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Re: Post User Pictures Here
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
Posts: 3074
When Akiko told me about Hikki hugging her, I was like... FUUUUUUUUUUUU~ Screw you koko-chan XDDD Jk. Love, love

Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Posted on: 2011/1/24 4:23
  •  lumad
Re: Post User Pictures Here
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/10/15
A/S/L 26, M, Philippines
Posts: 697

a_kikoo wrote:

Mark wrote:
Signed poster. Nice! Which show did you meet her at? I was at the Boston and New York shows. Curious how many posters you have. What's your favorite?

I met her at the Hawaii show. I only have TITO, WILD LIFE and Pepsi NEX posters. need more!

i am envious of you...imagine me, a hikki fan and not even owning a single poster of her to boast!
"Do you fear... death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare, all your sins punished? " ? Davey Jones
Posted on: 2011/1/24 6:11
  •  GIGAcorrupt
Re: Post User Pictures Here
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/3/1
A/S/L Potato. Genderless. Underground
Posts: 1193
Sometimes...Oscar likes to update you guys with a picture of himself...

[EDIT] My picture...it didn't show here, I guess it was too good for it to bee seen by the eyes of the users on UN...I will try again with a less exciting picture...Viewer discretion is advised

Posted on: 2011/2/10 22:22
Re: Post User Pictures Here
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
Posts: 3074
Is this the middle guy in the video tribute that you were saying "handsome"? XDD

Someone's showing off again. XDD

Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Posted on: 2011/2/10 22:34
  •  SwallowTail
Re: Post User Pictures Here
Joined: 2008/6/13
A/S/L ∞ / M / Indonesia
Posts: 3286
who is this guy never seen it before . Why you wear that hat Oscar, you look like want to rob a house
Posted on: 2011/2/11 3:06
  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Post User Pictures Here
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285
Great Oscar, no scary mask or plastic medieval battle axe in sight....a smile would have topped it off...you look like a contestant for 'Tough Guy'.....

plus the 2 women ...

Posted on: 2011/2/11 8:01
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Post User Pictures Here
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
A/S/L 26/F
Posts: 1151

soulhunter14 wrote:
Is this the middle guy in the video tribute that you were saying "handsome"? XDD

Someone's showing off again. XDD


why so serious Oscar?
Posted on: 2011/2/11 9:48
  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Post User Pictures Here
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285
Yes smile..... oh wait, yes I got it, three words for you.... 'man make up'...

Go on Oscar indulge, you don't have to go to work in a frock and heels.

But hey nothing wrong with a little Guy-Liner and Mascara....and it for real geezers...go on give it a try...



Please Oscar not need to thank me ...giggle.
Posted on: 2011/2/11 10:16
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Post User Pictures Here
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
A/S/L 26/F
Posts: 1151

Pips_Paradise wrote:
Yes smile..... oh wait, yes I got it, three words for you.... 'man make up'...

Go on Oscar indulge, you don't have to go to work in a frock and heels.

But hey nothing wrong with a little Guy-Liner and Mascara....and it for real geezers...go on give it a try...



Please Oscar not need to thank me ...giggle.

I actually think he would look good with a little eye make-up
Posted on: 2011/2/11 10:18
  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Post User Pictures Here
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285
Oh yes spot on, oooohhh aaahhh, there a 'eyebrow' thing going on here, facial foliage needs controlling, may I take this early opportunity, consciously switching to my humblest of modes to suggest the seriously cool Conair LT3WB Dual Blade Fine Line Trimmer.....


However Persephone reckons, 'you need to go more industrial'...and suggested....

Efco DS2800T Strimmer..

From the Elite bruschcutters range recommended and advertised as perfectly ideal for intensive home use......
I think it's on offer .....


Posted on: 2011/2/11 11:04
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