......

Posted by ROB612 on 2011/5/19 13:30:53
^Whoa,another fan from Minnesota

Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ......

Posted by JimJam on 2011/5/19 16:49:53
The first time I heard Utada wasn't in fact, from Kingdom Hearts.
Back when EXODUS was released in 2004, You Make Me Want to Be a Man made its rounds on the UK radios, and became quite popular (this was before YMMWtBaM was released as a single in 2005 - maybe its popularity contributed to it being released as a single here?).
I instantly liked the song, and I remember downloading it and listening to it constantly. I then heard Simple and Clean when my friend did play Kingdom Hearts, and said "that's the same person!"
I then went and researched her a bit more, and gradually built up my collection of Utada MP3s. Now that I work I'm going to buy her singles on eBay etc. in order to get most/all of her stuff.
Obviously there are a few that can't be bought here (the Dirty Desire single/remixes for example, which I had to download because it's only available in the US), but I'm doing my best to have legit copies of her work.
But yes, that's my story haha.

Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ......

Posted by LilMissPocket-Size on 2011/5/21 21:56:55
Wow, what a question!
Well, I remember I was 8 or 9 sitting in my living room, and all of a sudden this commercial came on of this wierd game, with this boy who held a key with a whole bunch of Disney characters. The first thing that got my attention was the song that was playing. I didnt think I was going to like KH so instead of playing the game, I just kept watching and listening to the ending of the game, after a while I actually started playing the game and realized it was great, but anyways, because I was so young I really didnt look Utada up and know about her music until years later when she came out with This Is The One. After listening to that album thousands of times, I decided to try her japanese stuff,I listened to Ultra Blue, and next thing i knew, I fell in love with her music,lol

Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ......

Posted by Pips_Paradise on 2011/5/23 4:10:23
Well in a nutshell Hikki is able to come up with amazing melody?s that define the art of great song writing, producing some of the most popular CD?s in Japan, with the flair, encompassing fresh, original and utterly unique sounds.

For over a decade Hikki has put her heart and soul into, and in my humble opinion connecting with those qualities that give a total musical experience for her audience. ....
I have thought carefully about when I became a fan, it is bugging me in a rather mushy way, because I can't really put my finger on it, that moment the spark turns into a flame.....

My feelings tell me that I passed through a series of thresholds before that "Eurika" moment that hit all the right buttons..In adolescence the whole hormonal experience clouds the reasoning behind the ability to ?marvel at? instead of understanding the concept, that combines Hikki?s thoughts, themes and messages behind the music, so prior to 2008 and Heart Station, ?fan girl? springs to mind......

The appreciation of Hikki particular musical signature, an irresistibly exquisite mix of sometime intricate instrumentation and accessible melodies combined with the telltale vocal hooks for moi took time to get my head around .....

Thanks for great shares

Hoffa55 You had an audience with Mr T, the Ayatollah himself! , did you discuss anything? .. ....

Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ......

Posted by Josh_Shing on 2011/5/26 12:02:26
Well! The moment i became a nut for her was when i was looking for a different song from Kingdom Hearts called "Dearly Beloved" and I ended up finding "Passion" by Utada. She was the first non-american artist i ever saw/heard on youtube so my first reaction was:


But then a couple days later, i thought, "Hmm... i kinda wanna watch that PV again.. It looked interesting." So then i watched it and i watched "Flavor of Life" and then bam i was hooked. I kept watching and replaying all of her videos except the ones from DISTANCE and before. I thought they were kinda cheesy to be honest. I still do. But that's my moment!!

Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ......

Posted by Jayenciel on 2012/4/15 2:01:54
I would say she greatly influenced me as a composer myself and widened my perception of music.

I was completely intrigued by "Kremlin Dusk+ You make me want to be a man" from Utada United. It was phenomenal !!
I love her ballads as well
Now her songs are just stuck in my head LOL ! (thank goodness its not Justin Bieber )

Her undying passion for music just captivated my soul !

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