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Re: Relationships/Lovelife Thread
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/6/29
A/S/L 16/M/Maryland, US
Posts: 603
Do you think these are signs that this girl is interested in me? I have just mentally compiled like eveything she has done in the past days, and it seems like somethings up

- I catch her always looking in my direction [i love that cause she has such pretty eyes]
- When i walk behind her to class she turns back often
- Yesterday she sat next to me, but turned the opposite direction in the chair. None of her friends sit around my area, and she wasn't talking to anyone, but she sat right next to me
- When she DEOS look at me, she has that nervous/puzzled look on her face

I'm sure to take this good or bad or..?

~ love like never beforeee
Posted on: 2007/10/17 21:15
  •  aisho
Re: Relationships/Lovelife Thread
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2006/1/11
A/S/L 19/female/WI
Posts: 537

jigenbakuda wrote:

aisho wrote:
O.o Junie???
I agree with many of those tips, but not #3???

Well let me try to explain 3 a bit more. You might not agree with it still, but I think 3 is very true.

Most of the time the worse thing about approaching someone is, you keep thinking they will say no (or something that means the same thing). If not, why be nervous. I am just trying to let guys understand there is nothing to be scared of. The worse thing the chick can say is no. She will not punch you, she will not tell your mom. Well...she might laugh at you with her friends, but thats the worse.

It is a fact that a woman decides wheather or not she will have sex with a man in the first 15 seconds of meeting him. I think marriage decisions are longer, I'm not sure. So a woman knows if she likes a man pretty quick, just like a man does. So if you have seen this girl before she already has an answer in her head about if she will "go with you" or not. Its a bit more difficult with approaching random chicks, but I digress.

So if the chick has it in her mind she likes you, you could talk about video games or the color of the sky it doesn't matter, she will say yes to you (unless she is lying in front of her friends). If she has made up in her mind she dislikes you, you could talk about her favorite subject and be smooth, but it won't change her mind (for the most part).

Now I hope this is a better explanation of number 3. If you still don't agree I understand. Just trying to explain it a little better.

Just so I can know what are your opinions of number 3 aisho? (serious question so please answer)

Well, there are those romances that develop slowly, you know? Sometimes you hate a person, and as time goes by, you get used to them, then start to enjoy their company, and soon you cannot see life without them.

Not only this, but it REALLY depends on the girl. I don't decide things like what you covered in the first fifteen minutes. O.o It takes a LONG time, because some girls are willing to give guys a chance to prove themselves likeworthy...if that's even a word. Anyway, a common girl, such as a prep (only an example, people!) would probably follow example #3.
Posted on: 2007/10/16 20:03
  •  Mikki
Re: Relationships/Lovelife Thread
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2007/10/8
A/S/L 17/Male/Florida
Posts: 176

^Eclipse wrote:
Do girls tend to know instantly when a guy is "looking" at you in a certain way?

I feel that the opposite isn't necessarily true for guys...

I can't really tell if a girl is looking at me like that. But they always seem to know. Girls must have some kind of extra sense or something
Posted on: 2007/10/15 20:29
  •  Unregistered
Re: Relationships/Lovelife Thread
Do girls tend to know instantly when a guy is "looking" at you in a certain way?

I feel that the opposite isn't necessarily true for guys...
Posted on: 2007/10/15 20:26
  •  jigenbakuda
Re: Relationships/Lovelife Thread
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/9/30
A/S/L 23/M/Jacksonville FL
Posts: 417

aisho wrote:
O.o Junie???
I agree with many of those tips, but not #3???

Well let me try to explain 3 a bit more. You might not agree with it still, but I think 3 is very true.

Most of the time the worse thing about approaching someone is, you keep thinking they will say no (or something that means the same thing). If not, why be nervous. I am just trying to let guys understand there is nothing to be scared of. The worse thing the chick can say is no. She will not punch you, she will not tell your mom. Well...she might laugh at you with her friends, but thats the worse.

It is a fact that a woman decides wheather or not she will have sex with a man in the first 15 seconds of meeting him. I think marriage decisions are longer, I'm not sure. So a woman knows if she likes a man pretty quick, just like a man does. So if you have seen this girl before she already has an answer in her head about if she will "go with you" or not. Its a bit more difficult with approaching random chicks, but I digress.

So if the chick has it in her mind she likes you, you could talk about video games or the color of the sky it doesn't matter, she will say yes to you (unless she is lying in front of her friends). If she has made up in her mind she dislikes you, you could talk about her favorite subject and be smooth, but it won't change her mind (for the most part).

Now I hope this is a better explanation of number 3. If you still don't agree I understand. Just trying to explain it a little better.

