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   Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ......


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  •  Pips_Paradise
Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ......
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2009/6/8
A/S/L 18/F/London
Posts: 1285
Well in a nutshell Hikki is able to come up with amazing melody?s that define the art of great song writing, producing some of the most popular CD?s in Japan, with the flair, encompassing fresh, original and utterly unique sounds.

For over a decade Hikki has put her heart and soul into, and in my humble opinion connecting with those qualities that give a total musical experience for her audience. ....
I have thought carefully about when I became a fan, it is bugging me in a rather mushy way, because I can't really put my finger on it, that moment the spark turns into a flame.....

My feelings tell me that I passed through a series of thresholds before that "Eurika" moment that hit all the right buttons..In adolescence the whole hormonal experience clouds the reasoning behind the ability to ?marvel at? instead of understanding the concept, that combines Hikki?s thoughts, themes and messages behind the music, so prior to 2008 and Heart Station, ?fan girl? springs to mind......

The appreciation of Hikki particular musical signature, an irresistibly exquisite mix of sometime intricate instrumentation and accessible melodies combined with the telltale vocal hooks for moi took time to get my head around .....

Thanks for great shares

Hoffa55 You had an audience with Mr T, the Ayatollah himself! , did you discuss anything? .. ....
Posted on: 2011/5/23 4:10
Subject Poster Date
     Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ...... hoffa55 2011/5/18 20:03
       Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ...... BlondeStevieX 2011/5/19 7:22
         Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ...... wickywoo 2011/5/19 7:37
     Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ...... ROB612 2011/5/19 13:30
       Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ...... JimJam 2011/5/19 16:49
         Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ...... LilMissPocket-Size 2011/5/21 21:56
           Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ...... Pips_Paradise 2011/5/23 4:10
     Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ...... Josh_Shing 2011/5/26 12:02
       Re: Describe the moment you became a Utada fan ...... Jayenciel 2012/4/15 2:01
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