Re: Goodbye My Siggy!

Posted by fanmail on 2006/5/17 5:42:46
i know but since i don't know how to do all that kinda stuff i just deleted it

Re: Goodbye My Siggy!

Posted by Lord Snow on 2006/5/16 12:03:00
I didn't ask you to remove your sig.

I asked that you resize it so that it fits more as a BANNER format rather than a vertical image.

A signature is just that, a signature. It shouldn't be bigger than your post and as great as she looks in the pic, it's going to be annoying scrolling past it 7 times per thread just to get to the next post.

Use the sig's of other members as an example and compare the sizes.

We haven't incorporated a filesize/picturesize limit on signatures at the moment but if this kind of trend keeps up, we might have to find a way and nobody wants that...

We just ask that you keep them reasonable.

Alternatively, you could put a thumbnail of the picture into your sig and then have that link to the full thing elsewhere so that people who want to see the full image can, and people that don't want to can skip it as they please.

Goodbye My Siggy!

Posted by fanmail on 2006/5/16 5:47:05
i have been asked to remove my siggy for the benefit of dial-up users...... i made this thread so we can never forget it...HIKKI FOREVER!

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