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Re: Twitter: Hikki
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
Posts: 3074
Thanks, Akiko!

Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Posted on: 2013/3/30 9:40
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
A/S/L 26/F
Posts: 1151
今月からのInterFMのDJ一覧を見て、「お〜、AIちゃんも伊勢谷くんも番組やるんだ〜!へ〜」などと面白がっていたら?あれ?私、いなくね?? http://www.interfm.co.jp/dj/

While looking through the DJs on InterFM this month, I was having fun thinking, "Oh~, Ai-chan and Iseya-kun are also going to have programs" (until I realized)... Wait? I'm not there...? http://www.interfm.co.jp/dj/


What?! When I looked at it again, I'm there! But I wasn't there until a minute ago no matter how much I looked... it looks like there are more people than before, I wonder if they were currently updating the data?! Oh well, I'm glad... (∩?(エ)`∩)

私の新番組KUMA POWER HOUR(InterFM)の初回放送分、納品完了!!データのアップロードなかなかうまくいかなくて焦った?無事に納品できてよかった(≧(エ)≦。) オンエアは16日の夜10時からの一時間だよ〜! #kuma761

The deliveries for the first broadcast of my new program KUMA POWER HOUR (InterFM) is complete!! I was flustered because the date upload wasn't going well... but I'm glad I was able to get the deliveries done(≧(エ)≦。)it will air on the 16th from 10:00 pm for an hour! #kuma761

いやん(∩?(エ)`∩)見られた ハッシュタグつけるの忘れちゃったから書き直しちゃったの?(∩?(エ)`∩) RT @‏765q: @utadahikaru ツイートのし直しを見た!

Oh no∩?(エ)`∩)you saw me. I forgot to include the hash tag so I rewrote it...(∩?(エ)`∩) RT@‏765q: @utadahikaru I saw you correct your Tweet!

はい、KUMA POWER HOUR、まさかの宅録でございます。オープニングテーマも自分で作ったし選曲・録音・編集、一人でやったよ〜!#kuma761  RT ‏@makkuro_krsk: 納品!?まさか自宅で1人でしゃべり続けたカンジですか?

Yes, KUMA POWER HOUR is recorded at home. I also made the the opening theme. I did the selection, recording, and editing all by myself!#kuma761  RT ‏@makkuro_krsk: Delivery!? Did you talk by yourself at home?

わあありがとう!!そんな手段があったんだ RT @507merorin: インターFMを聴きたくてauのスマホを購入して全国のFM放送が聴けるというアプリをダウンロードした大阪在住の俺に何か一言下さいヽ(・∀・)ノ

Waaa thank you!! RT @507merorin: I live in Osaka and wanted to listen to InterFM, so I bought an au smart phone and downloaded an app so I can listen to nationwide FM stations. Please give me a shoutoutヽ(・∀・)ノ
Posted on: 2013/4/11 13:33
Re: Twitter: Hikki
Joined: 2004/3/2
Posts: 1466
Oh cool! She's already recorded it!
And she did everything herself, in her home!
A one woman show!

Twitter: @UtadaNet
Posted on: 2013/4/12 0:01
  •  Nyaanyaa
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UtadaNet Regular
Joined: 2012/5/7
Posts: 27
Thank you a_kikoo :3

Yes, KUMA POWER HOUR is recorded at home. I also made the the opening theme.

Aaaaaaahhhhh, someone has to record it. I want to hear!! #_#;
Posted on: 2013/4/13 19:46
Re: Twitter: Hikki
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2012/8/5
A/S/L 22 / Male / Marseille
Posts: 103
For the people who don't know about it:


Here is where you can listen to the show, in case you missed it! =O
Watashi hitohira no yuki ni hajikeru
Watashi no omokage ga mienai ka na
Posted on: 2013/4/19 7:30
  •  Somejuan0
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/4/14
A/S/L Male
Posts: 77
Akikoo, can you please post a translation of the entire radio show, please??
Posted on: 2013/4/20 0:10
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
A/S/L 26/F
Posts: 1151
sorry, I would if I had the time. I've been really busy recently, and once school is out, I'll be in Japan for a month. By then, the second episode would've aired.

