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  Hikki's "Anata" in Youtube ad promoting in the west!


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  •  Momocatluv
Hikki's "Anata" in Youtube ad promoting in the west!
UtadaNet Regular
Joined: 2017/4/29
A/S/L United States
Posts: 25
Hello guys, I have surprising news!
I wanted to watch Hikki's First Love music video on You Tube when an ad came on. The ad was Hikki's new single "Anata"! I was so surprised and took a video(you can see it on my twitter here-> https://twitter.com/momocatluv/status/939727746896314369 )
The ad came up again and I pressed the iTunes link and it brought me up to the US iTunes Store which was pretty neat!
(Here's a better vid by me-> https://twitter.com/momocatluv/status/939804833946648577 )
Since the ad saids "Anata" in English instead of Japanese and the link brought me to USiTunes, I though this ad was promoting for her international fans in the west!
What do you guys think?
I know a lot of people are busy and does not have time logging in to Utada net but I wish people would log in often here because I want to talk more about Hikki! haha
I feel like this website is deadxD I wish it was more active lol
Anyways..that is it:)
Hope to see you guys soon again!
Posted on: 2017/12/10 21:38
  •  J828plano
Re: Hikki's "Anata" in Youtube ad promoting in the west!
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2009/12/6
A/S/L 33 / M / Dallas.
Posts: 10
Hello! The site is definitely dead :( Even the front page doesn't update with news.

I'm psyched about her upcoming tour. Now I need to save for the concert in Japan. I was at her LA concert in 2010. How incredible and magical to see her from the front row!!! I doubt I'll be able to do that for Japan.
Posted on: 2017/12/11 22:38
  •  Appleandcinnamon
Re: Hikki's "Anata" in Youtube ad promoting in the west!
UtadaNet Regular
Joined: 2017/3/20
A/S/L 37, trans female, United States
Posts: 22
Yeah, I wish that this site was more active too. I got advance notice about "Anata" because I'm subscribed to Hikki's new newsletter, plus her twitter, plus the hikkistaff twitter. lol

I would have posted about it, but I couldn't figure out how to post on here, I can only reply to posts. lol

Anyway, we really need to try to drum up more interest in Utada net or we're just gonna die as a fansite for Hikki. :(
Posted on: 2017/12/12 11:29
  •  Momocatluv
Re: Hikkis "Anata" in Youtube ad promoting in the west!
UtadaNet Regular
Joined: 2017/4/29
A/S/L United States
Posts: 25
Thanks for the reply! Happy to see some active members in this sitexD

Yeah, I wish they would update her news because this is the only English-speaking news fansite for Hikki:(
Since this website is kinda dead, I'm planning to make an Hikki fansite myself (if I have time of course haha)

But yeah,super excited for her new album and upcoming tour!!
And so lucky that you went to her 'in the flesh' concert and especially sitting in the front row! It must gave you the chills from hearing her sing so close! I've became a fan of Hikki during her hiatus so I've never went to any of her concerts.

I need to save up my money for this one!
Posted on: 2017/12/12 11:37
  •  Momocatluv
Re: Hikki
UtadaNet Regular
Joined: 2017/4/29
A/S/L United States
Posts: 25
You can make new forums by going to the forums tab on the left of the website, then scroll down a bit and click "Utada news" and on top should say "new topic"you should click that to be able to make a new forum:)
Hope that helps!

Yeah,I heard that there used to be so much Hikki fansites before, but they're gone:(
And I don't want this website to die because then we wouldn't have any place to talk about Hikki..so I'm trying to contribute on Utadanet as much as I can:)
At least they're kind of active on twitter lol
Maybe I should ask them on Twitter to update the website🤔

Let's try our best and make this place active as possible!
Posted on: 2017/12/12 11:49
Re: Hikki
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2005/12/12
Posts: 122
This site used to be so lively. Sad to see the way it is now. BTW, Anata is a great song. Cool MV as well.

Also, when is she going on tour?
Posted on: 2017/12/12 17:33
  •  Raito
Re: Hikki
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2009/4/12
Posts: 68

illastrate wrote:
This site used to be so lively. Sad to see the way it is now. BTW, Anata is a great song. Cool MV as well.

Also, when is she going on tour?

Next year, after she releases the 7th Japanese album. Dates will be announced later.

It looks the ads are working, there are many commentaries of people who didn't know her or didn't know her well, like only KH songs. And the views are increasing slowly (I think the ads should be suggested in any Asian music video).

If someone doesn't know her discography is avaiable for streaming, except in Spotify that will be avaiable January 8.
Posted on: 2017/12/14 14:31
  •  Momocatluv
Re: Hikki
UtadaNet Regular
Joined: 2017/4/29
A/S/L United States
Posts: 25
I wish I made an Utada net account when it was lively lol
It could of been so much fun!
And yeah like what Ratio said, the tour is next year!
You can check for more info at her official website:)

Yeah I'm happy that the ads are working!
I've seen comments saying it was their "first time listening" to Utada's song or they "just discovered her" haha
Someone commented saying that he/she was watching a Kingdom Hearts playthrough when the ad came upxD
I guess the ads are working for Kingdom Hearts fans as well😏
Posted on: 2017/12/15 15:12
Re: Hikki
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2005/12/12
Posts: 122

Momocatluv wrote:
I wish I made an Utada net account when it was lively lol
It could of been so much fun!
And yeah like what Ratio said, the tour is next year!
You can check for more info at her official website:)

Awesome, hopefully that means a Tour DVD.

And yes, I've been on this site for 12 years and it was very active in the mid 2000's.
Posted on: 2017/12/19 11:57
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