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Re: My Utada Hikaru - HEART STATION Video.
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/7/29
A/S/L 55/M/USA
Posts: 202

vietncamboboi wrote:
:Hikki: aint that tight and italosuave where u get those pics *bang*
This is where I found some Utada Pictures - "Hikki Pix" They have four - 4 - Galleries down below, and these Desktop Backdrop Pictures you see up top right away. is for Heart Station
Posted on: 2008/2/1 17:06
  •  kayoko
Re: My Utada Hikaru - HEART STATION Video.
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/8/24
A/S/L 30/M/KOR
Posts: 3817
from the internet...
Posted on: 2008/1/28 6:17
  •  vietncamboboi
Re: My Utada Hikaru - HEART STATION Video.
User on Probation
Joined: 2007/11/7
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Posts: 2803
:Hikki: aint that tight and italosuave where u get those pics *bang*

Posted on: 2008/1/27 17:42
Re: My Utada Hikaru - HEART STATION Video.
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/7/29
A/S/L 55/M/USA
Posts: 202
RIAA and other big American corporations mouth fealty to capitalist, market ideas and buyers having choices, but in fact, they work assiduously to capture and monopolize music and markets. They pass laws to disempower citizens and voters. They actually sit in committee rooms with lobbyists and write the laws affecting their own businesses and customers. One example, is the coda passed by U.S. legislators preventing U.S. government from negotiating with pharmaceutical companies on prices for that recent, massive medical drugs program. Imagine you went shopping for a big ticket car or home and could not negotiate with the sellers. It is preposterous, quite nervy, but that is the law as they got it passed. A lot of these rich Americans get rich doing business with the U.S. Government. Yet, any "transfer payment" to low wage Americans is tagged as complete socialism. Essentially, they keep changing the rules of the game and moving the goal posts, but always to their own benefit and advantage. That is how American politics work. Also, you don't count, not really, as an individual. Only your bank account and your spending habits count for anything. That is why Religion, any religion, is banned from the "public square." Religion empowers people. Americans are like Sampson with his hair shorn by these Corporate Delilahs - Old Testament Bible Story.
Posted on: 2008/1/27 14:55
  •  Sanosuke
Re: My Utada Hikaru - HEART STATION Video.
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/6/30
Posts: 2937

Roscoe wrote:
Oooh, sounds like someone wants government sponsored healthcare.

Haha, I mostly agree, though. Record companies and television networks are too powerful in defining what's culturally significant to us. I heard something about the RIAA almost getting some absurd law passed regarding internet radio. I imagine in a few years we'll see a big change in their status as a natural progression of the market.

:Hikki:, your video rocked.

Thank you. RIAA is plainly ridiculous. If you try to read one of their articles, you will end up saying "What the hell is wrong with these people".
Posted on: 2008/1/27 12:41
  •  Roscoe
Re: My Utada Hikaru - HEART STATION Video.
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/6/5
A/S/L 20/M/New Hampshire
Posts: 897
Oooh, sounds like someone wants government sponsored healthcare.

Haha, I mostly agree, though. Record companies and television networks are too powerful in defining what's culturally significant to us. I heard something about the RIAA almost getting some absurd law passed regarding internet radio. I imagine in a few years we'll see a big change in their status as a natural progression of the market.

:Hikki:, your video rocked.
Posted on: 2008/1/27 10:15
Re: My Utada Hikaru - HEART STATION Video.
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/7/29
A/S/L 55/M/USA
Posts: 202
It is too easy to sound snappish or sourpuss or aggressive in e-mail or these Internet forums, I think. But to elaborate my thoughts on the issues raised in that closed post, I hope KoS keeps his membership along with his daughter. I only read the post because I thought Lord Snow was the one resigning. Time heals all wounds. As to some directives or rules about not posting hotlinks, well, I have posted plenty, and I never got the word not to. I am an intelligent and literate man, so if I did not "get it" I could understand other younger people or "Newbies" not "getting it". Besides, philosophically, in my view the Internet belongs to the people everywhere free of charge. Governments and corporations including media companies are trying to assert themselves over all of us and the Internet, but that "ownership" "we will sue you" is an empty and false threat. I have enjoyed and posted Hikki / Utada music videos in part to promote my own good taste in enjoying her music, in part because others may not know about her, and in large measure to promote her success and all those around her. I bought three of her CDs and will buy more, including any concert videos I can find. So some of my money has already been spent and has travelled into her bank account. Plenty more where that came from. Artists and audiences benefit from finding each other, and that is exactly what the Internet enables for both. The middlemen corporate record companies come between the fans and their music, just as the corporate health insurers come between doctors and their patients. It is a corporate "snow job" no imputation intended on Lord Snow. Let Hikki be Hikki, I say. Check out my latest BLOGS over here: http://www.myspace.com/italosuave
Posted on: 2008/1/27 9:09
Re: My Utada Hikaru - HEART STATION Video.
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/7/29
A/S/L 55/M/USA
Posts: 202
Why wouldn't you want to be described as or likened to "the next Kiriya" since he is a camera, video and directorial genius who I have described before as the new Japanese "Akira Kurosawa" ? In fact, I think the teamwork of Utada and Kiriya Kazuaki should survive their divorce, they were so good artistically together. Besides which, roughly half or more of what you used for your stock video, I would imagine, was shot by Kiriya's eyes and cameras. He was and is a genius, and artists in general are very headstrong people. Geniuses, as you may know, are self-defining. They do not answer to the crowd, like politicians do. I might also add here, since that other thread of controversy closed yesterday, that you and others here have occasionally made comments in the wake of some of my previous posts, that were like "bait" to my responding, possibly with negativity or bad words, if I had the inclination to do so. People who say "What?" or imply that I don't know what I am talking about, when the answer to their puzzlement is right there in front of them, if they would just read my post with comprehension before sniping. I think I have been on here since July 2006 like you, but I have maybe 100 posts, and you have maybe 2900 posts? I suppose I should be envious, and maybe I am, because you outrank me by far, and watch out, .:Hikki:. because you might well become the next Lord Snow at the rate you are going! Was this too long a post for anyone happening by here? Then by all means, post a one liner or a one word response.


.:Hikki:. wrote:

ItaloSuave wrote:
Your very enjoyable video mash-up or "pastiche" genuinely enhances Hikki's new song, another gem as well. Thank God she has not lost her style, talent, and great musical good taste. You could get a job as a video editor. That is great work.

Ha ha. Your words are awfully inspiring to me.

Am I the next Kiriya? \('o' )/

Hope not...
Posted on: 2008/1/27 8:49
  •  vietncamboboi
Re: My Utada Hikaru - HEART STATION Video.
User on Probation
Joined: 2007/11/7
A/S/L ?/M/CA
Posts: 2803
good job on it

Posted on: 2008/1/25 21:47
  •  Sanosuke
Re: My Utada Hikaru - HEART STATION Video.
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/6/30
Posts: 2937
Sighs, if only Youtube was kind. ;D

Oh well, I'm glad you guys liked it.
Posted on: 2008/1/25 17:28
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