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  •  FunkyStrawberries
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/9/14
A/S/L 25/ F/NY
Posts: 389
As a female, I'll put in my two cents.

I don't think the thread was that offensive or should have been locked. It was pretty harmless, just posting pictures where Utada was showing a bit more of her boobs(On another note, did anyone else find it funny that almost all of them were from the Exodus time?). I didn't really think that the creators or posters were disrespecting her really. They love Utada for her music and personality just like everybody else, but it's normal for them to also find her physically attractive as well. As they were just posting picture in a forum and not directly talking to her being offensive, I don't think it's that big a deal.

On another note, girls, girls need to LEARN that if you wear a low cut top YOUR BOOBS WILL BE LOOKED AT. If you think you have the right to wear a low cut top, and then COMPLAIN or get mad that a guy is looking at your boobs, you're wrong. By wearing a low cut top you are asking for that kind of attention.

Thankss :]
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Posted on: 2009/8/26 7:42
  •  yvliew
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2005/4/24
Posts: 180
SwallowTail, unlock the thread.
Posted on: 2009/8/27 5:23
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2008/9/29
A/S/L 16 / M / Palembang
Posts: 111

FAIL. You make no sense

Remember what Indonesians did to their own fellow Chinese countrymen and women over 10 years ago? bet you're still sucking ur own thumb

what are you talking about?
I'm a prisoner of love in a heart station. It's making me stay gold to see a beautiful world with a kiss & cry.
Posted on: 2009/8/27 9:11
Re: Debate on moderator action
Joined: 2004/3/2
Posts: 1466
Wow, What a waste of seven pages (and my nights sleep), but at least people are caring about the community.

The thread in question has been continuously been off topic and the source of much flaming. For me, the behavior there more so than the topic is unbecoming of the community. It is also clear that this topic has offended some people. I am in agreement with the locking of the topic.
The topic will remain locked.

There seems to be some articulated debate going on here and not the usual flaming i would have expected so this topic will remain unlocked for now.

Twitter: @UtadaNet
Posted on: 2009/8/27 11:06
  •  GIGAcorrupt
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/3/1
A/S/L Potato. Genderless. Underground
Posts: 1193

yvliew wrote:

FAIL. You make no sense

Remember what Indonesians did to their own fellow Chinese countrymen and women over 10 years ago? bet you're still sucking ur own thumb

If you're picking on someone else's cultural past or where they're from, or what their longing countries did... I'd advise you not to.
Posted on: 2009/8/27 21:49
  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285
Personally, and just my humble opinion I would like to have seen a more mature understanding from the off, a more sensitive attitude, but locking the thread was justified at the time, however this doesn?t necessary mean that the thread should remain locked indefinitely, and perhaps reading some of members responses, there seems an universal acceptance that this was a ?fun? thread, I wish I can understand this point of view but I cannot, after debating this topic with family and friends, they too feel I overreacted and put far too much weight on strangers opinions on internet forums.

Ever since I can remember I have never been a fan of breasts, or, as I called them when I was little, bosoms. I longed for the arrival of my own, and put socks down the front of my vest so that I could see how they might look.
When I drew female figures I used to pencil in a "u" on each side of the chest and put a dot in the middle of the u. I told people they were pockets, but no one was fooled. I may have been so interested because I was breast-fed, but I don't think so.

Like all the other young owners of chests without breasts, I looked long and hard at the bare-breasted women especially on holiday in Nice France , wondering if I was destined to have the long pointy kind or the round kind, hoping I wouldn't end up with the kind that had huge nipples and not much else.

Photographs of the real thing were far more satisfactory than breasts in art, which were usually small, pale, understated lumps.

I think that breasts have lost their charisma. Where once "boobs" were a secret waiting to be revealed, now double welts of marbled flesh propped up by balcony bras are pushed at you by waitresses, and receptionists of all ages, and in all states of scrawny, bloat, and freckle- and wrinkle-dom.

Where once you would have blushed to display a bra strap, dresses are cut so low that the bra and its bulging overspill are on permanent display.

Now that you can buy them, bosoms are over.

May be it?s the "ladette" culture that admiring glances, have been replaced by slobbering.

