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nintendo ds help?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/8/24
A/S/L 30/M/KOR
Posts: 3817
hiya i recently bought a used copy of nintendo ds broswer...well its basically a thing where you can go online via ds if you have a wifi connection...but the d-bag who sold it to the place i bought it from didnt give them his ols password...im stuck at the beginning and cant go past because of the password protection...if anyone has this is there a way to reset the password to my own...its pissing me off that im just thinking about returning..that seems like the better option and just buying a new copy instead...
Posted on: 2008/2/7 7:24
  •  jigenbakuda
Re: nintendo ds help?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/9/30
A/S/L 23/M/Jacksonville FL
Posts: 417
Ask the people at the store the same questions you are asking us. If they can't help you, then they are in the wrong for not selling you a working product. They should be obligated to give you a free new on, or give you store credit worth more than what you paid.

Important thing is to talk to a manager. Ask to speak to a manager as soon as you get there, if one is not there leave...

If one sets a trap, isn't it the victim's fault for falling in?
Posted on: 2008/2/7 9:15
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