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Re: Twitter: Hikki | |
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Could someone please translate Hikaru's recent tweets from March?
SwallowTail |
Re: Twitter: Hikki | |
Joined: 2008/6/13
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Hikki's latest tweets Read more: http://japanese-music.boards.net/thread/48/eng-trans-hikaru-utadas-tweets?ixzz2henDfHPv=undefined&page=6#ixzz2kPiYWusMQuote: Quote: @utadahikaru Nov.12,2013,JST
カタカナの「ル」を書こうとするとほぼ必ず右側の「レ」みたいなのを先に書いてしまって 「はっ!失敗した!」と焦って左側の「ノ」を無理矢理押し込む形で書くので変に細い「ル」が出来上がる。 何故だ。芸名の一部なのに…
Writing “ル” of katakana, I almost always wright the right side “レ” first and think “Oops ! I failed !”. And then I add quickly the left side “ノ” into the tiny space. So the results are wired slim “ル”. Why? Even as it’s part of my stage name… Quote: @utadahikaru Nov.12,2013,JST
本名は「光」なのです! RT @hirotawara: 芸名なんや…
My real first name is “光” ! RT @hirotawara: Oh, it’s your stage name… Quote: @utadahikaru Nov.12,2013,JST
あ、分かった! 「カ」に続いて「ル」を書くとそうなるんだ! 「カ」の「ノ」を書いた直後だと、「ル」の「ノ」を既に書いた気分になっちゃって飛ばしちゃうんだ。 「ボーカル」という言葉を書いていて確信。
Aha, I just noticed ! That happens when I write “ル” following “カ” ! When I write “ノ” which is part of “カ”, I feel that I already write “ノ” which is part of “ル” and then I forget to write it (“ノ” of “ル”). I felt sure that, when I was writing “ボーカル” (vocal). Quote: @utadahikaru Nov.12,2013,JST
ちなみにツイートのきっかけがコレ… 殴り書きのくせに失敗に焦って変な点書いちゃってるし色々ひどい… pic.twitter.com/P8Cw5PSfkQ
By the way, this led me to my previous tweets… In spite of a scribbled memo, I got upset about the failure and wrote a weird dot. It's messed up a lot… https://twitter.com/utadahikaru/status/399962372426977280/photo/1 Credit to http://japanese-music.boards.net/thread/48/eng-trans-hikaru-utadas-tweets?ixzz2henDfHPv=undefined&page=6#ixzz2kPjOylmC
SwallowTail |
Re: Twitter: Hikki | |
Joined: 2008/6/13
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Latest translation tweets Quote: Oct.14,2013,JST
KUMA POWER HOUR収録中なんだが、 オープニングトークで何を言ったらいいのかわからなさ過ぎて脳みそ爆発しそう\(^o^)/ [Translation]
I’m recording for “KUMA POWER HOUR” now. I do not really know what to say at the opening talk. So my brain is ready to explode at any moment\(^o^)/
Quote: Oct.14,2013,JST
Hidebu : exploded
Quote: Oct.14,2013,JST
もう全然大丈夫だと思ってたのにオープニングトークでいろいろ謝ったりありがとうと言ったりして この二ヶ月を振り返ってしまうと泣いてしもて全然収録進まない\(^o^)/どうすっぺ\(^o^)/
I thought I was perfectly OK. But, as I apologized or said thank you in one way or another at the opening talk, I looked back at this 2 months and cried. The recording does not progress at all. \(^o^)/What shall I do?\(^o^)/ Quote: Oct.14,2013,JST
そうだ!くーまーぱーわーーー!ふぉうーっ! RT @tomineen: こういう時こそ、KUMA POWERだよ!
