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  •  tombraiderjmm
Re: Nicest People You've Met
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2004/9/27
Posts: 1623
Yeah I agree. LOL when I posted that about my friends, I almost started crying. They really mean alot to me. :3
Posted on: 2005/12/19 22:31
  •  Justin
Re: Nicest People You've Met
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2005/11/24
A/S/L Old enough to know better still too young to care/Male/USA
Posts: 14
Thanks, she was something special. I wish there were more people like her in this world to help others. Thank the gods for the friends who make us stronger. Without them we would be lost in doubt.
Posted on: 2005/12/19 9:56
  •  tombraiderjmm
Re: Nicest People You've Met
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2004/9/27
Posts: 1623
Aww, that's so nice Justin. She sounds like a great preson. I'm glad you were able to meet her. It's weird cause my friends give me confidence. I use to really shy, and mostly anything would make me cry. xD But I learned from my friends that it doesn't matter what people think about, you should live your life the way you want. So now I'm louder than I was in high school, and I'm way much braver.

I never really had trouble making friends, but I had a tough time talking for myself. But I'm different, and I do everything I've never done when I was in school. I'm glad I met them, cause they made me into a stronger person, and I'm really thankful for that. But sometimes I think I changed too much, I don't want to happen but I can't help it. xP
Posted on: 2005/12/17 13:02
  •  Miiko
Re: Nicest People You've Met
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2005/10/14
A/S/L 15/F/U.S
Posts: 76
Wai! That's a similar situation as to how I met my own friends. Frankly, I can be an arrogant person and I was really competitive awhile back. I still am, of course! But it's intresting that a person can be friends with the last person that they would expect in the first place.
Easy Breezy... She's got a new microphone! <[^_^]>
Posted on: 2005/12/17 10:23
  •  Justin
Re: Nicest People You've Met
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2005/11/24
A/S/L Old enough to know better still too young to care/Male/USA
Posts: 14
I've met a lot of people during my life and I have my share of friends, but I will never forget Yukako. . . She was the first Japanese person I ever met in my life. It was back when I went to college (taking a break from college now)and it was a day that changed my life.

During high school I spent most of my time learning that most people are jerks who judge you because you're not the best looking or you don't do great in math. So as you can guess I didn't have a great few of people at all outside my few friends and family. It took me awhile to work up the guts to join one of the college clubs at my old campus, but I joined the International Students' Club as the first American member. I frist met Yukako at the second club meeting and she sat with the other Japanese girls in the ISC. I thought they were going to be like most people and think I was nothing more than a dumb brute, but Yukako smiled at me and treated me like a person should be.

She didn't care that I wasn't the tall handsome American guy that she saw on TV. Yukako knew that I was just a nice guy who didn't talk a whole lot unless he was among friends. She saw the nice guy inside the tough guy and showed him that not all people are jerks and its okay to open up. She liked me for who I was inside and out. We even exchanged music CDs and went on a date before she went home to Japan. Thanks to her I was able to make more friends.

You could take the moon and all the stars in the night sky and turn them into a silver neckless, but still their beauty would be pale compared to Yukako; one of the kindest people on this Earth.

Sorry if I was a bit long winded, but I wanted to share the whole story with all of you.
Posted on: 2005/12/17 0:06
  •  tombraiderjmm
Re: Nicest People You've Met
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2004/9/27
Posts: 1623
Aww that's cool. I met alot cool people in my life. They been there, ever since we met. We I think about when we first met, and now. I've know them a long time. I have like 5 best friends that I know will always be there for me, no matter how far we live. And we still talk to each other, even though we are so far apart. And I know those 5 friends for more then 3 years now. I think it's pretty cool.

But I've met alot of interesting people, that it weirds me out. But I'm glad I met most of them, cause they are really nice and sweet. Very cool, that's mostly all I can say. xD
Posted on: 2005/12/16 21:04
  •  Miiko
Nicest People You've Met
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2005/10/14
A/S/L 15/F/U.S
Posts: 76
It doesn't necessarily mean you really know that person (as in a family member) but like a stranger or somebody you just know but you don't talk to. I have found one person that was like that. That was after I got into a really depressing mood after I realized what the world was /really/ like... I thought nobody really cares except your family and nobody really outside that.

My class were editing English papers and unfortunately, I didn't get enough sleep the night before. I had exams piling up and grades to fight for! My paper ended up doing rather poorly because of that. I was really embaressed when I switched papers. My editing partner asked the teacher about my paper if he was correcting it the right way. My teacher used my paper as a reference for things that a student "should not do" with me listed anonymous. But people started teasing. >.> But my parter claimed that it was his paper and that he just overanalyzed it bit too much.

And I thought he was going to poke fun at me in return in the first place...

I got through the rest of the day a little bit easier...
Easy Breezy... She's got a new microphone! <[^_^]>
Posted on: 2005/12/16 17:44
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