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  •  Macdan
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Insane Hikki Fan
Joined: 2008/7/19
A/S/L M/ Singapore
Posts: 1050
Actually I do understand why SwallowTail locked the thread... It is not that he just personally dislikes it... I also agree that everyone appreciates UH in their own way, but discussing about other people's boobs... I think this should be discussed privately... and not done openly... Meanwhile the public can have access to the thread... and what if they just read the title? I think it will reflect badly on the community...

I do have such desires (not as if I am some pure being)... and I don't think discussing about the opposite gender is bad... but then again, I think this type of things should not be discussed publicly... and we do have underage users whether public and utadanet users, it is kind of a bad influence for young Utada fans...
Posted on: 2009/8/25 9:40
  •  Unregistered
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
I checked the original thread out and - although I am lesbian and not ashamed to admit that - it wasn't really my thing. I like Hikki's music and think she's attractive, to be sure. But to focus just on ONE part of her body and objectifying her does kinda bother me.

However, I know that guys (and lesbians) like looking at boobs. It's a fact of life for anyone who is attracted to women. It's like those straight women that like to see guys with 6-pack abs. So while the objectification bothers me, objectification just bothers me in general and not solely with Hikki in specific.

She's a talented singer and producer who happens to be a woman. *shrugs* That's pretty much all I have to say about it.
Posted on: 2009/8/25 10:48
  •  ItsDaveyJ
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2009/3/4
A/S/L 19/m/ny
Posts: 92
Personally, I am a guy and I am glad that it was locked. I too found it to be rather sexist. It is one thing to say that she has nice breasts and another thing to post a bunch of pictures zooming in on that one aspect of her. That is the difference between a compliment on a feature, and stepping over the line. Utada has never presented herself in an outwardly sexual way, and so I don't think she wants herself to be viewed in that manner. She has always been about her music, and has tried to distance herself from the Hollywood kind of sexuality.

To Shurikid too, I believe you said something about when a girl (or boy) puts on something provocative they know the reaction it will get. There are several things wrong with that, first, Utada is a pop icon, and thus she has to stay up on fashion to a degree, and when fashion dictates that low cut is in, you kind of have to go low cut. Second, I'm sure she doesn't always get to pick out her clothes, she must have a stylist. I wouldn't be surprised if she saw her outfits only 5 minutes before putting them on. And there is a total difference to wearing a mini skirt and wearing something that says Juicy on the butt. The words explicitly state what the wearer wants the viewer to think, the mini skirt alone could mean something entirely different to the wearer than what the viewer thinks. There is personal responsibility, but Utada has always been tasteful, so I don't think we can tell her to be mindful of what she wears because she has done nothing to deserve that. Now if you are talking about Kim Kardashian or someone like that... that is a different story.

Another thing, you said somewhere that guys would just feel complimented if someone complimented them on their abs. There is a key difference there, a guy must either lift up his shirt or take it off for them to be seen. He CHOOSES for them to be seen, a girl and her breasts, no matter what she wears, cannot really hide her double d breasts very well. It is time that we realize that the responsibility is not on the woman for what she wears (unless it is really trashy and shows the person is really trying) and realize that the guys (or girls or w/e) are just being pervs.

And a final note, posting pictures showing how "hot" her breasts are is not "discussing" a part of her body.
Posted on: 2009/8/25 10:55
  •  yvliew
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Hikki Fanatic
Joined: 2005/4/24
Posts: 180
"Utada has never presented herself in an outwardly sexual way"

Then what's with the hole on her blouse in the Nintendo DS commercial? Is tat necessary?
Posted on: 2009/8/25 10:59
  •  ItsDaveyJ
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Addicted to Hikki
Joined: 2009/3/4
A/S/L 19/m/ny
Posts: 92
I haven't seen it so I will look it up right now.

If it is the red outfit, I would hardly call that sexual. Just taking in design aspects, without having the hole there it wouldn't seem visually balanced, it would seem like a giant red rectangle. The hole in the center allows for the eye to not be overwhelmed by the very strong and vibrant red. At least that is what I would think if I was the designer, but again, this was probably selected by a stylist and not Utada. Also, this was hardly what I would call sexual, a little bit of cleavage like that shouldn't be enough to constitute her outfit being something with a part of it made to specifically entice the viewer.
Posted on: 2009/8/25 11:06
  •  Unregistered
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
I think this whole thing is just silly. Stop overreacting, it's just breasts.
Posted on: 2009/8/25 11:56
  •  Josh_Shing
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2008/6/21
A/S/L 19/M/Washington
Posts: 828
Eh that thread was gonna go down sooner or later. So obvious i mean we're focusing on her BOOBS. There's so many wrong things there.