Right on ! KU―MA―PO―WER――― ! Whoopee ! RT @tomineen: Now is the time for KUMA POWER ! Quote: Oct.14,2013,JST
\\\\ ٩(`(エ)´ )و //// KUMA! KUMA! KUMA! Quote: Oct.15,2013,JST
データの転送でトラブったけどなんとか納品出来ましたよおはようございくまぼんじゅーる“(`(エ)´)ノ彡☆ !! KUMA POWER HOUR今夜22:00オンエアです! #kuma761
Though having had trouble with sending the data, I was barely able to get the order out. Good-morning-KUMA-Bonjour“(`(エ)´)ノ彡☆ !! KUMA POWER HOUR will be broadcasted at 22:00 today! #kuma761 Quote: Oct.15,2013,JST
関東がピンチな時に番宣するのもなんなんですが、もうすぐKUMA POWER HOUR放送です… #interfm の聞き方のご案内→ ow.ly/pPiow #radiko #LISMO_WAVE #kuma761
Though Kanto is in a pinch, let me promote my radio program. KUMA POWER HOUR will be broadcasted after a short time… How to listen to #interfm → ow.ly/pPiow #radiko #LISMO_WAVE #kuma761
☆ A big typhoon is on its way to Kanto region in Japan at the moment.
☆ Kanto region is the area to which the broadcast station of “KUMA POWER HOUR” can transmit the radio wave.
☆ KUMA POWER HOUR will be broadcasted at 10:00 pm today (Oct.15,2013,JST). Quote: Oct.15,2013,JST
KUMA POWER HOURお聴きくだすった皆さん、ありがとうございました。 今夜は「えっと」がいつに増して多くてすんません…。 オープニングとエンディングのBGMはかぼちゃ商会さんの「Chansommenier」という曲でした!#kuma761
I thank everyone who listened to tonight’s “KUMA POWER HOUR”. Sorry for saying a lot of “etto” (“well” or “let me see”) more than usual tonight … . BGM at the opening & ending was “Chansommenier” by “Kabocha Shokai” (Pumpkin firm) ! #kuma761 Quote: Quote: Quote: Oct.30,2013,JST
カタカナ表記?するとそうなるけど、本来の英語発音に近いのは「ジャッコランタン」 RT @bonjour55: 呼び名、ジャックオランタンだとずっと思ってた。
Though your spelling is correct as a *katakana notation (?), *“ジャッコランタン” is closer to proper English pronunciation. RT @bonjour55: I have thought all along that the name is “ジャックオランタン”.
* Katakana is one of three notations in Japanese. The others are “hiragana” and “kanji”.
[Example] Arigatou (meaning: thank you)
・ hiragana : ありがとう ・ katakana : アリガトウ ・ kanji : 有難う (”う” is hiragana.)
* “ジャッコランタン” = Jack-o'-Lantern /ˈdʒæk ə ˌlæntərn/ Jack-o'-Lantern is a pumpkin with a face cut into it and a candle put inside to shine through the holes. Halloween Credit to http://japanese-music.boards.net/thread/48/eng-trans-hikaru-utadas-tweets?ixzz2henDfHPv=undefined&page=5Please check the site
Re: Twitter: Hikki | |
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2012/8/5
A/S/L 22 / Male / Marseille
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I couldn't even believe her father could have written what people actually did not believe Utada wrote! lol It's too bad, coming from these people. Anyway, it is touching to see how much 49 days after the "hurricane", the rain is still falling down on Utada's heart!
Watashi hitohira no yuki ni hajikeru Watashi no omokage ga mienai ka na
Re: Twitter: Hikki | |
Joined: 2004/3/2
Posts: 1466
From tweets: Sounds like this episode of KUMA POWER HOUR is also prerecorded... and she may have had some trouble getting started from grief
Pips_Paradise |
Re: Twitter: Hikki | |
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
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Bereavement seems to be the weapon of choice to settle old family scores, timing is of the essence when extracting the aghast.
