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  Messages to Hikki


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  •  Kiynteyh
Re: Messages to Hikki
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/5/25
A/S/L 26/F/QC
Posts: 633
i would have if we hadn't been standing on a hill
"Taken in by the delicate noise,
Knocked to the ground by the subtle thunder,
Shackled and bound by the sound of your voice,
Wandering around in silent wonder."
- Anonymous
Posted on: 2007/8/30 6:56
Re: Messages to Hikki
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2007/8/29
A/S/L 19/M/USA
Posts: 2
I know it might seem stupid, but I'm actually going to give this a try. Not that trying to contact you is stupid, but I have my doubts that this will even get to you. And even if it did, I'm sure that you have much better things to do.

I just wanted to let you know how much your music has touched me. It's not that I like ever song you've ever done, but what I'm referring to, is how you've explored yourself throughout you musical career. Most artist will find something that pleases the crowds, and just do that until times change and they get left behind. But you've actually taken risks and varied through several genres, taking the risk of failure whit ever new door opened. Honestly, I never did think the Exodus album was that great, but what I liked about it was that you took the chance to explore that part of your soul, and that's one of the reasons I look up to you. You're someone who's not afraid to fail, and because of that, you're untouchable!

You also let emotion flow through the lyrics. I hear far too many people who try to sing only to make good music, and they end up letting the emotions dissolve unless they're "scripted" into the music! I've heard your voice waver on some of your live performances and nearly lost it! I honestly cried on several. I can't stress enough how grateful I am that you continue to sing with your heart, and sing from the soul.

Again, I thank you Utada-sama. Thank you for using the voice God gave you to bring great, emotional, and soul baring music into the world. Thank you for using music the way that music was intended to be used: As a medium with which to bear one's soul to the world, in that people could be brought together in common bonds of awe and joy, and sadness, and pain. That is why I take the time to try, however futilely, to let you know how you've effected my life. Your music has, many times, helped me to rekindle my own love of music. I play the piano and sing, but one day I hope to be an artist, and to have a wife and raise a family. Why I tell you this, I have know idea, but I want you to know that your music does have an emotional effect on me. For that, I thank you. And for all of the above and more, I will always think of you as the Goddess of Song. 歌の女神 I hope I got the Kanji right. I'm still learning after all.
There is a thin line that seperates reality from The Dream...
Find it, and cross that line.
For he who waits, dies inside.
So run, run now and run fast! Your Dream awaits...
Posted on: 2007/8/30 10:20
  •  S0ySauce
Re: Messages to Hikki
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/7/3
A/S/L I'm not a dude
Posts: 2075
Very nice message ther Luinta.

I could never express what I feel like that no matter how hard I try.

Why does my communication ability have to suck so bad? ;__;
Posted on: 2007/8/30 12:56
Re: Messages to Hikki
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/6/29
A/S/L 16/M/Maryland, US
Posts: 603
I wrote her a college paper 2 months ago and nothing came back, boo; oh well she's a busy woman

~ love like never beforeee
Posted on: 2007/8/30 16:10
  •  Sanosuke
Re: Messages to Hikki
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/6/30
Posts: 2937

RyuHikaru wrote:
I wrote her a college paper 2 months ago and nothing came back, boo; oh well she's a busy woman

I do that every time I send her a message. xD
Posted on: 2007/8/30 16:22
  •  Kiynteyh
Re: Messages to Hikki
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/5/25
A/S/L 26/F/QC
Posts: 633
wow that is an awsome message and probably the only "real" message to Hikki in this entire thread thanx for reviving the this thread
"Taken in by the delicate noise,
Knocked to the ground by the subtle thunder,
Shackled and bound by the sound of your voice,
Wandering around in silent wonder."
- Anonymous
Posted on: 2007/8/30 16:46
  •  <3_UtadaHikaru_Aijin_<3
Re: Messages to Hikki
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Joined: 2007/7/24
A/S/L 17/M/Cal
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i wrote to her alot too =/
Posted on: 2007/8/30 19:12
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Re: Messages to Hikki

S0ySauce wrote:
Very nice message ther Luinta.

I could never express what I feel like that no matter how hard I try.

Why does my communication ability have to suck so bad? ;__;

practice, practice, practice. i used to spend alot off time talking to inanimate objects. "honing" my skills so to speak. also it doesn't hurt to practice on people around you, they might look at you crazy, but you'll get the skills you need.
Posted on: 2007/8/30 21:11
  •  S0ySauce
Re: Messages to Hikki
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/7/3
A/S/L I'm not a dude
Posts: 2075

kingofsorrow wrote:
practice, practice, practice. i used to spend alot off time talking to inanimate objects. "honing" my skills so to speak. also it doesn't hurt to practice on people around you, they might look at you crazy, but you'll get the skills you need.

I don't think that will really help, though. When I talk to inanimate things like stuff animals, I automatically go to little kid talking.

I wanna talk with a big vocabulary and be able to express myself more accurately in at least my writing, if not my speech. I guess I'll have to follow my mommy's advice and read more advance books....;__;
Posted on: 2007/8/30 21:24
  •  Unregistered
Re: Messages to Hikki
to be more articulate with your thoughts and feelings, you should try starting simple. maybe a few words. then 1 liners. then you'll build from there. what helped me was reading alot. everything from serious to silly.
Posted on: 2007/8/30 21:29
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