Jiremi |
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! | |
Hikki Obsessed 
Joined: 2008/7/23
A/S/L "I can't wait to see you in the FuTuTuRe - Utada~"
Posts: 475
Quote: Dark_Armed_Dragon wrote: If you ever go to SJCs (which I haven't), you will see that there are 1000+ people who go most of the time. Sneak Previews are pretty popular in my area (but they have limited supply >_>). Last sneak preview I've been to was Stardust Overdrive, and it was pretty fun. We were talking about different Japanese things, and I talked about Japanese Music. I mentioned Utada Hikaru, and people started talking about Kingdom Hearts. I asked if anyone knew any more songs by her besides Simple and Clean and Sanctuary, but they didn't. I was the only one who knew more xD.
I do hate how people make fun of Yu-Gi-Oh! for the wrong reasons. The TV show is the best example, and they usually make fun it because of things that 4kids did to it. It shouldn't really be judged by the TV show, since they are both the TCG and the show are different. I could see why people don't like it, or aren't interested, but making fun of it seems weird. It has even gotten weirder ever since YTAS came out, and it was made to show people that Yu-Gi-Oh! isn't as bad of a show as people think it is.
Unfortunately, that happens a lot with Hikki. Whatever happened to people Youtubing?
On Sunday, October 17, at 7:53 PM, Utada Hikaru replied to me on Twitter! ♥
LoBFCanti |
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! | |
Insane Hikki Fan 
Joined: 2009/3/5
A/S/L 20/M/Brooklyn,NY
Posts: 1226
Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: I used to be amazing at dueling! I once beat somone in two turns (luck of the draw). I miss the popularity of Yu-Gi-Oh. I don't think it helped that they kept adding on seasons once Yugi wasn't the main prtagonist anymore . Waking of the Dragons was one of the best seasons. 
YGO actually the most celebrated community of trading card games at the moment.Konami is rollin' in yugi-dollas.There partnership with Shuiesha has been a wonderful free advertisement campaign for the game;The Shonen Jump regionals never fail to drawn in thousands of duelist.
Yeah, okay, but it's popularity ISN'T the same from what it was. The people that originally started out watching and playing don't anymore. And it's the only trading card game that acutually makes sense or have structure. As I see, most of you in this thread are talking about the video games. It is easy to pick those up and battle a random cpu, bravo. But I'm talking about the actual cards. I'd say at least, one in ten people might still play it...or might still have them. Face it, it's not the same anymore. It lost it's bam. 
I also happen to still play the card game;been playing since 2003.
And you would happen to be that 1 in 10
You can't make such an assumption based only on your community,but I was more so replying towards:
Face it, it's not the same anymore. It lost it's bam. 
I'm making my assumption based on America in general. Majority of the people who began playing yugioh have ventured off and dropped it. The point behind all of this is that Yu-Gi-Oh isn't as popular as it was. That's it, nothing else.
But that's where you are wrong.It's even more popular than it ever was.America's Yu-gi-oh community is 60% of the TCG,Canadians have to come to the US to play in jumps so often because they hit major cities and draw in staggering numbers of players.One jump just last year ran for 19 hrs straight because of so many people entering;it was only the first day of the competition too.
Canada is irrevlevant. Exactly, MAJOR CITIES.
How does going to major cities make it not popular?It's only sensible you hit a city's capital as it is easiest to reach in many cases and is surrounded with services for the out of towners.I wasn't saying "Yugioh is popular because canadians come here to play it!",I'm saying that it's popularity here draws in even neighboring countries' duelists.Canada is still North American community of the TCG...we all hold the same competition statistics.As does all of europe and South America hold there's.
Jiremi |
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! | |
Hikki Obsessed 
Joined: 2008/7/23
A/S/L "I can't wait to see you in the FuTuTuRe - Utada~"
Posts: 475
@LoBFCanti I never said major cities makes it unpopular. It just takes a tournament in a big city to make people come. That's what I'm saying. You have taken my first comment wrong. Yu-Gi-Oh isn't as popular in THE UNTED STATES as it was when it first came out. And that is fact. Take this for example: Just because Utada Hikaru had sold out concerts in America doesn't make her popular. Do you see what I'm saying? Thousands of people out of millions coming to a tournament doesn't make it popular. Yugioh has lost its umph. FACT.
