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  •  Lord Snow
      Lord Snow
Tell me more...
Joined: 2004/3/4
Posts: 395
All right guys, seeing as how nobody seems to really want to get this ball rolling, I'm gonna toss up a bunch of threads, starting with this one and hope that I can spark some life into this place.

Tell me more about yourself. Don't be shy, nothign to fear here except for the fact that one or more of us might be some 50 year old, retired, gay german wrestler looking for younger people to prey on online... >.>

Heh heh, but yeah, tell me more. Let's get to know each other here for better or for worse.

Do you have any sort of blog? Use services like Friendster or Asianavenue and feel like seeing if people here at UN use the same services?

Well, as for me, I do use a site and Xanga for the purpose of keeping some sort of online journal.

Xanga can be found <a href="http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=LordSnow"> here</a> if your'e interested.

The site...well, I won't reveal that here as it's kind of like..MINE XD But yeah.

i dont' use service like AA or friendster but I know a surprisingly large number of people that do...go figure.

Any of you guys use web logs that you wouldn't mind sharing? If not...well, that's cool, at least I tried XD

Posted on: 2004/5/27 20:54
Subject Poster Date
     Re: Tell me more... HELVENEUE 2005/3/26 20:05
       Re: Tell me more... HRSnotberg4Life 2005/3/27 7:02
         Re: Tell me more... Lord Snow 2005/3/28 6:13
     Re: Tell me more... Kangrui 2004/5/29 1:55
       Re: Tell me more... seraphim 2004/7/17 13:25
     Re: Tell me more... Elfangor 2004/5/27 21:23
       Re: Tell me more... Gokie 2004/5/28 14:00
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