Single Collection Volume #2's First Week Sales?
What is Utada's LIKELIEST first week numbers (or five oficial days in the 11/22-29 Oricon calendar) for SCV2 in current J-pop industry trends, her hiatus announcement, and the unusually (for Hikki) heavy pre-promotion for it?
100,000-200,000+ units sold (No way!)
250,000-300,000+ units sold (Better, but still lower than expected...)
350,000-400,000 units sold (Sizeable, but Utada should be able to do it better...)
450,000-500,000 units sold (Nice!...for Ayu, Namie or Koda Kumi maybe...)
550-750,000 units sold (Exceptional in the current CD sales drought!)
800-950,000 units sold (The true elite numeros...)
1,000,000+ units sold (Oricon Million Jackpot!)
1,050-1,250,000+ units sold (ln 1 day, just like the Distance and Deep River eras)...
1,300-1,400,000+ units sold (Just like SCV1 before it!)
1,500,000+ units sold (In our wildest dreams...)