On Sunday, October 17, at 7:53 PM, Utada Hikaru replied to me on Twitter! ♥
LoBFCanti |
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! | |
Insane Hikki Fan 
Joined: 2009/3/5
A/S/L 20/M/Brooklyn,NY
Posts: 1226
Quote: Jiremi wrote: @LoBFCanti I never said major cities makes it unpopular. It just takes a tournament in a big city to make people come. That's what I'm saying. You have taken my first comment wrong. Yu-Gi-Oh isn't as popular in THE UNTED STATES as it was when it first came out. And that is fact. Take this for example: Just because Utada Hikaru had sold out concerts in America doesn't make her popular. Do you see what I'm saying? Thousands of people out of millions coming to a tournament doesn't make it popular. Yugioh has lost its umph. FACT.
Where is your proof?KDE has never been happier with the growth of the franchise as a card game.I don't expect MILLIONS of people to flock to tourneys,and there is no way anything of topical interest could ever do that;or ever did.But 7 million or so people in 1 country liking 1 thing does give it notice,which is exactly the case with this card game.This is not a sport nor is it music so the ethics of how you'd judge those categories do not apply.Being culturally engraved and being popular are not the same thing.
Jiremi |
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! | |
Hikki Obsessed 
Joined: 2008/7/23
A/S/L "I can't wait to see you in the FuTuTuRe - Utada~"
Posts: 475
Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: @LoBFCanti I never said major cities makes it unpopular. It just takes a tournament in a big city to make people come. That's what I'm saying. You have taken my first comment wrong. Yu-Gi-Oh isn't as popular in THE UNTED STATES as it was when it first came out. And that is fact. Take this for example: Just because Utada Hikaru had sold out concerts in America doesn't make her popular. Do you see what I'm saying? Thousands of people out of millions coming to a tournament doesn't make it popular. Yugioh has lost its umph. FACT.
Where is your proof?KDE has never been happier with the growth of the franchise as a card game.I don't expect MILLIONS of people to flock to tourneys,and there is no way anything of topical interest could ever do that;or ever did.But 7 million or so people in 1 country liking 1 thing does give it notice,which is exactly the case with this card game.This is not a sport nor is it music so the ethics of how you'd judge those categories do not apply.Being culturally engraved and being popular are not the same thing.
It's still not as popular as in its first run. And where is YOUR proof. Please give the links to these sites.
On Sunday, October 17, at 7:53 PM, Utada Hikaru replied to me on Twitter! ♥
LoBFCanti |
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! | |
Insane Hikki Fan 
Joined: 2009/3/5
A/S/L 20/M/Brooklyn,NY
Posts: 1226
Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: @LoBFCanti I never said major cities makes it unpopular. It just takes a tournament in a big city to make people come. That's what I'm saying. You have taken my first comment wrong. Yu-Gi-Oh isn't as popular in THE UNTED STATES as it was when it first came out. And that is fact. Take this for example: Just because Utada Hikaru had sold out concerts in America doesn't make her popular. Do you see what I'm saying? Thousands of people out of millions coming to a tournament doesn't make it popular. Yugioh has lost its umph. FACT.
Where is your proof?KDE has never been happier with the growth of the franchise as a card game.I don't expect MILLIONS of people to flock to tourneys,and there is no way anything of topical interest could ever do that;or ever did.But 7 million or so people in 1 country liking 1 thing does give it notice,which is exactly the case with this card game.This is not a sport nor is it music so the ethics of how you'd judge those categories do not apply.Being culturally engraved and being popular are not the same thing.
It's still not as popular as in its first run. And where is YOUR proof. Please give the links to these sites.
I'm sorry if I can't serve to your rationality beyond the fact that YGO TGC is the best selling trading card game in the world.KDE america even goes as far as to make cards doe the TCG that might not ever get released in japan's OCG to surge attraction to packs.Dropping almost 2 million bucks to organize every Shonen Jump tourney shouldn't be rationalized as a possibility due to the games popularity right?I'm just relaying personal observations here.If you want proof in text,head to the konami website and read the press kit and furthermore look for chartings for North American TCG sales.
Jiremi |
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! | |
Hikki Obsessed 
Joined: 2008/7/23
A/S/L "I can't wait to see you in the FuTuTuRe - Utada~"
Posts: 475
Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: @LoBFCanti I never said major cities makes it unpopular. It just takes a tournament in a big city to make people come. That's what I'm saying. You have taken my first comment wrong. Yu-Gi-Oh isn't as popular in THE UNTED STATES as it was when it first came out. And that is fact. Take this for example: Just because Utada Hikaru had sold out concerts in America doesn't make her popular. Do you see what I'm saying? Thousands of people out of millions coming to a tournament doesn't make it popular. Yugioh has lost its umph. FACT.
