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  If you could turn back time?


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Re: If you could turn back time?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/1/4
A/S/L 100 / Female / USA
Posts: 399
There are too many things I would want to change.
WOOOOOOOOOO ^__________^

Posted on: 2008/8/18 20:01
  •  SwallowTail
Re: If you could turn back time?
Joined: 2008/6/13
A/S/L ∞ / M / Indonesia
Posts: 3286
Guys don't take it too seriously I put this thread just 4 fun its not like it really gonna be happen.
Posted on: 2008/8/18 22:08
  •  Macdan
Re: If you could turn back time?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/7/19
A/S/L M/ Singapore
Posts: 1050

SwallowTail wrote:
Guys don't take it too seriously I put this thread just 4 fun its not like it really gonna be happen.

It's always good to look back and think, but then since it has already happened, so don't think too much also... Things that happens make us be who we are now... so treat it as a relax topic and post for fun... don't think too deep into it..
Posted on: 2008/8/19 7:11
  •  Amaterasu
Re: If you could turn back time?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/4/29
A/S/L 26/M/Canada
Posts: 468
According to Prof. Stephen Hawking, time travel can be only possible in the forward dimension of our percieved time. This has to do with the way that our universe expands, and the natural laws of of entropy.

It has also been suggested that Time travel can only be made possible when a time machine exists, thus the farthest 'back' a person can travel is to the creation of this very said time machine.

We are currently unable to make a time machine, and it will likely take a type 3 civilization to make it because of the Einsteinian laws of physics. (type 3 = being able to harness all the energy of a galaxy)

We're not even type 1 yet. >..>

Food for thought.

It has also been said by Prof. Kip Thorne that the answers to many time travel paradoxes are very simple. Now as to WHY he would say this is rather unknown to me - but I am aware of his belief that there are no time paradoxes should time travel be possible.

Have I scared you all yet?

If I COULD, I probably would take back a few things in my own life.

1) A scarring event that occured last winter that is private and that I will make no mention thereof.

2) Go back and tell my mother to take her medicine so that we could have prevented her stroke last year.

3) Stop my grandmother from walking outside two years ago, resulting in her untimely (accidental) death in the winter.
Posted on: 2008/8/19 15:24
  •  Macdan
Re: If you could turn back time?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/7/19
A/S/L M/ Singapore
Posts: 1050
*Open my mouth Wide*
Posted on: 2008/8/19 17:40
  •  laijunjie14
Re: If you could turn back time?
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Joined: 2006/11/17
A/S/L 24/M/Singapore
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Macdan wrote:

laijunjie14 wrote:
if i could turn back time, i will cheat on all my exams

and migrate

JJ, what a thing to say... if you manage to cheat... you would have wish that you never get caught... lol


but imagine that you can really do that

they would give u ridiculous awards and prizes, and you can finish your education early

that would be nice

or even better, go further back in time and steal bill gate's ideas

wouldn't it be better?
Posted on: 2008/8/21 11:18
  •  Unregistered
Re: If you could turn back time?

laijunjie14 wrote:

Macdan wrote:

laijunjie14 wrote:
if i could turn back time, i will cheat on all my exams

and migrate

JJ, what a thing to say... if you manage to cheat... you would have wish that you never get caught... lol


but imagine that you can really do that

they would give u ridiculous awards and prizes, and you can finish your education early

that would be nice

or even better, go further back in time and steal bill gate's ideas

wouldn't it be better?

haha sweet i would go back and did something i shouldnt have done its kinda too personal
Posted on: 2008/8/21 11:27
  •  neXus
Re: If you could turn back time?
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2007/1/24
A/S/L 21/m/uk
Posts: 198
I don't have enough business sense to use bill gates ideas. lol

I would go back and meet my unriquited love again to make a better first impression on her and maybe live happily ever after. Anything has to be better than last time.

And then i would go an pay more attention at school. Get beter A Leval results. Seriously.
This Sig is fleeting human contact,
You and me, Both of us lost,
But for a moment we are lost together.

I wonder who you are?
Posted on: 2008/8/21 11:28
  •  Unregistered
Re: If you could turn back time?

neXus wrote:
I don't have enough business sense to use bill gates ideas. lol

I would go back and meet my unriquited love again to make a better first impression on her and maybe live happily ever after. Anything has to be better than last time.

And then i would go an pay more attention at school. Get beter A Leval results. Seriously.

cool another thing i wish i've done better in skool i slack off too much
Posted on: 2008/8/21 11:31
  •  neXus
Re: If you could turn back time?
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2007/1/24
A/S/L 21/m/uk
Posts: 198
EVERYTHING ELSE is so much more interesting when you are at school or work
This Sig is fleeting human contact,
You and me, Both of us lost,
But for a moment we are lost together.

I wonder who you are?
Posted on: 2008/8/21 11:36
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