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  Kingdom Hearts 2 Finished.


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Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 Finished.
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2006/5/12
A/S/L male 19 New York
Posts: 169
wow thats amazing that you beat it 100%
liv life to the fullest or you will regret it later. cuz when the fun stops, it all ends
Posted on: 2006/5/29 19:06
Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 Finished.
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2006/5/10
A/S/L 18/m/cali
Posts: 2008
it was pretty hard but it was very diffcult gettin all the synthisis materials 20 times each then the poster duty mini game pissed me off
its funny how tha music puts time in perspective add a sound track to ur life and perfect it whenever your feelin blue keep walkin and we can get far wherever u are
- shing02 luv sic pt3
Posted on: 2006/5/29 21:44
Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 Finished.
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2006/5/12
A/S/L male 19 New York
Posts: 169
what is the secret ending about
liv life to the fullest or you will regret it later. cuz when the fun stops, it all ends
Posted on: 2006/6/1 17:58
Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 Finished.
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2006/5/10
A/S/L 18/m/cali
Posts: 2008
the secret endin just shows three persons like in suits and they start walkin around and then they show like Thousands of keyblades in all directions so in the middle there was three keyblades so they pick them up and then the camera moves and you some one walikin to them and it just starts sayin xenoroths memorys ansem reports keyblade war it says more but im too lazy to write more eniwayz then at the very endin then it turns black and it says some words i forgot and it just ends
its funny how tha music puts time in perspective add a sound track to ur life and perfect it whenever your feelin blue keep walkin and we can get far wherever u are
- shing02 luv sic pt3
Posted on: 2006/6/1 20:48
Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 Finished.
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2006/5/12
A/S/L male 19 New York
Posts: 169
sounds creepy, although the keblade part sounds cool
liv life to the fullest or you will regret it later. cuz when the fun stops, it all ends
Posted on: 2006/6/11 16:08
  •  cloudstrife5
Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 Finished.
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2006/2/14
A/S/L 25 M UK
Posts: 118
Proud mode now finished 100% took ages very hard lol especially sephiroth. secret ending is good i wanna play KH2 FM now
Utada Hikaru is the BEST
Posted on: 2008/4/18 2:39
  •  Unregistered
Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 Finished.

xNamine wrote:
Has anyone beaten KH2 100%? Including completely filling out Jimmy's Journal AND all the gummis? I'm not sure if anyone has yet. So I'm wondering if there is some part of the ending that we're missing. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid.....


Plenty of ppl have....especially those that didn't want to play on proud for the Birth by sleep ending.I just played on proud :/ screw that.But I wish I had did it in KH2FM+,If you beat proud with 100% you get the 2nd half to the birth by sleep ending.But NO,I had to play on critical.That was the most aggravating I've ever done to myself.Except for the Roxas fight.I'd fight Roxas all day.
Posted on: 2008/4/24 6:18
  •  Unregistered
Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 Finished.

The_Pirate_King_Atomsk wrote:

xNamine wrote:
Has anyone beaten KH2 100%? Including completely filling out Jimmy's Journal AND all the gummis? I'm not sure if anyone has yet. So I'm wondering if there is some part of the ending that we're missing. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid.....


Plenty of ppl have....especially those that didn't want to play on proud for the Birth by sleep ending.I just played on proud :/ screw that.But I wish I had did it in KH2FM+,If you beat proud with 100% you get the 2nd half to the birth by sleep ending.But NO,I had to play on critical.That was the most aggravating I've ever done to myself.Except for the Roxas fight.I'd fight Roxas all day.

Posted on: 2008/4/24 6:20
  •  hrabbit
Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 Finished.
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/12/15
A/S/L ??/female/USA
Posts: 391
ooo I've never seen this thread before :D I have finished everything except getting all the gummis... for some reason there are like 2 I cant get >< Proud mode was fun, but I didnt think it was that hard =/ especially the final boss (I beat it on my first try in proud mode) Sephiroth was fun on proud mode :D (btw I didnt change anyone's weapons X3 I like to see cut scenes how they're supposed to be lol)
Posted on: 2008/4/24 11:44
Re: Kingdom Hearts 2 Finished.
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/2/9
A/S/L 19!!! ???? Philippines
Posts: 655
gah! im the only one who voted for xbox 360! crap!

i dont own one but ive tried it.. i think its great
um... Wala Lang Naman....
Posted on: 2008/4/24 12:45
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