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Twitter: Hikki's message translations
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
Posts: 3074
Sorry for the inconvenience, due to the massive spamming attack, we accidentally deleted the twitter messages translations.

You may now continue posting tweet translations here. To those who were able to save the previous translations, you may re-post them here.

Thanks for the hard work, minna!

Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Posted on: 2010/12/21 18:41
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
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池袋サンシャインセンターには行ったことないです おやすみなさい (:D)┼─┤バタッ RT @xxxnekotanxxx: 一週間前くらいに池袋サンシャインにセーター買いにきたりしてませんよね??すっごい宇多田さん激似の人を接客したもので、ずっと気になっててもう夜も眠れないんです

I've never been to Ikebukuro Sunshine Center. Good night (:D)┼─┤バタッ RT @xxxnekotanxxx: About a week ago, did you purchase a sweater from Ikebukuro Sunshine? There was a customer I attended that greatly resembled Utada-san, its been bothering me this whole time that I can't sleep at night.

「池袋サンシャインにセーター?」を「池袋サンシャインセンター」と脳内変換してしまいました(笑)サンシャイン「シティ」か!センターっていうと一気に町内の方々が集まる施設っぽくなりますねおはようございくまぼんじゅーる?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!

I transformed "sweater from Ikebukuro Sunshine" into "Ikebukuro Sunshine Center" in my head lol its Sunshine "City"! When you say center, it seems like a facility where people inside a town get together. Ohayougozaikumabonjour ?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!


Lately on twitter, I get questions like "Were you at ____ yesterday morning? I saw someone that looked like you!", but they're all wrong. In high school at the train station, my friend who looks nothing like me used to get mistaken for me. And I don't get recognized lol images are mysterious.

あ、それ私だ。あそこおいしいよね。けど清楚なOLってw RT @chiisuke2525: でも6月初め三茶の小さなスペイン料理店で隣席にいらしたのは間違いなくヒッキー様でしたよね?めちゃめちゃ清楚で気品のあるOLさんやなーって見てて話し声で初めてヒッキー様だと気付きテンションM

Ah, that was me. That place is good isn't it? but a tidy OL? lol RT @chiisuke2525: But in early June, sitting in the next seat at a small Spain restaurant in Sancha was Hikki-sama right? I thought, what a tidy and graceful OL-san (office lady) but when I heard your voice, I realized it was Hikki-sama...

I think its cut off due to the word limit.

それ鳥居みゆきさんじゃね? RT @kaseiworld: ショートカットで、クマを持ってて、鼻歌を唄いながら、不思議な行動をしている人を見かけたら、それは宇多田ヒカルさんだと思ってしまいまする(ノ゜O゜)ノ

Isn't that Torii Miyuki-san? RT @kaseiworld: When I see someone with short hair, holding a kuma, humming, with strange behavoir, I think its Utada Hikaru-san(ノ゜O゜)ノ

Torii Miyuki is a very strange Japanese female comedian: http://torii-miyuki.com/
Posted on: 2010/12/21 18:59
Re: Twitter: Hikki
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
Posts: 3074
Thanks akiko! Great job! :)

Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Posted on: 2010/12/21 21:23
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
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そーなのよ(?・ω・`)CDに封入されてる紙、捨てちゃった人が多いのよ(?・ω・`) っていうかあんな紙切れ捨てちゃうよね、ライブチケット当選の応募も終わったら。なにか救済方法が無いかみんなで模索中です!

yeah(?・ω・`)the paper that was enclosed in the CD, a lot of people threw it away(?・ω・`)then again, you would throw away that scrap of paper right? since the application of the lottery ticket has ended. we are looking to see if there is a way to solve the problem!

最新のスカパーの雑誌の表紙が私だと聞いて、さっきうちにも届いたので「どんな写真だろう!素敵なやつだといいな!へへ」と開封したら表紙思いっきり鶴瓶師匠でした... とっても素敵な笑顔のお写真ですぼんじゅーる(T(エ)T)/

I heard that I was on the front cover of the latest Sky Perfectv magazine. It arrived at my house earlier so I opened it thinking "I wonder what the photo looks like! I hope its a good one! hehe" but it was Tsurube Shishou... a photo of a wonderful smile bonjour (T(エ)T)/

そ、そういうことか~ なんという罠... RT @boxer_tk: それ月刊のほうですね。ヒッキーの表紙はTVガイドのほうですよ。

oh, thats what it was~ what a trap... RT @boxer_tk: thats the Gekkan one. the front cover of Hikki is the TV guide one.

