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  •  Jiremi
This is who I am: Jiremi
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/7/23
A/S/L "I can't wait to see you in the FuTuTuRe - Utada~"
Posts: 475
I guess it's never too late to introduce yourself, right?

So, this is who I am:
Hi, I like Burger King, #7. I think it's hilarious when I ask the staff at Best Buy and Gamestop questions I know they can't answer. When they don't give me a reply, I always want to know why the heck they work there. I like spending time in Wal-Mart. It's like my second home. I go to the music section and switch the order of CD's. I like to rant. I rant A LOT. I mean like, if you're around me for more than two minutes, it's more than likely that you'll hear what I dislike about BK, how Utada is the best singer ever, and how stupid people can be. I find sarcasm to be funny and if you talk to me, you'll get a good dose of it. I seem to start a lot of trouble on U-Net, but, I promise it's not intentional. Even though I might challenge your opinion, I definitely have no hard feelings towards you. I'm really a fun person once you get to know me!

My Utada story:
Once upon a time...
Okay, so for Christmas of 2002, my older brother got Kingdom Hearts as a present. I was in the room when he decided to play it. The opening came on, "I've been having these weird thoughts lately...". I sat there, excited, waiting for to begin. That's when a song began to play. It was fast and quite catchy (the chorus)and I instantly liked it. I would always ask my brother if I could play the game, and when he would say I could, I would restart, just to hear the song.

flashforward 4 years

Kingdom Hearts 2 was finally released. I didn't get the game right away, but the song was all I was worried about. A friend at school told me he got it. The first question I asked was, "Is the song any good?" And he told me it was okay and how there were two different versions. Once again, I was excited, but not for the game this time but the song. When I finally got the game, I rushed to my PS2, and put it in. When the song played, I was instantly hooked. Right after it ended, I looked Utada up on wikipedia and just studied. Looking back, it was quite obsessive. I went from wikipedia, to her website, and several other links. I was interested and decided to look her up on Youtube.

The first video that came up was "Be My Last". Honestly, I didn't like it and exited off of Youtube. The next day at school, the "ahhh ahh ahh" part of the song was drilled in my head. I decided to give it another try, and that's when I liked it...up until the part where she's hit by the car...there should have een a warning, because I laughed... hard. After that, I just looked up more and more and within a short period of time, Utada was my favorite singer.

I'm super grateful that I discovered Utada because along with her came Koda Kumi , Heartsdales, Se7en, and Rain. It was like a new-found wave of music slapped me across the face and yelled, "LISTEN TO ME!"

Over the years I've gotten a lot of flack for listening to music I can't understand. Who needs to? It's friggin' Utada, man!

So, that's my story. It's not as interesting as others, but it's one story I'm proud of and will never forget.

This is who I am.
On Sunday, October 17, at 7:53 PM, Utada Hikaru replied to me on Twitter! ♥
Posted on: 2010/8/16 12:28
Subject Poster Date
     Re: This is who I am: Jiremi soulhunter14 2010/8/16 22:01
       Re: This is who I am: Jiremi Jiremi 2010/8/17 10:48
         Re: This is who I am: Jiremi roovette04 2010/8/19 11:19
           Re: This is who I am: Jiremi Jiremi 2010/8/19 11:27
             Re: This is who I am: Jiremi GIGAcorrupt 2010/8/19 22:05
               Re: This is who I am: Jiremi roovette04 2010/8/21 10:46
                 Re: This is who I am: Jiremi GIGAcorrupt 2010/8/24 0:58
                   Re: This is who I am: Jiremi roovette04 2010/8/26 6:41
                     Re: This is who I am: Jiremi soulhunter14 2010/8/26 10:05
                       Re: This is who I am: Jiremi roovette04 2010/8/27 10:24
                         Re: This is who I am: Jiremi GIGAcorrupt 2010/8/29 16:32
                           Re: This is who I am: Jiremi SwallowTail 2010/8/29 22:04
               Re: This is who I am: Jiremi soulhunter14 2010/8/19 22:29
                 Re: This is who I am: Jiremi Jiremi 2010/8/19 23:31
                   Re: This is who I am: Jiremi soulhunter14 2010/8/20 11:52
                 Re: This is who I am: Jiremi GIGAcorrupt 2010/8/19 22:36
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