Where is your proof?KDE has never been happier with the growth of the franchise as a card game.I don't expect MILLIONS of people to flock to tourneys,and there is no way anything of topical interest could ever do that;or ever did.But 7 million or so people in 1 country liking 1 thing does give it notice,which is exactly the case with this card game.This is not a sport nor is it music so the ethics of how you'd judge those categories do not apply.Being culturally engraved and being popular are not the same thing.
It's still not as popular as in its first run. And where is YOUR proof. Please give the links to these sites.
I'm sorry if I can't serve to your rationality beyond the fact that YGO TGC is the best selling trading card game in the world.KDE america even goes as far as to make cards doe the TCG that might not ever get released in japan's OCG to surge attraction to packs.Dropping almost 2 million bucks to organize every Shonen Jump tourney shouldn't be rationalized as a possibility due to the games popularity right?I'm just relaying personal observations here.If you want proof in text,head to the konami website and read the press kit and furthermore look for chartings for North American TCG sales.
I see no site links, bummer. You are not understanding. I mean Yu-Gi-Oh as a WHOLE is not AS popular AS BEFORE. You can argue all you want that it's even more popular now, but, it's not. You seem to think that I am directing this towards the TCG but you are mistaken. Remeber, the manga existed before the TCG. I have no doubt that YGO is the highest selling TCG but that's only one part of the franchise. There is the manga and anime, too. Are these on top of the charts, too? No, my friend, no they are not.
On Sunday, October 17, at 7:53 PM, Utada Hikaru replied to me on Twitter! ♥
LoBFCanti |
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! | |
Insane Hikki Fan 
Joined: 2009/3/5
A/S/L 20/M/Brooklyn,NY
Posts: 1226
Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: @LoBFCanti I never said major cities makes it unpopular. It just takes a tournament in a big city to make people come. That's what I'm saying. You have taken my first comment wrong. Yu-Gi-Oh isn't as popular in THE UNTED STATES as it was when it first came out. And that is fact. Take this for example: Just because Utada Hikaru had sold out concerts in America doesn't make her popular. Do you see what I'm saying? Thousands of people out of millions coming to a tournament doesn't make it popular. Yugioh has lost its umph. FACT.
Where is your proof?KDE has never been happier with the growth of the franchise as a card game.I don't expect MILLIONS of people to flock to tourneys,and there is no way anything of topical interest could ever do that;or ever did.But 7 million or so people in 1 country liking 1 thing does give it notice,which is exactly the case with this card game.This is not a sport nor is it music so the ethics of how you'd judge those categories do not apply.Being culturally engraved and being popular are not the same thing.
It's still not as popular as in its first run. And where is YOUR proof. Please give the links to these sites.
I'm sorry if I can't serve to your rationality beyond the fact that YGO TGC is the best selling trading card game in the world.KDE america even goes as far as to make cards doe the TCG that might not ever get released in japan's OCG to surge attraction to packs.Dropping almost 2 million bucks to organize every Shonen Jump tourney shouldn't be rationalized as a possibility due to the games popularity right?I'm just relaying personal observations here.If you want proof in text,head to the konami website and read the press kit and furthermore look for chartings for North American TCG sales.
I see no site links, bummer. You are not understanding. I mean Yu-Gi-Oh as a WHOLE is not AS popular AS BEFORE. You can argue all you want that it's even more popular now, but, it's not. You seem to think that I am directing this towards the TCG but you are mistaken. Remeber, the manga existed before the TCG. I have no doubt that YGO is the highest selling TCG but that's only one part of the franchise. There is the manga and anime, too. Are these on top of the charts, too? No, my friend, no they are not.
*facepalm* It's whatever.There are 2 pages of this argument that would say otherwise.
Jiremi |
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! | |
Hikki Obsessed 
Joined: 2008/7/23
A/S/L "I can't wait to see you in the FuTuTuRe - Utada~"
Posts: 475
Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: @LoBFCanti I never said major cities makes it unpopular. It just takes a tournament in a big city to make people come. That's what I'm saying. You have taken my first comment wrong. Yu-Gi-Oh isn't as popular in THE UNTED STATES as it was when it first came out. And that is fact. Take this for example: Just because Utada Hikaru had sold out concerts in America doesn't make her popular. Do you see what I'm saying? Thousands of people out of millions coming to a tournament doesn't make it popular. Yugioh has lost its umph. FACT.
