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  •  gardenhose
Re: Could you write out?
UtadaNet Newbie
Joined: 2009/8/4
Posts: 8
I guess I can type it out in English since no one has done it yet. Just a heads up, I'll put some of the actions she does as well so you'll have a better understanding of when she is saying certain things corresponding to the actions. I also have changed a few parts or left out some of her mumbling or "um"s just so it makes more sense.


Mic check, Mic check. 1, 2. 1, 2.

Hello, this is Utada. (Points to camera) Wait this is the camera, yeah? Okay. (Laughs) Oh my god this is- I find this very embarrassing. Um, lets see.. I'm here overseas, virtually unknown in the states. Now I'm not trying to break in from outside, but rather I'm trying to make something break from inside.. With the first single "Come Back to Me," (Playing in the background) I think it is very unexpected for my old fans, but I think I got a very mainstream sound out of it. And actually the whole new album that's coming out- Not quite sure when, in a couple of months? Its really good pop I would say. I can't wait for you all to hear. The title of the album is- This is funny because I just walked in today here, and the first thing Vince said to me was "Oh, I love your new song Come Back to Me. I know you from your old stuff, but I think this is the one! This is the one!" And I had to smirk. (Phone rings) Ooh! (Picks up phone) Sorry, I had to answer that. I felt like I had to. It was a very natural reaction. I was like wait? Why am I picking up the phone. Sorry. Back to the topic. And the funny thing is, the title of the album which I hadn't officially released yet is actually "This is the One." And I guess it was the right title if it was the first thing Vince said to me. A little bit of magic there- a magical moment. What else? And uh, a little bit of name dropping maybe? I worked with Stargate on this single "Come Back to Me" and they are a couple of really tall skin headed Norwegian guys who look like they could be jumping off a big hill side in the Olympic games. You have the skis on, and take off of a big hill?(Gets up to demonstrate, someone in the background says that its called Ski Jump) That's Stargate. That's what they look like. So in the studio it was these two Norwegian guys and this little Japanese girl, and we were making a very pop and mainstream-ish song like "Come Back to Me". I thought it was just hilarious. I got a big kick out of it. They're so geeky, and I'm kind of geeky too so it worked out well. But if you hear the song, you would never guess it was these geeks outside from a cold country. The refined elegance of music- I really don't know where it comes from. And for other songs form the album I also worked with Tricky. That was great too. We did recording in Atlanta, Georgia on Independence day, and everyone was out having barbecues on their lawns and I was stuck in my hotel room, writing a song. I didn't see fireworks, but then, fireworks in Japan are the best. Lets see.. Is that about it? Have I covered all my bases? I think I covered all my bases. Well then, that's it. Bye!
Posted on: 2012/8/13 13:39
Subject Poster Date
     Re: Could you write out? GIGAcorrupt 2012/7/10 0:40
       Re: Could you write out? truth1999 2012/7/16 6:22
         Re: Could you write out? Be0wu1f 2012/7/17 7:05
           Re: Could you write out? Son_Takahani 2012/7/28 0:30
             Re: Could you write out? gardenhose 2012/8/13 13:39
               Re: Could you write out? truth1999 2012/10/31 18:28
     Re: Could you write out? coldbread 2012/11/1 1:02
     Re: Could you write out? michaeljee 2013/2/20 3:14
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