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Re: Twitter: Hikki | ||
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/4/14
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Please translate these! :)
明日は成人式か〜!街のいたるところで鮮やかな振り袖姿のおなごに遭遇できる日ですね(*?∪`) utadahikaru 宇多田ヒカル 今友達から「サッカー観てるんだけど?」ってメールがきて「ウオオオオオ!!ヨルダン戦すっかり忘れてた!!と思ってテレビつけたらまだ始まったばっかりだった! 観るべ観るべ @utadahikaru ヒカルちゃんはサッカー観てますかー?? utadahikaru 宇多田ヒカル そうだ、産まれた時の話。予定日から3週間以上過ぎてヤバいってことになって帝王切開で出されたんだけど心肺停止で、父は医者に「残念ですが?」とまで言われるも、父の必死のマッサージで うわああゴールされてもーたーーー! utadahikaru 宇多田ヒカル で、真っ青な私を父は泣きながら必死にマッサージしまくって名前も決めてたから「ひかるー!」と呼びかけてたら、徐々に血の気が戻ってきて蘇生したんだって。この間、藤圭子は麻酔で意識無し。父に感謝!ママもママで小さい身体で大変だったろうなあ。 utadahikaru 宇多田ヒカル 出産ではそんなに珍しい話でもないんじゃないかな?心配停止からの蘇生。産まれるって本当に有り難いことだよね。生きてるってことは誰かに愛されたってことだよね。今生きてる人はみんな、赤ちゃんの時に誰かが一生懸命育ててくれたんだもんね。 u3music u3music やっと夜が明けて薄明るくなってきました。今朝はお正月中におとなしかった烏くんたちが早々と飛び交っています。お正月には少なかったゴミの残飯が通常になり、お腹を満たす喜びを感じているのかな。おはよう。teruzane |
Posted on: 2011/1/9 18:44
Re: Twitter: Hikki | ||
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
A/S/L 26/F
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明日は成人式か〜!街のいたるところで鮮やかな振り袖姿のおなごに遭遇できる日ですね(*?∪`) Today is the Coming of Age day! This day, we can encounter girls in brilliant kimonos all over the streets (*?∪`) Quote: 今友達から「サッカー観てるんだけど?」ってメールがきて「ウオオオオオ!!ヨルダン戦すっかり忘れてた!!と思ってテレビつけたらまだ始まったばっかりだった! 観るべ観るべ @utadahikaru ヒカルちゃんはサッカー観てますかー?? A friend just mailed me saying "I'm watching soccer right now..." I thought "Woooo! I totally forgot about the Jordan game!" and turned on the t.v. to find out that it just started! I'm going to watch it. @utadahikaru Are you watching soccer, Hikaru-chan? Quote: そうだ、産まれた時の話。予定日から3週間以上過ぎてヤバいってことになって帝王切開で出されたんだけど心肺停止で、父は医者に「残念ですが?」とまで言われるも、父の必死のマッサージで うわああゴールされてもーたーーー! Oh thats right, the story about my birth. It was 3 weeks past the due date, a bad situation. I was born by c-section but I was under cardiopulmonary arrest. The doctor told my father "I'm afraid to say..." but my father desperately massaged me and uwaahh goal! Quote: で、真っ青な私を父は泣きながら必死にマッサージしまくって名前も決めてたから「ひかるー!」と呼びかけてたら、徐々に血の気が戻ってきて蘇生したんだって。この間、藤圭子は麻酔で意識無し。父に感謝!ママもママで小さい身体で大変だったろうなあ。 My father cried and desperately massaged me, I was very pale. My name had been decided so he kept yelling "Hikaru-!" and gradually, my complexion returned and I was brought back to life. During this, Fuji Keiko was unconscious due to anesthesia. I'm grateful for my father! Even my mom, she must've had a hard time with such a small body. Quote: 出産ではそんなに珍しい話でもないんじゃないかな?心配停止からの蘇生。産まれるって本当に有り難いことだよね。生きてるってことは誰かに愛されたってことだよね。今生きてる人はみんな、赤ちゃんの時に誰かが一生懸命育ててくれたんだもんね。 Stories of childbirth isn't such a rare/strange thing. From cardiopulmonary arrest to revival. Being born is such a fortunate thing. Being alive means you are loved by someone. Everyone who is living now, when they were babies, someone raised you with all their might. ____________ So personal and emotional. These past few tweets really touched me. |
Posted on: 2011/1/10 6:04
Re: Twitter: Hikki | ||
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/10/15
A/S/L 26, M, Philippines
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Wow never realized that she had a story like this. Makes me feel a bit more closer to her! im awed!