Personally i think the "Post rare/favorite pictures of hikki" thread is better. Once in a while there'll be new material. I LOVE new stuff. Lol But who doesn't though?
"Do what you want and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Anonymous
Posted on: 2009/8/25 15:46
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/2/10
A/S/L 18/GQ?/CA
Posts: 431

ItsDaveyJ wrote:
Personally, I am a guy and I am glad that it was locked. I too found it to be rather sexist. It is one thing to say that she has nice breasts and another thing to post a bunch of pictures zooming in on that one aspect of her. That is the difference between a compliment on a feature, and stepping over the line. Utada has never presented herself in an outwardly sexual way, and so I don't think she wants herself to be viewed in that manner. She has always been about her music, and has tried to distance herself from the Hollywood kind of sexuality.

To Shurikid too, I believe you said something about when a girl (or boy) puts on something provocative they know the reaction it will get. There are several things wrong with that, first, Utada is a pop icon, and thus she has to stay up on fashion to a degree, and when fashion dictates that low cut is in, you kind of have to go low cut. Second, I'm sure she doesn't always get to pick out her clothes, she must have a stylist. I wouldn't be surprised if she saw her outfits only 5 minutes before putting them on. And there is a total difference to wearing a mini skirt and wearing something that says Juicy on the butt. The words explicitly state what the wearer wants the viewer to think, the mini skirt alone could mean something entirely different to the wearer than what the viewer thinks. There is personal responsibility, but Utada has always been tasteful, so I don't think we can tell her to be mindful of what she wears because she has done nothing to deserve that. Now if you are talking about Kim Kardashian or someone like that... that is a different story.

Another thing, you said somewhere that guys would just feel complimented if someone complimented them on their abs. There is a key difference there, a guy must either lift up his shirt or take it off for them to be seen. He CHOOSES for them to be seen, a girl and her breasts, no matter what she wears, cannot really hide her double d breasts very well. It is time that we realize that the responsibility is not on the woman for what she wears (unless it is really trashy and shows the person is really trying) and realize that the guys (or girls or w/e) are just being pervs.

And a final note, posting pictures showing how "hot" her breasts are is not "discussing" a part of her body.

The thread was ONE thread amidst a wide variety of other threads discussing other topics. This is such utter hypocrisy; we can have a discussion surrounding ONLY Hikki's singing and that's fine, but her breasts are off limits unless we add something else to the conversation? Both are natural aspects of her beautiful person. Why can we discuss one but not the other?

First of all, NO. I can tell when a guy has abs even if he's wearing a shirt. It's obvious. Second of all, you're right, a girl can't hide her breasts- NOR should she feel compelled to under any circumstances! A woman's breasts are natural. Clothing is unnatural. This is what I'm trying to get at. Western modesty is such BS; it's all about feeling ashamed of the physical human body and trying to avoid any sort of discussion about it whatsoever except when absolutely necessary. There is NO DIFFERENCE between a man's chest and a woman's chest except for socially conditioned perceptions resulting from a twisted development of the human consciousness. Also, you claim the responsibility is not on the woman, but I repeat that, in the end, no one else dresses her. If Utada didn't want to wear something, it's not like she would have to; it's ultimately her choice. Moreover, it's not like it can be MY FAULT for looking at her breasts. I'm not going to pretend a completely obvious part of the female body doesn't exist just to serve some weird concept of morality that someone else wants to impose upon me. Women have breasts. I notice them. That isn't my fault. Blame nature. See if it cares.

People weren't only posing pictures. They were commenting on her breasts and how they found them to be nice/sexually appealing/whatever. I.E., discussion. So your "other note" fails.


Taiyou wrote:
I think this whole thing is just silly. Stop overreacting, it's just breasts.

Again, this isn't about the breasts for me. It's about the concept of a moderator locking a thread based on his own personal moralities without any rules to back his decision. THAT is wrong.


Josh_Shing wrote:
Eh that thread was gonna go down sooner or later. So obvious i mean we're focusing on her BOOBS. There's so many wrong things there.

Such as?

I like the "rare/favorite pictures of hikki" thread better, too, but that doesn't mean other people should be barred from sharing amongst each other things which interest them and which no one else has to involve themselves with. This is about fairness, not preference. :/

Posted on: 2009/8/25 20:38
  •  SwallowTail
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Joined: 2008/6/13
A/S/L ∞ / M / Indonesia
Posts: 3286
First of all sry for late reply and i'm gonna explained why i locked those thread

My consideration why i locked the thread

1. This is the biggest Utada fansite with over 7000 members, there are minor but if the public sees this it may look bad on this credibility of this site .

2. I'm not thinking on one perspective only.
First : Shuri/Eli you got wrong point of view when you said, when your sister talking a compliment about Joe Jonas (i don't know about him...The Jonas Brother Band perhaps, correct me if i'm wrong) and lets say we change Utada to your sister, first you guys said she got nice breast and you think its still a compliment and next they talking about nipple


and next they talk about booty what next another part of her body that gotten more privacy. Its not about sex orientation, i am gonna ask you ask brother will you or will you not consider that as a sexual harassment.And this time you were just a fans.

