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Re: Be My Last Internet Live
Joined: 2004/3/2
Posts: 1466
Rough translation of Be My Last Internet Live talk
done by RetroJapan

Umm.... when I'm speaking to the camera which one should I look at?

Oh this one?

Okay then, we'll go with this one

Hello everyone! This is Utada Hikaru

Welcome to the "Be My Last" talk & live!

Although it's called "talk & live," I'm more concerned about the talk portion.. but there's not a whole lot of time, so I'll try and read as many questions as I can.

Can you see this? (holding folder) This way? "Utada Hikaru Internet Live Messages" We got a lot! Thank you guys! Could you see how many?

So I'll try and get through as much as possible...

First, from Koichirou-san, "Are the 'ahahaa' parts of Be My Last difficult to sing?" (laughs) There's also a message from Miyopon-san "The 'ahhaa' parts of 'Be My Last' are so sentimental and really tug at the heartstrings." (laughs) I'm not really sure which "ahhaa" part they're referring to so it's a little hard to answer. I wonder if it's "aaaaahhhaa" or "ahhhhaaa"? Or maybe "aaaahhaaaaahaaaa"? There's that one, too. Well, they're actually all quite easy to sing.

Next.. umm.. I guess we'll just go with the "Be My Last" ones... From HalfET-san, "What kind of meaning is packed within the song?" Ummm... Well it was with a feeling of "I want this to be my last!," in terms of difficult or hard things or happenings.

Umm... Oh yea! I got this question a few times. From Eripio-san, "Is it really true that you're gonna do some live concerts in 2006? If so, then I'd love for you to sing 'Utada' songs, too!" Right now, we're trying our best, making plans and such. I'll try my best to make it happen.

Umm.. and with regards to my hair, umm... "Do you cut your own bangs?," a question from Hiron-san.. These sorts of bangs (touches hair), I NEVER cut by myself. As to why, my mother would always cut her own bangs at home, and she'd emerge from the bathroom with really weird bangs, and I'd go "Eh mama? Did you cut your bangs? They look kinda weird..." and then she'd go "NO! I didn't cut them! I didn't cut them!" but then I'd go to the bathroom sink and there'd be a ton of hair in it.... This happened a lot, so now I'm a firm believer that you can't cut your own bangs... I always have Kanehara-san, who's always done my makeup and whatnot, cut them for me...

And from Yuu-san, "Will you never cut your hair short again like before??" Actually, I've recently started to think that I'd like to make my hair short again.. Right now, it's this long... can you see it? I think it might be cut off (by the camera).. Oh there it is.... Eh? (camera changes again and cuts off view of her hair)... oh?... Oh there it's back... This one? So, it comes to about right here... Jeez it's almost long enough to not show up in the frame! Well, it's about this long, and I'm kind of getting tired of it.. It's been a long time having long hair... So I've been thinking of making it, about a short length.. Maybe 'short' would be too much... but, I might be cutting it off soon.. You might see my on TV and think, "HEY! It's cut!!"

And next.. From Ma-san, "If you heard a boy with a high voice singing your songs at karaoke, how would you feel?" I'd actually be really happy! I often times write my songs from the point of view of a boy, so I'd be pretty happy if a guy sang my songs. Like... if they sang "Letters" or something... that would be cool.. And I'd also like a boy to sing "Be My Last"... The other day during the filming of a TV show, for some reason there was a boy standing in for the camera check, and he was standing where I would be standing, this boy with glasses that looked like an AD, and he was looking at the lyrics sheet singing the song, and that sort of image was so cute and it really hit me...

Umm.. From Aya-man, "An artist that you've been hooked on recently?" Um, Sada Masashi-san (laughs) He's a really funny guy!! Makes him that much cooler, since he's so funny.

