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If you could tell Utada one thing...
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/7/23
A/S/L "I can't wait to see you in the FuTuTuRe - Utada~"
Posts: 475
I'd tell her,"I'm your #1 fan in Ohio" and "you just made my day"

EDIT: And also the one who introduced me to everything I know today. Because of Utada, I have found a love for Japanese, Korean, and Chinese culture.
On Sunday, October 17, at 7:53 PM, Utada Hikaru replied to me on Twitter! ♥
Posted on: 2010/4/17 12:50
Subject Poster Date
     Re: If you could tell Utada one thing... Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/4/17 15:35
       Re: If you could tell Utada one thing... barried 2010/4/19 21:13
         Re: If you could tell Utada one thing... Unregistered 2010/4/19 21:50
           Re: If you could tell Utada one thing... paisith 2010/4/20 4:40
             Re: If you could tell Utada one thing... Unregistered 2010/4/20 6:04
           Re: If you could tell Utada one thing... hikaruomega 2010/4/22 17:53
             Re: If you could tell Utada one thing... percypenn 2010/4/22 22:48
     Re: If you could tell Utada one thing... Sylfi 2010/4/21 22:28
     Re: If you could tell Utada one thing... Hikkis1in1million 2010/5/2 3:45
       Re: If you could tell Utada one thing... kjazz 2010/5/2 11:15
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