This Guardian issue is the latest research into the ladette phenomenon, if phenomenon is the correct description
Posted on: 2009/8/28 2:55
  •  LoBFCanti
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/3/5
A/S/L 20/M/Brooklyn,NY
Posts: 1226

Pips_Paradise wrote:
Personally, and just my humble opinion I would like to have seen a more mature understanding from the off, a more sensitive attitude, but locking the thread was justified at the time, however this doesn?t necessary mean that the thread should remain locked indefinitely, and perhaps reading some of members responses, there seems an universal acceptance that this was a ?fun? thread, I wish I can understand this point of view but I cannot, after debating this topic with family and friends, they too feel I overreacted and put far too much weight on strangers opinions on internet forums.

Ever since I can remember I have never been a fan of breasts, or, as I called them when I was little, bosoms. I longed for the arrival of my own, and put socks down the front of my vest so that I could see how they might look.
When I drew female figures I used to pencil in a "u" on each side of the chest and put a dot in the middle of the u. I told people they were pockets, but no one was fooled. I may have been so interested because I was breast-fed, but I don't think so.

Like all the other young owners of chests without breasts, I looked long and hard at the bare-breasted women especially on holiday in Nice France , wondering if I was destined to have the long pointy kind or the round kind, hoping I wouldn't end up with the kind that had huge nipples and not much else.

Photographs of the real thing were far more satisfactory than breasts in art, which were usually small, pale, understated lumps.

I think that breasts have lost their charisma. Where once "boobs" were a secret waiting to be revealed, now double welts of marbled flesh propped up by balcony bras are pushed at you by waitresses, and receptionists of all ages, and in all states of scrawny, bloat, and freckle- and wrinkle-dom.

Where once you would have blushed to display a bra strap, dresses are cut so low that the bra and its bulging overspill are on permanent display.

Now that you can buy them, bosoms are over.

May be it?s the "ladette" culture that admiring glances, have been replaced by slobbering.

This Guardian issue is the latest research into the ladette phenomenon, if phenomenon is the correct description

*hugs Pips* I can't even think of anything to say -_-
Posted on: 2009/8/28 19:57
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/2/10
A/S/L 18/GQ?/CA
Posts: 431

ItsDaveyJ wrote:
ShuriKid -
First off, no I do not support the Middle Eastern mindset of how women should cover themselves. What I am saying is that women shouldn't have to cover themselves in order to be seen in a non-sexual manner. Eastern culture isn't so perfect either, there are many incidents in Japan of girls being touched on public transportation that I hear about. And on a completely different note, I know Japan has a legal age of consent at 13, which to me is just... yeah...

So you are saying that if a person doesn't want to reveal their body they can't become a celebrity? I have stated Utada has never been very sexual in the way she dresses, so I'm not sure she would want to be viewed that way. Yes her lyrics are sexual, but I'm not talking about lyrics, I'm talking about what she wears. Regardless, this is all just tossing up crap into the air because neither of us know Utada and what her reaction to this sort of thing would be. I feel like we should respect the fact that she could be offended, and if not for her, than for the other members of this forum. Regardless of whether or not the actual thread was in good taste, seeing a thread for the official Utada boob fan club might cause a few people to not want to join.

And no I don't believe that it is a case of reverse sexism. Every group has their sensitive spots, and I think people should try to respect them. Realize that some people may find it offensive because their group has had a history in dealing with this sort of thing. And ShuriKid, I'm sure you have been through a lot, everybody has. So you understand where I am coming from, I'm a gay guy who is 1/4 Indian with a very christian family, in highschool I used to have long hair and wore makeup, trying to do that whole anime androgen look Grew outta that <.< So we all have our histories. It isn't a competition. And a woman hitting a man is different, it isn't a fair fight. Regardless of the gender you identify with, a person born a man is going to be stronger then most women. Could a woman do the same amount of damage? Yes, but that is the minority of abuse cases. I agree that women shouldn't be excused for smacking men, but realistically, a woman is less likely to do the damage a man could.

What's wrong with thinking of women in a sexual manner? Women think of men in a sexual way all the time and no one gets their undies in a wad. Why aren't you protesting Utada's oh-so objectifying depiction of men in "Tippy Toe" or "Let Me Give You My Love"? Clearly because she wrote those songs, Utada sees men as mere sexual toys to be used for her satisfaction and disposed of when they fail to entertain her anymore. Because she has sexual thoughts about men, she must view them as worthless. This is your logic applied the other way. Does it make any sense?

