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  If you could banish one Utada song from the universe, which one would it be, and why?


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  •  meekobiscuit
Re: If you could banish one Utada song from the universe, which one would it be, and why?
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2008/11/18
A/S/L 35/M/L.A.
Posts: 44
Kotoba ni Naranai Kimochi - boring song because it sounds monotonous to me. It's melodic vanilla and not very creative - she took the interlude from First Love (which I kind of liked) and stretched it out into a song... Didn't work for me. I STILL LOVE MY UTADA THOUGH!!!
Posted on: 2010/4/13 0:42
  •  meekobiscuit
Re: If you could banish one Utada song from the universe, which one would it be, and why?
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2008/11/18
A/S/L 35/M/L.A.
Posts: 44

Dark_Armed_Dragon wrote:

Poppin' would be my decision because it would be a terrible song if you wanted to introduce her to anyone. I really don't have to explain myself for this one as you could see it in the song. The song can be racist, sexist, and a bit offensive. I could see why some people like the song, but the song could be misinterpreted a lot. I know what the song itself means, and it being a parody song, but it could be viewed differently.

Poppin' is a good choice. But it's not a bad song... You're right on when you say you can't "introduce her to anyone" with this song. Utada doesn't seem like the "tight jeans, no panties on" kinda artist. In my opinion, Utada seems more cerebral and nerdy, which is weird for a pop star who writes and sings really good R&B songs. But, hey, it's worked for her and that's why I've loved her music for the past 11 years. Let's get real, she's nothing like Britney. Utada doesn't exactly ooze hoochie or sexy for that matter. She may have that side to her, and she plays around with these themes in her English language songs (Devil Inside), but she really isn't a hoochie artist like Britney or Madonna. It works for those two, but not for Utada.

Now, that said, i think Poppin' is a great "pop" track. I think if Britney had sung this song, it would have worked in a BIG way. The lyrics, would have been very tongue in cheek because Britney has been known to party without her panties on. Also, it would have been epic to hear Britney sing, "Hey, I might seem CRAZY, but I'm all right." How campy and ballsy would it have been for Britney to sing these lyrics?
Posted on: 2010/4/13 0:55
  •  Hikkis1in1million
Re: If you could banish one Utada song from the universe, which one would it be, and why?
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2010/1/16
A/S/L 13/F/UK
Posts: 100
Hmmm....One Song? That Is Hard Because I Hate Some More....
Kettobase! The Start Freaks Me A Little, And The Song Itself Doesn't Exactly Sound That Interesting To Listen To. I Feel Bored Just After The First Verse. Damn it...
Heres The Other's I'd Personally Like To Banish ~
The Whole Of TITO - To Me, It Screamed "Meh"

The Flavor of life, The Flavor of life ~
Posted on: 2010/4/13 2:22
Re: If you could banish one Utada song from the universe, which one would it be, and why?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2010/3/12
Posts: 332
Britney Spears+Poppin' would be amazing. It fits her 100%, but doesn't fit Utada at all. Spears should cover that song.

Since you guys are posting more than 1 song, I guess it should be which songs you should banish.

Hikkis1in1million is right, all of TITO should be banished. It feels like she has completely grown up with those songs, and it was kinda boring. I just hope her Japanese songs don't become bad in the future.
Posted on: 2010/4/13 6:22
  •  UtadaHikaru124
Re: If you could banish one Utada song from the universe, which one would it be, and why?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/3/28
A/S/L 19/M/Miami
Posts: 273
Kettobase, Kotoba ni blah blah, and Drama, last Eternally..... I HATE those songs when ever they play on my iPod I press skip so fast I hate the part when she's like "U want your baby" ugh I hate it it's so annoying lol but the rest of that album is very good....
Posted on: 2010/4/13 6:26
  •  UtadaHikaru124
Re: If you could banish one Utada song from the universe, which one would it be, and why?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/3/28
A/S/L 19/M/Miami
Posts: 273

meekobiscuit wrote:

Dark_Armed_Dragon wrote:

Poppin' would be my decision because it would be a terrible song if you wanted to introduce her to anyone. I really don't have to explain myself for this one as you could see it in the song. The song can be racist, sexist, and a bit offensive. I could see why some people like the song, but the song could be misinterpreted a lot. I know what the song itself means, and it being a parody song, but it could be viewed differently.

