First English Message in 2009

Date 2009/1/17 21:39:00 | Topic: 宇多田ヒカル News

Hikki posts her first English message of 2009.
She talks about her album, myspace, how she'll be communicating with fans, and shows a picture of "KUMA" written in the snow.
Well hello, hello!

Is it too late even for a belated belated Happy New Year?

I'm finishing up my new album right now. There's no way it can be released as early as IDJ has announced lol But they are rushing to get this out there for all of you to hear, and that is a very good sign :) It means the album sounds gooood :)

I started up a myspace page! (Is "page" the right word?) You can listen to my new single there.

I do plan to start posting messages on myspace soon, start up a dialogue with peeps who have posted messages for me, but that feels premature at the moment. Maybe when I am finished with the album, when, hopefully, we will have managed to generate some sort of response to the music, outside of the internet.

Having said that, I'd like to clarify that this u3music site will remain to be the most personal ("chatty") outlet of my thoughts and feelings.

Yours Truly,


This article comes from Utada

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