山本_passion wrote:
cube wrote:
山本_passion wrote:
She sounds great!!
Better than the wild life performance so far.
I hope the other new performance will be of an older song like first love, but i think it will be show me love, since that was one of the performances listed. I really hope it's an old song though. 
Yeah, that's what I thought. A lot better than the Wild Life.
Wasn't First Love also mentioned as a performance? I really think it's gonna be First Love but I wouldn't mind Show Me Love. She doesn't have too many j-rock songs and even then, she's rarely done those songs live.
Actually..after reading the article originally announcing the performances, I'm starting to think the performance was First Love. But nothing will really be certain until the actual thing airs.
Boo, what about Arashi no megami? D: It's the only song she didn't perform @ Wild Life >_> Plus, I actually don't think she's gonna perform First Love as it wouldn't promote the SC2, would it? but maybe I'm wrong, dunno ._.