Second : Lets say this girl is your friends and think about what i said earlier
Third : Think as you were Teruzane Utada , does anyone of you ever think that thread also insult him since HIkaru were his daughter.
Fourth : Think you were on her side, she not consider that also a sexual harassment.

Its not the picture the reason i lock the thread, somne of the words should i post it. Sexual harassment not just physically , mentally but you can do that by words.

Should i wait until you guys cross the line as Utada Fans.
Another point of view. Let say you and your friends in a cafe and saw a sexy girl in your perspective. And you guys talking about part of her body and etc ,what if this girl know and her friends will she just quiet and not consider that as sexual harassment. And trying to take different view that she was your friends. Will yo stand still and do nothing.

And this time we were just Utada fans no more no less , have any one of you ever spoke in person to Utada and be her friends.
And Quote:
Sorry Hikki! We had to entertain ourselfs.. Havent heard from you so long!! we got bored

Is this a everybody reason for making the thread, or a sole purpose.
I am a man and yes i don't denied it she is sexy , but i prefer talk it not in public place where anyone can read it.

3. And with that reason does my right to lock the thread were solely my own purpose, because it was a popular thread. I'm not trying to liking you all, but like the first reason this is a public place. Does with those reason i explained to lock thread were solely my own purpose? no need to answer... ask yourself.

Thank you


PS: if you guys have any question i will glad to answer it. Actually when i log on .. i thought there will be lots of PM regarding i lock the thread ..... but come on guys, only 2 PM i got
Posted on: 2009/8/25 20:41
Re: Swallowtail and his imagination
Hikki Obsessed
Joined: 2007/2/10
A/S/L 18/GQ?/CA
Posts: 431

SwallowTail wrote:
First of all sry for late reply and i'm gonna explained why i locked those thread

My consideration why i locked the thread

1. This is the biggest Utada fansite with over 7000 members, there are minor but if the public sees this it may look bad on this credibility of this site .

2. I'm not thinking on one perspective only.
First : Shuri/Eli you got wrong point of view when you said, when your sister talking a compliment about Joe Jonas (i don't know about him...The Jonas Brother Band perhaps, correct me if i'm wrong) and lets say we change Utada to your sister, first you guys said she got nice breast and you think its still a compliment and next they talking about nipple


and next they talk about booty what next another part of her body that gotten more privacy. Its not about sex orientation, i am gonna ask you ask brother will you or will you not consider that as a sexual harassment.And this time you were just a fans.

Second : Lets say this girl is your friends and think about what i said earlier
Third : Think as you were Teruzane Utada , does anyone of you ever think that thread also insult him since HIkaru were his daughter.
Fourth : Think you were on her side, she not consider that also a sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment not just physically , mentally but you can do that by words.

Should i wait until you guys cross the line as Utada Fans. Its not about picture but also words.

Another point of view. Let say you and your friends in a cafe and saw a sexy girl in your perspective. And you guys talking about part of her body and etc ,what id this girl know and her friends will she just quiet and not consider that as sexual harassment. And trying to take different view she was your friends. Will yo stand still and do nothing.

And this time we were just Utada fans no more no less , have any one of you ever spoke in person to Utada and be her friends.
And Quote:
Sorry Hikki! We had to entertain ourselfs.. Havent heard from you so long!! we got bored

Is this a everybody reason for making the thread, or a sole purpose.
I am a man and yes i don't denied it she is sexy , but i prefer talk it not in public place where anyone can read it.

3. And with that reason does my right to lock the thread were solely my own purpose, because it was a popular thread. I'm not trying to liking you all, but like the first reason this is a public place. Does with those reason i explained to lock thread were solely my own purpose? no need to answer... ask yourself.

Thank you


PS: if you guys have any question i will glad to answer it. Actually when i log on .. i thought there will be lots of PM regarding i lock the thread ..... but come on guys, only 2 PM i got

Thank you Swallowtail. I very much appreciate hearing your stance on this issue and your explanation as to why you locked the thread. Here is what I have to say:
I am not going to debate with you your morals and your feelings, because I've been doing that enough lately. Go look at any of my other posts and you will know my position. This isn't my concern, I was only debating with other people to pass the time and keep the thread alive; plus I tend to get drawn into tangents. In terms of your action and the motives behind it, which is what's bothering me, I have only one request: please cite a rule from the list of official UtadaNet forum rules (http://www.utadanet.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=4&forum=1) which supports your decision and explain how and why it does so. If you are incapable of doing so, unlock the thread. Simple. If you, as a moderator, can not find a rule which condones your action, compensate for it by fixing your action. This isn't about your feelings or your viewpoints, this is about being fair to the other members of the forums. If no rules were broken, then the thread should not have been locked.

Again, thank you for responding.

Posted on: 2009/8/25 21:12
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