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  •  EasyBreezy91
Re: Daily Rants
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2007/5/2
A/S/L 13,f,ny
Posts: 93
OMG! Anthony, has to be the cutest thing, when I reach like 24 I might have kids-maybe.
I still remember,
The ways that you touched me.
Now I know I don�t mean anything to you.
You�re Easy Breezy, and I�m Japan-ezy.
Soon you�ll mean exactly nothing to me.
Posted on: 2007/5/12 22:16
Re: Daily Rants
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2006/5/10
A/S/L 18/m/cali
Posts: 2008
well its her second kid already and its called anthony owen
its funny how tha music puts time in perspective add a sound track to ur life and perfect it whenever your feelin blue keep walkin and we can get far wherever u are
- shing02 luv sic pt3
Posted on: 2007/5/12 22:13
  •  EasyBreezy91
Re: Daily Rants
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2007/5/2
A/S/L 13,f,ny
Posts: 93
Omg! Your sista had a baby, what's it's name? ^U^
I still remember,
The ways that you touched me.
Now I know I don�t mean anything to you.
You�re Easy Breezy, and I�m Japan-ezy.
Soon you�ll mean exactly nothing to me.
Posted on: 2007/5/12 22:04
Re: Daily Rants
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2006/5/10
A/S/L 18/m/cali
Posts: 2008
man my sis had her kid today !!!!!!!!! man she scared so bad
its funny how tha music puts time in perspective add a sound track to ur life and perfect it whenever your feelin blue keep walkin and we can get far wherever u are
- shing02 luv sic pt3
Posted on: 2007/5/12 21:07
  •  EasyBreezy91
Re: Daily Rants
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2007/5/2
A/S/L 13,f,ny
Posts: 93
Si, sometimes we all have to whine and complain sometime in our live. If we don't then we just wouldn't be humans.
I still remember,
The ways that you touched me.
Now I know I don�t mean anything to you.
You�re Easy Breezy, and I�m Japan-ezy.
Soon you�ll mean exactly nothing to me.
Posted on: 2007/5/11 16:53
  •  laijunjie14
Re: Daily Rants
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Joined: 2006/11/17
A/S/L 24/M/Singapore
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it means whine/complain
Posted on: 2007/5/10 23:47
Re: Daily Rants
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2007/4/18
A/S/L 17/M/WA
Posts: 168
What's a rant?
Posted on: 2007/5/10 19:41
Re: Daily Rants
UtadaNet Regular
Joined: 2007/5/10
A/S/L 19/ F/ North East England
Posts: 22
yep and part of that rant (i missed it out before) is that it's my own bloomin' fault that i left them this late
Posted on: 2007/5/10 18:50
  •  EasyBreezy91
Re: Daily Rants
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2007/5/2
A/S/L 13,f,ny
Posts: 93
That's a rant, lol
I still remember,
The ways that you touched me.
Now I know I don�t mean anything to you.
You�re Easy Breezy, and I�m Japan-ezy.
Soon you�ll mean exactly nothing to me.
Posted on: 2007/5/10 18:40
Re: Daily Rants
UtadaNet Regular
Joined: 2007/5/10
A/S/L 19/ F/ North East England
Posts: 22
well i tend to put my rants on my own forum or my blog. but i haven't got anything to rant about today.. unless you count all the college assignments i have 3 weeks to finish!
Posted on: 2007/5/10 18:28
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