Yes and no. Yes, because the reality of the situation is that most of the entertainment industry is interested in presenting BOTH women and men as sexual marketing tools. No, because I don't think that's necessarily the way it should be: the merits of music and art should certainly transcend the physical qualities of the performers behind them. Amanda Palmer is the perfect example of a true artist: she is perfectly comfortable applying sex appeal when appropriate and has even posed in the nude, but that isn't what she sells her music on. She's a mature artist who isn't over-sexualized (she's in charge of her own body and takes responsibility for the things she does with it) nor overly modest. And Utada DOES present herself sexually- one of the things she has repeatedly stated she likes about singing in English the most is that she feels more comfortable singing about sexual topics. But even in her Japanese work she's gotten explicit. "I want your baby"? I wonder how many different ways that line can be taken. Hmm. Just because Utada doesn't walk around in see-through tops doesn't mean she isn't sexualized. She merely presents her sexuality through her music. Plus, let's be realistic. This is the female singer who has capitalized on the fact that she isn't afraid of sharing information like what panties she bought with her fans over her blog. Now unless you can provide evidence that she WOULD be offended over a thread discussing her breasts, the overwhelming consensus by any group of reasonably minded people would be that she wouldn't care.

I have a history of dealing with women who think they're better than me just because they think they've faced more trials and tribulations than I have. I KNOW oppression isn't a contest- but these femi-nazis try to make it out to be one. The only reason I brought up my personal identity is to make the point that EVEN AS A FEMININE, WEAK "PANSY" MAN, I am expected to take crap from women that they are not expected to take from me. I can't say things to women that they can say to me, I can't say things ABOUT women that they can say about me, and I have JUST AS MUCH- if not more- of a history of oppression than most women I know. But because I am a man biologically, I'm supposed to take those experiences and deal with them myself while it's considered perfectly acceptable for a girl to cry and whine about it until the cows come home.

And your logic is, once again, self-defeating. Applying the concept that men are biologically stronger to women is the EXACT MANNER in which women were oppressed from the beginning! Men are stronger- therefore, that inherently makes them more capable of working, particularly in labor jobs. Women can't carry as much weight or handle as much physical stress, so I guess that means we should just deny them jobs we men don't think they're fit to take on. And you know that the idea of a woman slapping a man and getting away with it actually stems from patriarchal perspective? Because women are weaker than men, it is expected that a man will endure physical abuse from a woman because it would be humiliating to step down to her level. It isn't out of regard for the physical well-being of women that men don't slap back; it's to protect their machismo and maintain as high an ego as possible. So here we have more double-standards. Maintain a masculine rule of conduct that PROTECTS women from being treated fairly when they don't want to be, but eliminate all the ones that prevent them from being treated fairly when they want to be. This is madness. This is ultra-feminism.

Also, I'm sorry for taking so long to respond. Work and other things got in the way.

I'd also like to make it absolutely clear that I am NOT anti-feminist. I believe that women should be EQUAL in EVERY WAY; and that the women fighting for EQUALITY are noble and respectable. However, to me, and I know this is crazy, but that means women are attributed the same freedoms and rights as men, and they take the same level of responsibility as men for their actions. Unfortunately, this is not what I see occurring widely in America. What I see is masses of women who want to be extradited from the consequences of their actions and given free-reign to do whatever they want in the name of "correcting" the discriminatory attitudes of yesterday (ultra-feminism). That isn't equality.

Posted on: 2009/8/28 21:35
  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285
I have a history of dealing with women who think they're better than me just because they think they've faced more trials and tribulations than I have. I KNOW oppression isn't a contest- but these femi-nazis try to make it out to be one. The only reason I brought up my personal identity is to make the point that EVEN AS A FEMININE, WEAK "PANSY" MAN, I am expected to take crap from women that they are not expected to take from me. I can't say things to women that they can say to me, I can't say things ABOUT women that they can say about me, and I have JUST AS MUCH- if not more- of a history of oppression than most women I know. But because I am a man biologically, I'm supposed to take those experiences and deal with them myself while it's considered perfectly acceptable for a girl to cry and whine about it until the cows come home.

Disappointed and sad to hear this, if it is not too personal can you please elaborate about your experiences.

There are positives,in UK Stonewall makes the difference:

Posted on: 2009/8/29 7:47
  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285
*hugs Pips* I can't even think of anything to say -_-

Hugs back Mr T
Posted on: 2009/8/29 8:00
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