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UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2015/9/22
Posts: 4
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forums, but I've been a fan of Utada Hikaru since just about forever. I'm glad we're just about reaching the end of her hiatus. Looking back on it now, I hadn't realized just how long she's been gone.

I'm pretty sure I discovered her the same way most of America did, Kingdom Hearts, though it was more form watching my friends play the game and talk about it. I'm also an anime fan and am hoping that her coming out of hiatus is a sign that the 4th Eva movie is finally coming out haha.

Other than Utada Hikaru I'm a big fan Kalafina and Goose House. While I don't think any of them have any crossover in terms of music style they're all very talented and skilled performers that don't really fall into the J-Pop idol image and style of music. Goose House has covered quite a bit of Utada's songs so I would definitely recommend checking them out.

Anyway, I hope to make friends and meet fellow fans.:) Please feel free to hit me up on the forums or on twitter @noGenerators. I look forward to meeting everyone!
Posted on: 2015/9/23 13:32
  •  GIGAcorrupt
Re: Hello!
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/3/1
A/S/L Potato. Genderless. Underground
Posts: 1193
Welcome to the forums of the dead! Where activity is slim to none!!!

We have something in common. As of late I've been in love with Kalafina. So much that I began collecting their Concerts and bought their newly released album. Freaking love those 3. They're the only musicians that I support at the moment. I've not supported any artist in particular since about 4 years ago
Posted on: 2015/9/29 19:58
Re: Hello!
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2015/9/22
Posts: 4
Ahh yes the forums do appear a bit...barren. I was kind of hoping to use the forums to share my Sakura Nagashi cover and keep up with the latest form her, but alas.

Anyway, thanks for the welcome. If you want to talk more about Kalafina I would recommend joining the Canta Per Me forums. I also just bought their new CD Far on the Water and I was pleasantly surprised at how much it exceeded my expectations! I've been a fan of their for years, so I felt it was about time that I actually put down money to support them. My bucket list dream is to be able to attend their Christmas Strings concert someday...
Posted on: 2015/9/30 12:11
  •  GIGAcorrupt
Re: Hello!
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/3/1
A/S/L Potato. Genderless. Underground
Posts: 1193
Haha! Nice! Yeah, I've visited Canta Per Me before...but I'm not big on joining forums nowadays...so I just visit X)
Posted on: 2015/10/11 12:57
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