"Do you fear... death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare, all your sins punished? " ? Davey Jones |
Posted on: 2011/1/12 5:48
Re: Twitter: Hikki | ||
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
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干しイモは、そのまま食べるよりもトースターでちょっと焦げ目がつくくらい焼いて食べると100倍美味しくなると知った めちゃ美味しかったけど27年間すごく損した気分 おやすみなさい (:D)┼─┤バタッ I learned that instead of eating dried sweet potatoes as it is, putting it in the toaster until the surface gets slightly burnt makes it a 100 times more delicious. It was very delicious but I feel like I've been missing out these 27 years. Good night. Quote: 夜中に目が覚めて急にくまちゃんの正確な体重がすごく知りたくなり「はっ!私がWithくまちゃんとWithoutくまちゃんで体重計にのってその差異を計算すればいいんだ!」と気付いて、がばっと起きてやってみた。なんと3kgもあった?普通に赤ちゃんくらいあるやん? I woke up in the middle of the night and suddenly, I wanted to know Kuma-chan's exact weight. I realized, "Ha! I should get on the scale with Kuma-chan and without Kuma-chan, then calculate the difference!" and woke up to do it. He weighed 3kg... as much as a baby... Quote: 体重計の面積が小さ過ぎて、くまちゃんだけを乗せようとするといろんなとこが床について無理!ちなみに赤ちゃんの体重を計る時もWith赤子とWithout赤子の差で計算するという返信がちらほら。 RT @ithigojam: くまだけ乗せればいいのに? The area of the scale is too small, if I tried to only put Kuma-chan on, it would be impossible as many parts will touch the floor! By the way, I've been getting replies here and there that when you weigh a baby, you calculate the difference with baby and without baby. RT @ithigojam: You should just put kuma on the scale... |
Posted on: 2011/1/12 17:01
Re: Twitter: Hikki | ||
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2010/3/11
Posts: 6
the google translation is a ~bit~ off compared to yours :)
Really know the exact weight and Teddy bear woke up suddenly at night, "Ha! I'm With Without proper Bears do I calculate the difference in scale Riding Teddy bear!" To find that I tried to get going and masturbation. なんと3kgもあった?普通に赤ちゃんくらいあるやん? about 5 hours ago via web 3kg baby was also about how ordinary Aruyan ... ... ... |
Posted on: 2011/1/12 18:39
Re: Twitter: Hikki | ||
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
A/S/L 26/F
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what the heck? google translator is inaccurate. _____________ Quote: ちなみにくまちゃんの体重は正確には3005gでしたが、私としては彼の体重を3kgとし、残りの5gはなにか他のものだと想像するのが楽しいです?魂とか湿気とか おはようございくまぼんじゅーる?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ ! By the way, Kuma-chan's exact weight was 3005g. To me, his weight is 3kg, the remaining 5g I like to imagine that its something else... such as soul or moisture. Good morning ?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ ! |
Posted on: 2011/1/12 18:52
Re: Twitter: Hikki | ||
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2009/11/7
Posts: 72
Yes, I've found this whole twitter experience somewhat tantalizing. As someone just starting Japanese I really must rely on google; google gives translations that usually let one guess the subject of the tweet, but can be "interesting" otherwise. Kind of defeats the purpose of twitter to get someone's off-the-cuff thoughts as they are posted. So thanks very much for your wonderful translations, a_kikoo. |
Posted on: 2011/1/12 20:41
Re: Twitter: Hikki | ||
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2009/7/29
Posts: 156
"Riding Teddy bear!" To find that I tried to get going and masturbation"
Most unintentionally hilarious Hikki twitter translation to date. Hikki would get a kick out that. |
Posted on: 2011/1/13 13:03
Re: Twitter: Hikki | ||
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
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計画通り(ニヤッ) RT @takxodus: 授業中にDLしたら「ボンジュール!(きゃぁぁぁぁ)」って流れてびっくりした(笑) Just as I planned (grin) RT @takxodus: I downloaded it during class and it startled me when it went "Bonjour! (kyaaaa!)" lol Quote: 着ボイス( http://emij.jp/hikki からダウンロードあれ!)は公演二日目、12月9日のぼんじゅーるです! RT @RyukaRyouko: あのぼんじゅーる着ボイスは、ライブ一日目の?二日目の? The chaku voice (download from here! http://emij.jp/hikki) is from the Bonjour! from the second day of the concert, 12/9. RT @RyukaRyouko: Is that Bonjour chaku voice from the first day or the second day of the live? Quote: 左手の人差し指の皮が、やけに剥けよる もしかしたらこいつ脱皮しようとしてるのかも 明日センター試験のみんなはもうおねんねしてるかな? おやすみなさい (:D)┼─┤バタッ The skin on my index finger on my left hand is peeling off. Perhaps its trying to shed. Are those of you taking the center exam tomorrow already sleeping? Good night. Quote: 今日センター試験のみんなにKUMA POWER注入(はぁと) おはようございくまぼんじゅーる?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !! Everyone taking the center exams today, KUMA POWER injection (heart) Good morning ?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !! |
Posted on: 2011/1/14 17:26
Re: Twitter: Hikki | ||
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
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うなぎを素手でつかんで台所のシンクの中でガシガシ洗う夢を見ましたよっとおはようございくまぼんじゅーる( ̄(エ) ̄)ノ I had a dream that I held an eel with my bare hands and washed it in the kitchen sink. Good morning kuma bonjour( ̄(エ) ̄)ノ Quote: NHKの「宇多田ヒカル〜今のわたし〜」、観てくれたみんなありがとう!感想に #UH_NHK ってハッシュタグつけてくれると見易くなるから覚えてたらよろしくであります(`∇?ゞビシッ 昨日見逃した人は、再放送もあるらしいよ! Thank you to everyone who watched NHK's "Utada Hikaru ~Ima no Watashi~"! If you remember, please use the hashtag #UH_NHK so it would be easy to read (`∇?ゞ those of you who missed yesterday, there will be a rebroadcast! Quote: うお!そうだったんだ!嬉すぃです RT @yanatake スゴイ!ハッシュタグランキング総合で1位でした! http://twitpic.com/3q8aqh #UH_NHK Uwo! Is that so! I'm happy RT @yanatake Wow! It was #1 for overall hashtag ranking! http://twitpic.com/3q8aqh #UH_NHK |
Posted on: 2011/1/16 3:18
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