Um, from Pinky-san, it's kind of a serious question, but... "As a singer, are there times when you get down and depressed? As a designer, there are many times when I loose confidence in myself, and I was just wondering about your situation. Whenever I see you on TV or whatever, you always seem so happy and positive, and I was just wondering if you could tell us how you maintain that attitude?" Umm.. I usually don't have, or... I guess I'm just.. pretty harsh on myself? There's one side of me that is confident, and thus feels like I really have to do everything perfectly, and there's also a side where I think "Why can't I do this? I can't do this, I can't do this... I wanna escape! I wanna escape!" There's always this sort of duality. It's kind of like Shinji and Ayanami Rei are both always inside me... I guess? (laughs) I wonder if you can understand that... (laughs)

Gosh, is this okay?? Maybe it's sad cuz there's no background music... Is it okay that we're broadcasting something like this? err, not really broadcasting, more like downloading... I wonder if the people who are gonna download this are gonna be like "Ehhh It's like THIS?" (laughs) I hope this is okay... Well, we'll continue...

From Ichika-san, "Hi Hikki! I heard that you like vinegar from one of your foreign interviews. I was just wondering how and when you use your vinegar?" Umm... with vinegar, I just put it on anything... Within a ten day span, I usually use about one bottle of vinegar... Whether it's on fish, rice, vegetables, anything really... And sometimes, when I'm like "I want to drink some! I want to drink some!" I'll take some vinegar and dilute it with water in a cup, and drink it... Gosh talking about is making me drool... (laughs)

Gooosh... I feel like wanting to ask for help, this awkwardness! (laughs) Is this seriously okay?

Umm... okay we'll go with one more question... From nanaka-san, "I'd like to hear of a recent mess up or some sort of funny story. Anything will do. My funny story is that recently on a test, when the choices were A, I, and U, and I answered E" (laughs) That's so bad Nanaka-chan... She's a 6th grade girl.. So next year she'll be in junior high.. Let's make sure not to make those sorts of mistakes in junior high school, okay? (laughs) My recent story.. hmm... Oh, the other day.. on the floor of the office, there was this circular silver thing on the floor, and I thought it was a 100 yen coin, and I go, "AH! It's a 100 yen coin!!!" and so I knelt down and got closer... and then I realized it was just a nail in the floor... and everyone around me got kinda quiet, and I was sad... I was told "I didn't really want to see that side of Utada"... Uhh... I guess that's it for recent mess ups (laughs)

Oh! There were a few messages asking for some sort of information regarding "Passion," and.. Well, "Passion" is probably one of my favorite songs of my own... especially the lyrics, I really like them... Not really like anything I've done in the past... So yeah.. be looking forward to that..

Okay, well I guess we should start getting into the song portion... The "talk" portion kind of turned into a Q&A type of thing, but... It's not very often where we get to do this sort of thing where we're so close, so I guess this was okay...

Okay, so on to the song!

Twitter: @UtadaNet
Posted on: 2005/11/16 4:44
Subject Poster Date
     Re: Be My Last Internet Live tombraiderjmm 2005/11/11 23:38
     Re: Be My Last Internet Live berryz 2005/11/14 23:06
       Re: Be My Last Internet Live tombraiderjmm 2005/11/15 1:37
         Re: Be My Last Internet Live T2kickass 2005/11/15 3:49
           Re: Be My Last Internet Live Q 2005/11/15 5:04
             Re: Be My Last Internet Live tombraiderjmm 2005/11/15 11:07
               Re: Be My Last Internet Live T2kickass 2005/11/15 14:18
                 Re: Be My Last Internet Live Kangrui 2005/11/15 19:12
                   Re: Be My Last Internet Live tombraiderjmm 2005/11/15 22:18
                     Re: Be My Last Internet Live T2kickass 2005/11/15 23:34
                       Re: Be My Last Internet Live Q 2005/11/16 4:44
                         Re: Be My Last Internet Live tombraiderjmm 2005/11/16 12:52
                           Re: Be My Last Internet Live Hikki16 2005/11/17 14:59
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