Poppin' is a good choice. But it's not a bad song... You're right on when you say you can't "introduce her to anyone" with this song. Utada doesn't seem like the "tight jeans, no panties on" kinda artist. In my opinion, Utada seems more cerebral and nerdy, which is weird for a pop star who writes and sings really good R&B songs. But, hey, it's worked for her and that's why I've loved her music for the past 11 years. Let's get real, she's nothing like Britney. Utada doesn't exactly ooze hoochie or sexy for that matter. She may have that side to her, and she plays around with these themes in her English language songs (Devil Inside), but she really isn't a hoochie artist like Britney or Madonna. It works for those two, but not for Utada.

Now, that said, i think Poppin' is a great "pop" track. I think if Britney had
sung this song, it would have worked in a BIG way. The lyrics, would have been very tongue in cheek because Britney has been known to party without her panties on. Also, it would have been epic to hear Britney sing, "Hey, I might seem CRAZY, but I'm all right." How campy and ballsy would it have been for Britney to sing these lyrics?

I feel yah but I just don't like britneys voice to nasty but to tell the truth I really enjoyed poppin it was a nice stir from all the love songs
Posted on: 2010/4/13 6:32
  •  Hikkis1in1million
Re: If you could banish one Utada song from the universe, which one would it be, and why?
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2010/1/16
A/S/L 13/F/UK
Posts: 100

Dark_Armed_Dragon wrote:

Hikkis1in1million is right, all of TITO should be banished. It feels like she has completely grown up with those songs, and it was kinda boring. I just hope her Japanese songs don't become bad in the future.

I Agree (Even If It Was My Post ) Because It Sounds Like Hikaru-San Has Grown Up And Is Just Trying To Impress People To Buy TITO. But I Think "Exodus" Reflected Hikaru-San's Fun Side.
Hmmmm....I Also Hate Kotoba Ni Blah Blah Blah Because It's Just Pretty Boring.I Liked The Interlude On First Love Because It Was Quick And Straight To The Point.
And The Only Exodus Song I Hate Is ... - Let Me Give You My Love. Grrrrr..... (However I Love The Album's Most Hated Song, "Easy Breezy" I Think It's Because Me And My Big Sis Used To Love It! Same With Exodus '04)
Posted on: 2010/4/13 7:03
  •  Kumachang
Re: If you could banish one Utada song from the universe, which one would it be, and why?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2009/2/15
Posts: 275
this thread is kinda depressing O-o i think many people (including me) don't hate any of her songs and imo the songs you mentioned are all special in a way but whatever...
Posted on: 2010/4/13 9:45
  •  Ultra_Red
Re: If you could banish one Utada song from the universe, which one would it be, and why?
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2009/7/29
Posts: 156

Dark_Armed_Dragon wrote:
I said it can be racist. It isn't in the words, but it's how she is talking. She is using a fake British accent, and she isn't even white. I'm not white, but I know it could offend some people.

LOL, that may be the most retarded thing I've ever read on this forum.
So all those actors and actresses who put on fake accents in the movies are all racist?

This thread should be closed.
Everything Hikki writes is awesome, go fly a kite.
Posted on: 2010/4/13 10:53
Re: If you could banish one Utada song from the universe, which one would it be, and why?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2010/3/12
Posts: 332

I knew the racism part could get some people. I said it CAN, not it IS. It means that some people could take it that way. As for the actors/actresses, it could be too, depending on the situation. It isn't really necessary for all you purists out to post here. Guess some people took it in the direction that it seriously is. Well, I read something, and I guess I was wrong. There is no need for a bunch of you to say what has been said.

I don't hate Utada, it's just there are some songs that some people don't like. I knew this thread would get out of hand with all the addicts out there. Without the racist part, I think you all could understand why Poppin' made no sense to Utada. It would be a good song if the right person sung it.
Posted on: 2010/4/13 15:28
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