Just so I can know what are your opinions of number 3 aisho? (serious question so please answer)

If one sets a trap, isn't it the victim's fault for falling in?
Posted on: 2007/10/15 19:22
  •  aisho
Re: Relationships/Lovelife Thread
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2006/1/11
A/S/L 19/female/WI
Posts: 537
Posted on: 2007/10/15 17:46
Re: Relationships/Lovelife Thread
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/6/29
A/S/L 16/M/Maryland, US
Posts: 603
Okay, weird thing happened today

Well, I had a dream like 3 weeks ago that I was driving Heidi [that's her name - now that I think about it... Heidi/Hikki... sound close ] from school back to her house in a community really close to my house on a really nice Spring day. It was a really specific dream. Now I didn't tell anyone about this because only two people know that I really adore her as aof now, and this was weeks ago. Plus they aren't the type of people who will take this info in with a straight face lol, so I'd save the humilation for another day. So anyways, I told the second guy I liked Heidi today in enginieering class and he said that she rides the same bus and lives in the same community as him.

Uh... he lives in the same exact place where I had my dream before I even started taking a serious interest in Heidi...


~ love like never beforeee
Posted on: 2007/10/15 17:31
  •  Mikki
Re: Relationships/Lovelife Thread
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2007/10/8
A/S/L 17/Male/Florida
Posts: 176

Amai wrote:
Yeah! Anyone! I just like to output my advice, because I really do know that males are less complicated and less complex than females. And jigenbakuda's advise is really crucial. A conversation! Exactly what a girl wants. I always wished a shy, slightly insecure guy would have the confidence to come up and talk to me. Then I'd really feel special!
Just have hope in yourself!

I wouldn't mind someone coming up to me, either. I like conversations, too.
Posted on: 2007/10/15 2:36
  •  Amai
Re: Relationships/Lovelife Thread
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/9/14
A/S/L FEMALE!! (that's right)
Posts: 320
Yeah! Anyone! I just like to output my advice, because I really do know that males are less complicated and less complex than females. And jigenbakuda's advise is really crucial. A conversation! Exactly what a girl wants. I always wished a shy, slightly insecure guy would have the confidence to come up and talk to me. Then I'd really feel special!
Just have hope in yourself!
Posted on: 2007/10/14 9:51
Re: Relationships/Lovelife Thread
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/6/29
A/S/L 16/M/Maryland, US
Posts: 603

Mikki wrote:
Ryu, how is everything going? You didn't tell us what happened after your last post, unless I just overlooked it.

Well, I didn't go up to her on Friday for partial nervousness partial you know... working I had a protfolio due the next class and I was halfway done... made 20% of my grade.

Anyways, I'm going to give it time like everyone says. Maybe something spontaneous will happen and all of this trying will be in vain I'm just gonna chillax and wait at the sidelines from now on.


jigenbakuda wrote:
This thread is so aweome it's like the story densha otoko (train man in english). I really wish I had one of these forums to ask for help with women, with real woman input! i had to learn everything the hard way, by myself demo daijyobu

Well if you need tips for asking girls to be your girlfriend or having confidence approaching, no one can help you, but yourself. I can tell you exactly what to say for any situation but you will probably forget it. If I tell you how to walk you'll forget. Everything you do must come from inside.

Now with that said there are some general tips I can give you to improve your interactions with women.
1.Smile- smiling is one of the single most important things you can do.
2.Don't worry about what to say- if you worry about what to say or a script you prepared, you will forget especially if you get nervous. Just have a conversation. You don't need to worry about what to say when you talk to a guy you just met, so why worry with a girl you just met.
3. Don't worry about rejection-If she likes you she likes you, if she doesn't she won't like you even if you said the perfect thing, with the perfect clothes, and in the perfect car. If she turns you down today, she will probably turn you down tomorrow. if she says yes today, she probably would of said yes a week ago when you first met eyes with her.
4.Approach her with respect-if you approach her, she knows why, her friends know why, the guy across the hall knows why, so she probably has her answer before you even get to her. (well unless you were doing sneak tactics with wing men to occupy her friends and then you just surprise her and start talking to her). So seeing as she already knows why you are talking to her, just don't mess up and say something offensive, or crazy.
5.ask her for her number-Unless she is aggressive she will not give her number to you on her own. If you have been having a good conversation with her, tell her it was a great conversation and you want to continue it later, what's your number so I can call you later.

Well these are just some tips to keep in your mind. Just like with anything if you want to be good you must practice. If you can just get 1 and 2 down, you will have everything you need.

What a large amount of good advice! Thanks for sharing, I will take note of all of this in the [hopefully very near] future

Oh, and you can ask for advice here! It's the general relationship and lovelife thread so anyone can ask for advice, not just me

~ love like never beforeee
Posted on: 2007/10/14 8:47
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