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  Arizona [[LOVES]] Racial Profiling...? WHAT!?


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  •  Jiremi
Re: Arizona [[LOVES]] Racial Profiling...? WHAT!?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/7/23
A/S/L "I can't wait to see you in the FuTuTuRe - Utada~"
Posts: 475
So, the Governor of Arizona said that she 'can't tell who is an illegal immigrant and who's not.' But, she said, 'there are people out there [in Arizona] who can'. Who are these people? I'd like to know. If they are not part of law enforcement, then they are of no help, unless they report the suspected.
On Sunday, October 17, at 7:53 PM, Utada Hikaru replied to me on Twitter! ♥
Posted on: 2010/4/28 12:12
  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Arizona [[LOVES]] Racial Profiling...? WHAT!?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285
I understand how contentious this issue has become I sincerely hope common sense prevails and that the Hispanic community is given a real voice


Posted on: 2010/4/28 3:08
  •  LoBFCanti
Re: Arizona [[LOVES]] Racial Profiling...? WHAT!?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/3/5
A/S/L 20/M/Brooklyn,NY
Posts: 1226

GIGAcorrupt wrote:

sakurablooms13 wrote:


Why are you guys arguing and going off topic??

This news is very disappointing! How can they do this? To those saying how is this racial profiling?... Uh, hello, how is this not racial profiling, what COPS now a days are mind readers and knew who and such are immigrants? Who other than grown ups use and carry ID's with the ALL the time. No one. Because they live next to the border? So what, Now New Mexico, Texas, or even California should let this law pass?
Wow, that is so stupid, I sure as hell hope that the supreme court over rules this law as it is just a state law. --->>>>"Police will question anyone they 'reasonably suspect' of being undocumented, and illegal immigrants could be detained and handed over to federal authorities."

You can already tell police will be abusing the hell out of this law, I just don't get what is up with people today? Like someone stated, someone always just has to feel superior in some way.

Agreed. Every law is usually messed around in some way and is usually severely abused. That is most likely going to happen. You'd think they'd treat everyone equally. They say "man was created equal" yet they find some way to downgrade others. It's SHAMEFULL!

Doesn't seem like the U.S. is the land of dreams for immigrants anynore. It's turning more like a hell.

That law should seriously be over ruled.

@ Pips ~ People have had their ID cards. It's just now that Arizona Stated passed a law saying that any cop can ask to see your ID card whenever he feels like it. Even if you have not done anything wrong, even if you're just out for a walk.

This law is unscontitutional in the aspect that they're being complete asses to the hispanic population, because the state is a border state between Mexico

It seemed to me that the law demanded birth of residency in the purest form.Like having your birth certificate with you.

But what can you do?The IRS existed.That's about as unconstitutional you can get.This honestly doesn't surprise me.I can see the senate saying something at least.To look good :D I read there is an attorney thinking the fed would step in.I'd like to think he's correct.Arizona is majority hispanic whether the governor there knows it or not.I can't see how he thinks he is gonna get away with this.
Posted on: 2010/4/27 17:40
  •  GIGAcorrupt
Re: Arizona [[LOVES]] Racial Profiling...? WHAT!?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/3/1
A/S/L Potato. Genderless. Underground
Posts: 1193

sakurablooms13 wrote:


Why are you guys arguing and going off topic??

This news is very disappointing! How can they do this? To those saying how is this racial profiling?... Uh, hello, how is this not racial profiling, what COPS now a days are mind readers and knew who and such are immigrants? Who other than grown ups use and carry ID's with the ALL the time. No one. Because they live next to the border? So what, Now New Mexico, Texas, or even California should let this law pass?
Wow, that is so stupid, I sure as hell hope that the supreme court over rules this law as it is just a state law. --->>>>"Police will question anyone they 'reasonably suspect' of being undocumented, and illegal immigrants could be detained and handed over to federal authorities."

You can already tell police will be abusing the hell out of this law, I just don't get what is up with people today? Like someone stated, someone always just has to feel superior in some way.