Where is your proof?KDE has never been happier with the growth of the franchise as a card game.I don't expect MILLIONS of people to flock to tourneys,and there is no way anything of topical interest could ever do that;or ever did.But 7 million or so people in 1 country liking 1 thing does give it notice,which is exactly the case with this card game.This is not a sport nor is it music so the ethics of how you'd judge those categories do not apply.Being culturally engraved and being popular are not the same thing.
It's still not as popular as in its first run. And where is YOUR proof. Please give the links to these sites.
I'm sorry if I can't serve to your rationality beyond the fact that YGO TGC is the best selling trading card game in the world.KDE america even goes as far as to make cards doe the TCG that might not ever get released in japan's OCG to surge attraction to packs.Dropping almost 2 million bucks to organize every Shonen Jump tourney shouldn't be rationalized as a possibility due to the games popularity right?I'm just relaying personal observations here.If you want proof in text,head to the konami website and read the press kit and furthermore look for chartings for North American TCG sales.
I see no site links, bummer. You are not understanding. I mean Yu-Gi-Oh as a WHOLE is not AS popular AS BEFORE. You can argue all you want that it's even more popular now, but, it's not. You seem to think that I am directing this towards the TCG but you are mistaken. Remeber, the manga existed before the TCG. I have no doubt that YGO is the highest selling TCG but that's only one part of the franchise. There is the manga and anime, too. Are these on top of the charts, too? No, my friend, no they are not.
*facepalm* It's whatever.There are 2 pages of this argument that would say otherwise.
2 pages that say I'm right. 
On Sunday, October 17, at 7:53 PM, Utada Hikaru replied to me on Twitter! ♥
LoBFCanti |
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! | |
Insane Hikki Fan 
Joined: 2009/3/5
A/S/L 20/M/Brooklyn,NY
Posts: 1226
Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: Quote: LoBFCanti wrote: Quote: Jiremi wrote: @LoBFCanti I never said major cities makes it unpopular. It just takes a tournament in a big city to make people come. That's what I'm saying. You have taken my first comment wrong. Yu-Gi-Oh isn't as popular in THE UNTED STATES as it was when it first came out. And that is fact. Take this for example: Just because Utada Hikaru had sold out concerts in America doesn't make her popular. Do you see what I'm saying? Thousands of people out of millions coming to a tournament doesn't make it popular. Yugioh has lost its umph. FACT.
Where is your proof?KDE has never been happier with the growth of the franchise as a card game.I don't expect MILLIONS of people to flock to tourneys,and there is no way anything of topical interest could ever do that;or ever did.But 7 million or so people in 1 country liking 1 thing does give it notice,which is exactly the case with this card game.This is not a sport nor is it music so the ethics of how you'd judge those categories do not apply.Being culturally engraved and being popular are not the same thing.
It's still not as popular as in its first run. And where is YOUR proof. Please give the links to these sites.
I'm sorry if I can't serve to your rationality beyond the fact that YGO TGC is the best selling trading card game in the world.KDE america even goes as far as to make cards doe the TCG that might not ever get released in japan's OCG to surge attraction to packs.Dropping almost 2 million bucks to organize every Shonen Jump tourney shouldn't be rationalized as a possibility due to the games popularity right?I'm just relaying personal observations here.If you want proof in text,head to the konami website and read the press kit and furthermore look for chartings for North American TCG sales.
I see no site links, bummer. You are not understanding. I mean Yu-Gi-Oh as a WHOLE is not AS popular AS BEFORE. You can argue all you want that it's even more popular now, but, it's not. You seem to think that I am directing this towards the TCG but you are mistaken. Remeber, the manga existed before the TCG. I have no doubt that YGO is the highest selling TCG but that's only one part of the franchise. There is the manga and anime, too. Are these on top of the charts, too? No, my friend, no they are not.
*facepalm* It's whatever.There are 2 pages of this argument that would say otherwise.
2 pages that say I'm right. 
About what?You just claimed to have been arguing a completely irrelevant angle to ever single reply I ever made.I commented solely on what you said about people playing the game.