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Re: Twitter: Hikki
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
Posts: 3074
Thanks, akiko! Any details on the re-broadcast? I wonder if Hikki will still be on twitter until the re-broadcast date?

Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Posted on: 2011/1/16 4:42
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
A/S/L 26/F
Posts: 1151
普通の日本の学校に行ったことが無いので、ずっと「早生まれなんだね」と言われても意味がわからなかった。やっと最近わかりました!「同い年だけど学年は一個違う」の謎がとけてすっきり おやすみなさい (:D)┼─┤バタッ

I've never been to a normal Japanese school so whenever I was told "you're an early born", I didn't know what it meant. Finally, I have come to understand it lately! I feel refreshed that the mystery of "same age but different grade levels" have been solved. Good night (:D)┼─┤バタッ

むくっ 欧米は新学期が9月なので、そういうのがあるとすれば、「遅生まれ」かな?そもそも大人同士で学年が上か下かなんて話しないです RT @RisaMonster: 海外は違うんですね!?知らなかったあああ∑(゚Д゚)知識が一つ増えました。

Muku. In Europe and America, the new school term starts in September. If there was something like that, I would be a "late born"? To begin with, there is no talk among adults who is in a higher or lower grade level. RT @Risamonster: So its different overseas!? I didn't knowww∑(゚Д゚) my knowledge has increased.

んなこと知るかー おやすみなさい (:D)┼─┤バタッ RT @ken46vs59: なんで国によって新学期スタートが違うんだ?!統一したらいいのに。なぜですか?

How would I know- Good night (:D)┼─┤バタッ RT @ken46vs59: Why does the start of the new term differ in other countries?! They should be unified. Why?

プラスチックの袋に入ったこんにゃくを包丁で開けようとしたら失敗してこんにゃくの汁が顔と服に飛び散ったよ\(^o^)/  くっさ

I tried to open konnyaku (paste made from konjak flour; solid jelly made from the starch of devil's tongue) that was in a plastic bag with a knife. I failed and the konnyaku juice splattered on my face and clothes\(^o^)/ smelly.

こんにゃく大好きなんだけど、いざ自分の顔から生のこんにゃく汁のにおいがすると「くさい(私が)」と思いました おいしいこんにゃくを作ってくださるこんにゃく屋の皆さま、くさいって言ってごめんなさい!ちなみに今日はスープに入れておいしくいただきました。

I love konnyaku but when I can smell the raw konnyaku juice from my face, I thought "it smells (me)" To the people who make konnyaku, I'm sorry I said it smells bad! By the way, I deliciously had it in today's soup.


I wanted to know more about konnyaku so I looked it up on the internet. In Japan, the self-sufficiency in konnyaku is high, 90% of domestic products are made in Gunma Prefecture! I checked the bag of the one I used earlier and surely it was made in Gunma Prefecture. When I eat konnyaku outdoors from now on, I'm going to ask "did you come from Gunma?"
Posted on: 2011/1/16 14:13
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
A/S/L 26/F
Posts: 1151

Its necessary to have 2 pairs of glasses. Right now, I'm using sub-glasses while I look for my main glasses (?・ω・`)

うわぁお!フォロワー40万人突破してもーた 何かみんなが本気でどん引きするようなとんでもないことをつぶやいて、みるみるうちにフォロワーの数が減ってく、ってのを想像するとドキドキする おやすみなさい (:D)┼─┤バタッ

Wow! I exceeded 400,000 followers. Everyone's so serious but I tweet about unexpected things that might scare people away. It makes my heart beat when I imagine the number of followers instantly decrease. Good night (:D)┼─┤バタッ

27才最後の日、風邪のひき始めっぽい私は家でごろごろして漫画読んだりして過ごしました 27才最後のぼんじゅーーーる?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!

The last day of being 27. I spent my day lying around at home, reading manga because it seems a cold was coming on. Last bonjour of being 27 ?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!

今日読んでたのは「ピアノの森」だよ。ちなみに、たまにつぶやきに関西弁が混じるのは、ちょっと前から「じゃりン子チエ」を読んでるせいかと思われます(笑) RT @white_apple_tea: 27才最後に読んでる漫画が気になります♪(?ε` )

The manga I read today was "Piano no Mori." By the way, the reason why Kansai dialect is sometimes mixed in my tweets is because I've been reading "Jarinko Chie" a while back lol RT @white_apple_tea: I want to know the last manga you're reading as 27 years old ♪(?ε` )


I'm 28~!
Posted on: 2011/1/18 9:13
  •  Ultra_Red
Re: Twitter: Hikki
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2009/7/29
Posts: 156
You are the best a_kikoo!
Posted on: 2011/1/18 9:37
  •  SwallowTail
Re: Twitter: Hikki
Joined: 2008/6/13
A/S/L ∞ / M / Indonesia
Posts: 3286
over 400.000 followers, now its a matter of luck to get her retweet
Posted on: 2011/1/18 10:40
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
A/S/L 26/F
Posts: 1151
おおお!ありがと〜!今年はバースデーケーキにありつけなかったとです? RT @luck_1116: ?『ぼんじゅーるバースデーケーキ』は、生地と表面に?チョコレート、間にカスタード、生クリーム、苺、そして表面には星がちりばめられ? http://bit.ly/ef4Dpg

Ooh! Thank you~! This year, I haven't touched a birthday cake... RT @luck_1116: ... the batter and the surface of "Bonjour Birthday Cake" is chocolate, the inside is custard, whipped cream, strawberries and the surface is studded with stars... http://bit.ly/ef4Dpg

「もう28?!」「まだ28?!」の両方、言われますが、私としては「2の3乗=8か?」という心境ですね。ほんでは おやすみなさい (:D)┼─┤バタッ

I've been told both "already 28?" and "still 28?" but my mental state is "the cube of 2 = 8..." Well then, good night (:D)┼─┤バタッ

「どうしてそんなにくまが好きなんですか?」と聞いてくる人に私は問い返したい、「なぜあなたはそれほどくまが好きじゃないんですか?」と おはようございくまぼんじゅーる?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!

To people who ask me, "Why do you like bears so much?", I want to question back, "Why don't you like bears so much?" Good morning kuma bonjour ?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!
Posted on: 2011/1/19 8:58
Re: Twitter: Hikki
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
Posts: 3074
Hikki didn't celebrated her birthday? D:

Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Posted on: 2011/1/19 23:11
  •  lumad
Re: Twitter: Hikki
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/10/15
A/S/L 26, M, Philippines
Posts: 697
I think she did, but based on the picture, she didn't had any cake, but another sort of pastry or sweet, based on her comment.
"Do you fear... death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare, all your sins punished? " ? Davey Jones
Posted on: 2011/1/20 17:23
Re: Twitter: Hikki
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
Posts: 3074

lumad wrote:
I think she did, but based on the picture, she didn't had any cake, but another sort of pastry or sweet, based on her comment.

The pastry was made by a fan. Lol.

Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Posted on: 2011/1/20 22:15
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
A/S/L 26/F
Posts: 1151
『暗夜行路』NAGEEEEEEE!! おはようございくまぼんじゅーる?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!

"Anya Koro" NAGEEEEEEE!! Good morning kuma bonjour?(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!


Wahhh Japan won------!!!

み、観てるだけで疲れた! 個人的に遠藤さんのPK観たかったとです おやすみなさい! (:D)┼─┤バタッ

I got tired just by watching! Personally, I wanted to see Endo-san's PK. Good night! (:D)┼─┤バタッ
Posted on: 2011/1/25 8:58
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