she saw this one...
instead of this.
Posted on: 2010/12/23 0:18
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
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見たことないような立派なカニを前にして、「わ〜!!すごいイカ!!!」と叫んでしまいました クリスマスイヴぼんじゅーる(*?(エ)`)ノ

With a splendid crab that I've never seen before in front of me, I shouted "Wow~!! Amazing squid!!!" Christmas Eve Bonjour(*?(エ)`)ノ


I saw Ooba-kun, a back-dancer from my year 2000 tour, at a stand up soba shop in Aoyama earlier!!! As I rode my bicycle past the shop, I thought "ah! a familiar face!" and turned back. He was pouring tea by himself, I called onto him and I was right! He was very surprised.

おそば、いいな〜と思って、帰ってからそば食べちゃった。今年のクリスマスイヴディナーはそばサラダでした?◡` うまうま?◡`

I thought, soba sounds good, so I had soba when I got home. I had soba salad for this year's Christmas Eve dinner?◡` yum yum?◡`


This is what I call a soba salad; on the soba put lettuce and favorite vegetables (such as radish, carrot, cabbage) cut into small strips, by preference added mekabu and young dried sardines, sprinkle grinded sesame seeds, pour dressing or noodle dip and mix it around. I even put vinegar.
Posted on: 2010/12/23 22:18
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
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突然ですがここでくまちゃんの秘密を一つ 「全然くまの色してない」 おやすみなさい (:D)┼─┤バタッ

This is abrupt but here is one secret about Kuma-chan. "He is not the color of a bear." Good night (:D)┼─┤バタッ
Posted on: 2010/12/25 11:22
Re: Twitter: Hikki
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
Posts: 3074

a_kikoo wrote:
突然ですがここでくまちゃんの秘密を一つ 「全然くまの色してない」 おやすみなさい (:D)┼─┤バタッ

This is abrupt but here is one secret about Kuma-chan. "He is not the color of a bear." Good night (:D)┼─┤バタッ

I wonder what she meant here XD

Aww, koko-chan we'll miss your translations. Hehe. XD I hope you can still do some if you have free time in Japan! Take care always!

Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Posted on: 2010/12/26 3:32
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
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くまちゃんの毛色はキツネとか、柴犬みたいな色です。その美しさを讃えられるナミブ砂漠の砂丘のようだと日々感じておりますおはようございくまぼんじゅーる?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!

Kuma-chan's fur color is like a fox or a shiba-ken. Its beauty is like a sand hill in Namib Desert, I sense it everyday. Good morning bonjour ?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!
Posted on: 2010/12/26 9:02
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
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Posts: 1151
ソックス 最高 おやすみなさい (:D)┼─┤バタッ

socks are the best. good night (:D)┼─┤バタッ

「ソックスって靴下のことですか?」という質問(確認?)が多くてびっくり 靴下以外のソックスってなんやねんおはようございくまぼんじゅーる?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!

I've been getting lots of surprising questions (confirmation) like "By socks, do you mean kutsushita (socks)?" What else would it be? Good morning kuma bonjour ?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!

どうやら一部の人に「ソックス最高」が下ネタだと思われたようです 悲しいので また寝ます おやすみなさい (:D)┼─┤バタッ

It seems some people thought I was saying some kind of perverted joke. Sad so I'm going back to sleep. Good night (:D)┼─┤バタッ


There's a movie on t.v. right now called "Shounen Merikensack" that is more interesting than I thought it would be. All of a sudden, it surprised me that my name and my mom's name was mentioned.


When your name is mentioned on t.v., you're suddenly pulled back into reality. While watching t.v., humans are unprepared lol.

新たな情報によると、私、厳密に言うと喪中じゃないらしい(笑)親も離婚してるし母方の祖父母も離婚してたし、その祖母が亡くなっても宇多田家とは関係ないということで。でも、おばあちゃんを思って勝手に喪に服そうと思います!!おやすみなさい (:D)┼─┤バタッ

According to recent gossip, lets say this strictly, I'm not a mourner lol. My parents are divorced, my grandparents on my mom's side are divorced. When my grandma passed away, the Utada family had nothing to do with it. But thinking of my grandma, I'll go into mourning on my own will!! Good night (:D)┼─┤バタッ
Posted on: 2010/12/29 16:04
  •  kuromaguro
Re: Twitter: Hikki
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2009/7/26
A/S/L 19/M/London
Posts: 83
Even though u are suppose to be on holiday in Japan, thank you so much for the translation!!! Gosh, that really clear things up XD
Posted on: 2010/12/29 17:18
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