However, she does translate a lot (if not most) of the stuff that she said in Japanese to English on the program itself.
Posted on: 2013/4/21 13:33
  •  a_kikoo
Re: Twitter: Hikki
UN Reporter
Joined: 2009/8/18
A/S/L 26/F
Posts: 1151

I'm very worried about soccer player Nagatomo's injury(>_<)

KUMA POWER HOUR いよいよ今夜(4/16)の22時からInterFMさん(76.1)にてオンエアだよー!

KUMA POWER HOUR will on air finally tonight (4/16) at 10:00 pm on InterFM (76.1)!

ニュースで長友さんの怪我のことを知ってついツイートしてツイッター見たら「今夜のラジオ楽しみです!」というファンのメッセージが目に留まって自分のラジオの新番組のこと思い出して慌てて告知ツイートを書いたのは内緒な #kuma761

I heard about Nagatomo-san's injury on the news and tweeted about it. When I looked on Twitter, messages from my fans saying "I'm looking forward to the radio tonight!" caught my eye, which made me remember my new radio program. In a fluster, I wrote an announcement tweet #kuma761

KUMA POWER HOUR あと一時間(22時)でオンエア開始!(^◇^)76.1 InterFMだってばよ #kuma761

KUMA POWER HOUR will start in an hour (10:00pm)!(^◇^)It's on 76.1 InterFM #kuma761

おはようございくまぼんじゅーる(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !!昨夜のKUMA POWER HOUR、聞いてくれたみんなありがとう!楽しんでいただけましたか?雰囲気が大人っぽいという感想が多いみたいね。シャキーン!ヒカルは大人の色気を装備した #kuma761 #interfm

Good morning kuma bonjour(`(エ)?)ノ彡☆ !! Thank you to everyone who listened to last night's KUMA POWER HOUR! Did you enjoy it? A lot people gave their impressions that the atmosphere was adult-like. Shaki-n! Hikaru has equipped herself with an adult appeal #kuma761 #interfm

ラジオ番組、聴ける地域が限られててごめんね(?Д` ) もっといろいろな聴き方ができるように模索中アンド奮闘中だから、「聴きたいけど聴けないよー」という方はしばしお待ちを?! #kuma761

I'm sorry that the regions from where you can listen to the radio program is limited(?Д` )I am currently searching and making efforts so that there will be more ways to listen to it, so to those people saying "I want to listen to is, but I can't", please wait a moment!#kuma761

ピーターバラカンさん( @pbarakan )から、KUMA POWER HOUR第一回目すごく良かった、という感想を頂いた!!なんと有難き御言葉?。これからも音楽への愛が伝わるような番組目指して精進します!(^◇^) #kuma761 #interfm

I received impressions from Peter Barakan-san (@pbarakan) that the first broadcast of KUMA POWER HOUR was really good!! I am thankful for these words... I will continue to devote myself to making a program where I can convey my love for music!(^◇^) #kuma761 #interfm
Posted on: 2013/4/22 20:34
  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Twitter: Hikki
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285
One of Hikkis latest tweets:
今週のベスト拾い物 My favorite "finding" (in the streets) of the week pic.twitter.com/UAx6YmNE8f

Lennon said, "I'm an artist. You give me a f**king tuba, I'll get you something out of it."

Utada retorts "I'm an artist, you give me a jolly good (ho humm) 400 kV length of high-voltage overhead power cable..and I will get you a Grammy awarding winning album out of it".

Look at the expression on Kuma's mooey, isn't it reminiscent of Einstein's humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit. One can feel, almost taste the global rush of anticipation. The new album is going to be a blinder....

Edit: Could be "weathered" Vine branches.



Posted on: 2013/8/4 4:31
  •  SwallowTail
Re: Twitter: Hikki
Joined: 2008/6/13
A/S/L ∞ / M / Indonesia
Posts: 3286
On behalf of a_kikoo I would like to apologize she is unable to translate Hikki's tweets a.s.a.p .

Here where you guys can read Hikki's tweets translation


Credit to Nini Gee for the head up.
Posted on: 2013/9/19 19:03
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