SwallowTail |
Re: Twitter: Hikki | |
Joined: 2008/6/13
A/S/L ∞ / M / Indonesia
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Here Hikki's latest translation, credit to Admin Japanese Music Board http://japanese-music.boards.net/thread/48/eng-trans-hikaru-utadas-tweets?page=2 Quote: Oct.11,2013,JST
母の49日も無事に済ませることができました。 母の弔い、供養に関しては、9月5日に事務所のサイトにて発表したメッセージ(bit.ly/fraelf)の通りです。
My mother’s ‘*49th day’ passed off quietly. My message about my consolation and praying for her soul is described on the official site, which was posted on Sep.5. (bit.ly/fraelf) Quote: Oct.11,2013,JST
最近の事務所サイトの書き込み(bit.ly/fraelf)について、私ではなく父が私の分も書いている、 父が故人の遺志さえ無視し全てを仕切っている、などという言いがかりをつけている方もいらっしゃるようですが、 なんの根拠もない主張にあきれてしまいます。
It seems that some people makes strange accusations. They say the recent my descriptions on the official site (bit.ly/fraelf) were written by not me but my father who ignores all my mother’s will and is running the whole show. I’m amazed at their groundless insistence. Quote: Oct.11,2013,JST
私と父の文章を比較すれば(bit.ly/fraelf)、同一人物による文章ではないことは 文体や構成、語彙の相違からしても一目瞭然です。(ぶっちゃけ私の方が器用にまとまった文章です。) これまで私の名の下に発表されたメッセージは全て一言一句、私によるものです。
If you compare my texts to my father’s (bit.ly/fraelf), you can clearly realize they were not written by the same person. There are big differences in style of writing, structure of sentences and vocabulary. (Frankly, my texts are more well-organized than his.) All my messages, even a single word, published under my own name have been written by me. Quote: Oct.11,2013,JST 身内の者が世間をお騒がせしております。お恥ずかしい限りです。 度々小遣い稼ぎに利用され傷ついた母が長年絶縁していた相手とはいえ、 身内を悪くは言いたくないのでこれまで静観していました。 彼が本当に母のためを思うならば公の場で醜態をさらさずに私に直接訴えればよいことです。
One of my relatives causes disturbances to the public. I’m ashamed of him. He had repeatedly used my mother to gain money and my mother with broken heart broke off the relation with him many years. I’ve adopted a wait-and-see stance to him because I didn’t want to say anything bad about my relative. If he truly thought of what's good for my mother, he should make a direct appeal to me instead of showing shameful behaviors in front of the public. Quote: Oct.11,2013,JST テレビや雑誌に出る度にギャラをもらっている人の発言・動機を鵜呑みにするような人達に どう思われようが構いませんが、 汚い嘘に傷つき追いつめられる父を見て黙っていてはいけないと思いました。 49日も過ぎました。 母が安らかに眠れるように、この騒ぎが一刻も早く終息を迎えることを切に願います。
Some people swallow remarks and incentives from people who get wages for each appearances on TV or magazines. I don’t care what they think. But I saw my father awfully bothered by the dirty lies. So I thought I shouldn’t keep quiet. The 49th day passed. I wish this disturbance will end as soon as possible and my mother will be able to rest in peace. Quote: Oct.11,2013,JST
礼儀として「事後のお知らせ」を発送しましたが、 それすら私ではなく父が勝手に出したものだなどと彼が主張していると聞き、とても残念です。 RT @jack_m_s: ヒカルさんから手紙が届いたと主張していますが、本当ですか?
As a matter of courtesy, I sent him a letter “An notification after-the-fact”. I hear that he insists the letter was sent by my father in a self-indulgent manner. That really disappoints me. RT @jack_m_s: He insists that he received a letter from you. Is it true? Quote: Oct.11,2013,JST
(Correction) This is the first time and the last time for me to mention the uncle. Read more: http://japanese-music.boards.net/thread/48/eng-trans-hikaru-utadas-tweets?page=3#ixzz2henDfHPvhttp://sankei.jp.msn.com/entertainments/news/131009/ent13100911280004-n1.htm
Re: Twitter: Hikki | |
Joined: 2007/12/30
A/S/L 20 / F / Manila, Philippines
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Quote: a_kikoo wrote: Sorry guys it's been very difficult trying to find time between 6 classes and 2 jobs.
Also, thank you for finding the translations. I really did enjoy translating Hikki's tweets for you all.
We understand, Akiko. Don't push yourself too much. Thank you for all the translations you've done
Utada Hikaru made my day on October 24, 2010 at exactly 6pm (Philippine time)
Re: Twitter: Hikki | |
Joined: 2004/3/2
Posts: 1466
Re: Twitter: Hikki | |
Joined: 2004/3/2
Posts: 1466
Quote: a_kikoo wrote: Sorry guys it's been very difficult trying to find time between 6 classes and 2 jobs.
Also, thank you for finding the translations. I really did enjoy translating Hikki's tweets for you all.
Big thank you Akiko for all that youve done for us!