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Coincidence or....
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/8/28
A/S/L In my infinite universe
Posts: 588
I came across this after reading Miss Hunter's post about one of Hikki's English messages, courtesy of u3music.com:

"Wuzzup folks.

My fan base in Japan is a pretty cool mix of all different age groups---babies (I'm serious!) to grandparents and ladies and gents and everyone in-between. Come to think of it, I'm not sure of the demographic of my fans beyond Japan... so how old are you guys??

I just turned 22, last Wednesday.
(thank you, thank you)

My birthday this year was an especially memorable one...
I woke up at 6 am, took a bath and did some yoga, took a shower, and went to the dentist... and had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled out. Ha! Betcha didn't see THAT comin'!

Believe it or not, the experience wasn't painful at all, and my dentist would occasionally sing along to the radio. So when a Sade tune came on I hummed along a bit too. (I thought I ought to stay on the same page with him, you know...)

...and the rest of the day I was tripping off 'em crazy painkillers. (Sweet!)

...but there was more...

There was a meeting that night I couldn't get out of, so I went downtown to the designated spot, and it turns out,,, to be a SURPRISE party! Well, it sure was successful... at SURPRISING me! I was secretly freaking out because even my record company execs were there, and there I was, tripping on painkillers and half dozing off! Yeah, rebel! No really. Other than that, a lot of people showed up for me and it was a very sweet party. I stayed as long as I could keep my eyes open.
Let's hope the execs didn't think I was getting hooked on drugs... :)()

Twenty-two. Wow. That sounds so mature! I debuted in Japan when I was 15, a high school sophomore... received as a sort of child prodigy who writes all her own material... (tell 'em girl! lol ) but EVERYONE told me I looked and sounded like a 22 year old! Well now I really am 22 and people tell me I look really young---oh well, I guess it's just that Asian thing* :)

Holy crap I've been at this job for 7 years!"

The point I want to make is, believe it or not, I had my wisdom tooth taken out on the 19th last month! On her birthday! though I didn't have all four taken out, Hikki, you so crazy that's why we love you.

I'm going to have another tooth taken out tomorrow. Please pray for me that I suffer as less as possible.

This not be much a of a discussable topic, but I just wanted to express my surprise.
Deus ex Machina
Posted on: 2008/2/15 8:15
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