Agreed. Every law is usually messed around in some way and is usually severely abused. That is most likely going to happen. You'd think they'd treat everyone equally. They say "man was created equal" yet they find some way to downgrade others. It's SHAMEFULL!

Doesn't seem like the U.S. is the land of dreams for immigrants anynore. It's turning more like a hell.

That law should seriously be over ruled.

@ Pips ~ People have had their ID cards. It's just now that Arizona Stated passed a law saying that any cop can ask to see your ID card whenever he feels like it. Even if you have not done anything wrong, even if you're just out for a walk.

This law is unscontitutional in the aspect that they're being complete asses to the hispanic population, because the state is a border state between Mexico
Posted on: 2010/4/27 9:41
  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Arizona [[LOVES]] Racial Profiling...? WHAT!?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285
And Pips, I think you might be interested in this video: Yahoo! UK Elections

Taiyou this is very scary indeed ...Maybe I got it all wrong and the UK live in such a perfect society that as a voting public don?t have to worry about a democratically elected parliaments as long as the Pubs are open..... Listen to the blond bimbo in particular, her lights are on but nobodies at home, did she actually reply when asked what is more important ...alcohol and hair?

Hi sakurablooms13....

What immigration policy did these states implement before ID cards..??
Posted on: 2010/4/27 5:51
  •  sakurablooms13
Re: Arizona [[LOVES]] Racial Profiling...? WHAT!?
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2007/10/10
A/S/L 19/female
Posts: 184


Why are you guys arguing and going off topic??

This news is very disappointing! How can they do this? To those saying how is this racial profiling?... Uh, hello, how is this not racial profiling, what COPS now a days are mind readers and knew who and such are immigrants? Who other than grown ups use and carry ID's with the ALL the time. No one. Because they live next to the border? So what, Now New Mexico, Texas, or even California should let this law pass?
Wow, that is so stupid, I sure as hell hope that the supreme court over rules this law as it is just a state law. --->>>>"Police will question anyone they 'reasonably suspect' of being undocumented, and illegal immigrants could be detained and handed over to federal authorities."

You can already tell police will be abusing the hell out of this law, I just don't get what is up with people today? Like someone stated, someone always just has to feel superior in some way.
Posted on: 2010/4/26 20:23
  •  GIGAcorrupt
Re: Arizona [[LOVES]] Racial Profiling...? WHAT!?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/3/1
A/S/L Potato. Genderless. Underground
Posts: 1193

Taiyou wrote:
LOL. The poor boy is having an identity crisis.

Haha!!! Niice
Posted on: 2010/4/26 19:02
  •  Unregistered
Re: Arizona [[LOVES]] Racial Profiling...? WHAT!?
LOL. The poor boy is having an identity crisis.
Posted on: 2010/4/26 17:52
  •  LoBFCanti
Re: Arizona [[LOVES]] Racial Profiling...? WHAT!?
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/3/5
A/S/L 20/M/Brooklyn,NY
Posts: 1226
That was a pretty bad comeback don't,you think?It's always the "I know you are!!!BUT WHAT AM I?!" reply Jiji here
Posted on: 2010/4/26 17:31
  •  Jiremi
Re: Arizona [[LOVES]] Racial Profiling...? WHAT!?
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/7/23
A/S/L "I can't wait to see you in the FuTuTuRe - Utada~"
Posts: 475

Taiyou wrote:

LoBFCanti wrote:
*gives Taiyou her popcorn* Wait,what did I miss?Was I right to avoid this thread originally?

Don't worry, you're just in time for the party. The kid is finally gonna get his ass handed to him.

Alex0821, I give you my utmost R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

And Pips, I think you might be interested in this video: Yahoo! UK Elections

Kid? By the way you act on here, someone might mistake you for one.
On Sunday, October 17, at 7:53 PM, Utada Hikaru replied to me on Twitter! ♥
Posted on: 2010/4/26 12:53
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