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  •  Kiynteyh
Re: Best Friend!
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/5/25
A/S/L 26/F/QC
Posts: 633
Southeast ^^.v... i actually lived in Chattanooga several years ago lol but not anymore... still live very close tho... and hooray for Gatlinburg! i went there like 3 weeks ago :D
"Taken in by the delicate noise,
Knocked to the ground by the subtle thunder,
Shackled and bound by the sound of your voice,
Wandering around in silent wonder."
- Anonymous
Posted on: 2009/2/14 18:53
  •  Unregistered
Re: Best Friend!
Lolz south or north east? i'm from Southeast TN ^_^ around Chattanooga. My boyfriend and I are going to Gatlinburg at the end of March - I'm sooo excited! i haven't been up there in a million years haha.
Posted on: 2009/2/10 16:54
  •  Kiynteyh
Re: Best Friend!
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/5/25
A/S/L 26/F/QC
Posts: 633

abunai wrote:

Kiynteyh wrote:

abunai wrote:
With Siobhan and me, it's understood that we're each bound to grow close to other people simply because of the distance between us and the differences between our lifestyles. However, we're still best friends no matter what. I know that if I really need to, I can move in with her in Oklahoma, and she knows that she'll always be able to stay with me here in Nashville. We've been homies for since we were 12. So like, going on 12 years now. haha. Can't beat that. Believe me, Siobhan and I have done plenty of scandalous things to each other, but we're still here, going strong. hehe. sorry for the speech. ^_^

Nashville?! you only live like 4 hours away from me O.O....

as for my best friend(s).... though I know we are barely more than strangers in all actuality, I consider IceAngel and neXus my 'best friends'.. i hate that phrase tho so i'll just say that they mean more to me than anyone else and that i trust them more than anything and would give everything for them....

@neX and Icy: i luvs u guys *huggles*... lol

where do you live?? lol I totally hate Nashville. I hate the weather, I hate how hard downtown is to navigate. Blech. It sucks.

Oh, and I guess I can officially consider my boyfriend my best friend as well. We can tell each other anything, and he's so sweet to me and especially with my daughter. He actually said the other night that he didn't mean to get bossy with me over how I handle her, but it's just because he misses his own son and can't see him (long story) and would maybe like to be my daughter's dad someday.

i lives on the eastern side of TN... mom would flip if i gave ya the town tho lol... but yea ive been to Nashville and its soooooooo easy to get lost lol
"Taken in by the delicate noise,
Knocked to the ground by the subtle thunder,
Shackled and bound by the sound of your voice,
Wandering around in silent wonder."
- Anonymous
Posted on: 2009/2/10 16:06
  •  Idle_mind
Re: Best Friend!
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/8/28
A/S/L In my infinite universe
Posts: 588
My standards for a best friend are probably very low compared to yours, but I still think I have a best friend, his name is Jana, I wish he was a girl, no it's a guy. We sometimes don't meet for months at a time, he has other friends, we don't talk often, but we think alike. It doesn't seem that bad, our friendship, it's these things that make it special. The fact that we live in different countries also make it special. I've always had problems with defining what friends are, maybe coz I was a bad friend myself.
Deus ex Machina
Posted on: 2009/2/9 2:49
  •  Unregistered
Re: Best Friend!

Kiynteyh wrote:

abunai wrote:
With Siobhan and me, it's understood that we're each bound to grow close to other people simply because of the distance between us and the differences between our lifestyles. However, we're still best friends no matter what. I know that if I really need to, I can move in with her in Oklahoma, and she knows that she'll always be able to stay with me here in Nashville. We've been homies for since we were 12. So like, going on 12 years now. haha. Can't beat that. Believe me, Siobhan and I have done plenty of scandalous things to each other, but we're still here, going strong. hehe. sorry for the speech. ^_^

Nashville?! you only live like 4 hours away from me O.O....

as for my best friend(s).... though I know we are barely more than strangers in all actuality, I consider IceAngel and neXus my 'best friends'.. i hate that phrase tho so i'll just say that they mean more to me than anyone else and that i trust them more than anything and would give everything for them....

@neX and Icy: i luvs u guys *huggles*... lol

where do you live?? lol I totally hate Nashville. I hate the weather, I hate how hard downtown is to navigate. Blech. It sucks.

Oh, and I guess I can officially consider my boyfriend my best friend as well. We can tell each other anything, and he's so sweet to me and especially with my daughter. He actually said the other night that he didn't mean to get bossy with me over how I handle her, but it's just because he misses his own son and can't see him (long story) and would maybe like to be my daughter's dad someday.
Posted on: 2009/1/20 7:12
  •  Cecildragoon
Re: Best Friend!
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2008/12/28
A/S/L 20-Male-Texas
Posts: 132
my best mate is Sam, we're like Brothers, he doesnt knock on my door when he comes over and he was at my house on christmas, we always spend the night at eachothers houses playing games and watching JDramas, lol hes easily the coolest person i know, we will be pwning till death we are awesome like that
We are the ones who die in vain, the children lost, cold in the rain...death becomes us when we reach for fame.
Posted on: 2009/1/20 0:35
  •  Kiynteyh
Re: Best Friend!
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/5/25
A/S/L 26/F/QC
Posts: 633

abunai wrote:
With Siobhan and me, it's understood that we're each bound to grow close to other people simply because of the distance between us and the differences between our lifestyles. However, we're still best friends no matter what. I know that if I really need to, I can move in with her in Oklahoma, and she knows that she'll always be able to stay with me here in Nashville. We've been homies for since we were 12. So like, going on 12 years now. haha. Can't beat that. Believe me, Siobhan and I have done plenty of scandalous things to each other, but we're still here, going strong. hehe. sorry for the speech. ^_^

Nashville?! you only live like 4 hours away from me O.O....

as for my best friend(s).... though I know we are barely more than strangers in all actuality, I consider IceAngel and neXus my 'best friends'.. i hate that phrase tho so i'll just say that they mean more to me than anyone else and that i trust them more than anything and would give everything for them....

@neX and Icy: i luvs u guys *huggles*... lol
"Taken in by the delicate noise,
Knocked to the ground by the subtle thunder,
Shackled and bound by the sound of your voice,
Wandering around in silent wonder."
- Anonymous
Posted on: 2009/1/19 0:24
  •  Unregistered
Re: Best Friend!
With Siobhan and me, it's understood that we're each bound to grow close to other people simply because of the distance between us and the differences between our lifestyles. However, we're still best friends no matter what. I know that if I really need to, I can move in with her in Oklahoma, and she knows that she'll always be able to stay with me here in Nashville. We've been homies for since we were 12. So like, going on 12 years now. haha. Can't beat that. Believe me, Siobhan and I have done plenty of scandalous things to each other, but we're still here, going strong. hehe. sorry for the speech. ^_^
Posted on: 2008/12/16 19:58
Re: Best Friend!
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/2/9
A/S/L 19!!! ???? Philippines
Posts: 655
i dont believe on 'bestfriends stuffs' coz not all bestfriends are true friends... its much cooler if u can blend equally with different people and not only on a single person coz you'll not going to be a self reliant person.. always depend on a person is sick.
um... Wala Lang Naman....
Posted on: 2008/12/13 10:03
  •  jreuij
Re: Best Friend!
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2007/5/18
A/S/L female
Posts: 4783
it's difficult to choose a best friend because people tend to be jealous of everything...
the hardest challenge is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you be somebody else... \(^o^)/
Posted on: 2008/12/11 18:11
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