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  •  Jiremi
Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/7/23
A/S/L "I can't wait to see you in the FuTuTuRe - Utada~"
Posts: 475

LoBFCanti wrote:

Jiremi wrote:

LoBFCanti wrote:

Jiremi wrote:

LoBFCanti wrote:

Jiremi wrote:

LoBFCanti wrote:

Jiremi wrote:
I used to be amazing at dueling! I once beat somone in two turns (luck of the draw). I miss the popularity of Yu-Gi-Oh. I don't think it helped that they kept adding on seasons once Yugi wasn't the main prtagonist anymore .
Waking of the Dragons was one of the best seasons.

YGO actually the most celebrated community of trading card games at the moment.Konami is rollin' in yugi-dollas.There partnership with Shuiesha has been a wonderful free advertisement campaign for the game;The Shonen Jump regionals never fail to drawn in thousands of duelist.

Yeah, okay, but it's popularity ISN'T the same from what it was. The people that originally started out watching and playing don't anymore. And it's the only trading card game that acutually makes sense or have structure. As I see, most of you in this thread are talking about the video games. It is easy to pick those up and battle a random cpu, bravo. But I'm talking about the actual cards. I'd say at least, one in ten people might still play it...or might still have them. Face it, it's not the same anymore. It lost it's bam.


I also happen to still play the card game;been playing since 2003.

And you would happen to be that 1 in 10

You can't make such an assumption based only on your community,but I was more so replying towards:

Face it, it's not the same anymore. It lost it's bam.

I'm making my assumption based on America in general. Majority of the people who began playing yugioh have ventured off and dropped it. The point behind all of this is that Yu-Gi-Oh isn't as popular as it was. That's it, nothing else.

But that's where you are wrong.It's even more popular than it ever was.America's Yu-gi-oh community is 60% of the TCG,Canadians have to come to the US to play in jumps so often because they hit major cities and draw in staggering numbers of players.One jump just last year ran for 19 hrs straight because of so many people entering;it was only the first day of the competition too.

Canada is irrevlevant. Exactly, MAJOR CITIES.
On Sunday, October 17, at 7:53 PM, Utada Hikaru replied to me on Twitter! ♥
Posted on: 2010/4/18 14:06
Subject Poster Date
     Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/3/13 15:56
       Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/3/13 18:14
     Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! 山本_passion 2010/3/13 21:37
       Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! hikaruomega 2010/3/13 22:06
         Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! mudkip 2010/3/14 6:04
         Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/3/14 9:34
           Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/3/14 11:10
             Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/3/14 11:19
               Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/17 19:49
                 Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 6:31
                   Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 12:01
                   Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 12:01
                     Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 13:04
                       Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 13:30
                         Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 13:40
                           Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 13:51
                             Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 14:03
                               Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 14:06
                                 Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 14:35
                                   Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 14:53
                                     Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 15:06
                                       Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 15:09
                                         Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 15:29
                                           Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 15:38
                                             Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 15:46
                                               Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 16:02
                                                 Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 16:11
                             Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 17:31
                               Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 17:44
                                 Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 17:59
                                   Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 18:03
                                     Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/8/18 9:23
                                       Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/8/18 19:48
                                         Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/8/18 20:05
                                           Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/8/19 3:26
                                             Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/8/19 11:37
                                               Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/8/20 16:42
                           Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/4/18 14:07
                             Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 14:10
                               Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark_Armed_Dragon 2010/4/18 17:44
                       Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 16:15
                         Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 16:35
                           Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! LoBFCanti 2010/4/18 17:17
                             Re: Yu-Gi-Oh! Jiremi 2010/4/18 17:26
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